H. G. Bedwell In Chicago., Daily Racing Form, 1912-04-26


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H G BEDWELL IN CHICAGO CHICAGOII II G Bedwcli Americas most successful horse ¬ man of the present day passed through Chicigo yesterday en route from Charleston to Coeur riAIeue where he plans to race this spring His horses nix on the way west and will reach the Coenr dAleuo track on Sunday next Mr Bedwell will also race at Lagoon and on the Montana tracks He plans to dispose of the major portion of ills stable of twenty seven horses before fall when he expects to return east with about a dozen horses horsesMr Mr Bedwell who has a faculty for keeping in ¬ formed with regard to racing prospects in various sections of the country is firmly of the opinion that racing will be continued at Charleston next winter in spite of the recent legislative enactments against betting in South Carolina His confidence is hastil on the policy of noninterference In Charleston af ¬ fairs pursued by the state authorities of Smith Carolina Local sentiment he avers is strongly in favor of a continuation of racing racingMr Mr Bedwell has also received encouraging In ¬ formation of the status of movements for the restoration of winter racing at New Orleans and iu California The recently elected governor of Louisi ¬ ana is credited with having expressed himself in favor of local option on the subject of racing and it Is represented that the people of New Orleans an in favor of a revival of the snort that contributed to the prosperity of the Crescent City in former years A local option plan is also under considera ¬ tion in California

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912042601/drf1912042601_1_7
Local Identifier: drf1912042601_1_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800