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EASTERN AMATEUR SEASON TO OPEN New York April 25 The season of amateur rac ¬ ing about New York will be launched Saturday when the Itockaway Hunting Club will conduct a cneday meeting at Cedarhurst L I This Is one of the smaller meetings of the amateur sportsmen but a good program has been arranged and It serves to open a season that bids fair to be a good one until late fall fallFor For the racing Saturday the officials announced re reStewards Stewards Fletcher Harper Henry W Bull J E Davis A Butler Duncan Antelo Devereus DevereusJudges Judges H A Bourne and E C Cowdln CowdlnStarter Starter J H Bradford BradfordPaddock Paddock Judge Edward S Voss VossPatrol Patrol Judges H F Godfrey Hamilton Hadden Albert J Akin Henry M Earle Alfred L Norris and Edward A Lynch LynchHandicapper Handicapper BryanClerk Frank J Bryan Clerk of the Scales George W Gall GallOne One of the principal races of the day is a handi ¬ cap for galloways for which Handicapper Bryan has assigned weightsCulvert the following weights Culvert 158 The Thief 148 Petlts Chevaus 145 Klnderhook 143 Emily G 142 Jimmie 140 Royal 140