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FIFTH RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 98203 140 4 97 MAIZIE GIRL b f 4 113 By Tim Payne Chico J Schreiher 2201 CdAlene 1 116 14S fast 75 109 3 2 1 IS 15 Gross 5 Zoroaster Force Dr White 2147 C dAlene 1 141J last S5 107 3 5 4 32J 2 Gross 5 Figent Sugar Lump Ben Uncas 067 C dAlene 1 141 slop 95 10S 2 5 5 5IC30 4 4T Selden G Abound Ben Uncas Ed T Fryer IC30 Juarez 1 141 sood 5 110 365 31 2l Moleswh 6 Ocean Queen Mamac Whidden 1595 Juarez 1 1411 fast 2 10S 1 5 4 G 71 Moleswh 7 OcQueen L M Eckert BMate 1503 Juarez 7S 126 fast 4 105 6 6 3 31 3 Estep 6 EyeWhlte Gelico FMnlholland 1433 Juarez 1 l41g fast 75 107 6 7 6 21 1 Taplln 8 Mamac Zulu Judge Walton 1409 Juarez 1 139 fast 3 105 1 4 3 11 1s Taplin 7 FMuIhold OQueen BofFortn 1326 Juarez 1 l33g fast 76 105 7 3 3 3MARGARET 2n s j Taplln 8 Black Mate Jnnn Fern L MARGARET RANDOLPH h m 7 108 By Longstreet Metrical Trowhridge Omcer 2230 C dAlene 1 l41g fast 10 106 4 1 1 1214C V 21 Grotb S S Lump Johnstown Dr White 214C C dAlene 51 f 1071 fast 15 109 5 6 5 6 J Cavangh 7 Binocular High Street Zool 2062 C dAlene 61 f l09g slop 10 109 2 4 3s 34 Cavangh 8 Roberta Binocular Sona 99131 C dAlene 78 1291 fast 15 111 7 8 10 10 Gross 12 Faneuil Hall Triste Norgorod 99030 C dAlene 68 l02g fast 16 109 8 7 79S884 7 63 Gross 10 ReyelTovar NatlveSon RioPecos 9S884 C dAlene 78 129 good 7 111 2 2 4 49S502 10 9JJ Callahan 12 Rusty Coat Triste Reene W 9S502 C dAlene 34 1141 fast 10 109 3 3 39S3CC 3 3s Frasch 12 Marie Hyde Balella Bon Bard 9S3CC C dAlene 34 115H fast 3 106 7 7 7MISPRISION 31 1 ° Cavangh 8 Mossbnck Malzie Girl Mcada McadaBy MISPRISION ch m 108 By Intrusive Lucky Pet Quinlan Higel 2101 C dAlene 1143 fast 6 108 5 5 5 4 4 J Gross 5 Florence A E Stewart Marigot 1770 Juarez 1 1413 fast 10 104 10 11 11 1110S3 71 5s A Murray 11 KlddyLee KMoving LllyPaxton 10S3 Juarez 11404 fast 15 104 2 6 S 7 712 Gross 8 Abound Bob Farley Layminster 1600 Juarez 1 18 l59g mud 3J 105 4 4 4 4 4 Gross 4 Onatassa Jim Calterata Figent 1548 Juarez 1 1404 fast 4 104 3 5 5 4 23 Gross 5 Oc Queen P Vision Flyg Pearl Pearl5k 1506 Juarez 1 1403 fast 10 110 6 7 7 5k 7 j Gross 8 Tim Judge Onatassa LMEckert 1397 Juarez 1 18 1551 fast 21 103 4 6 4 4OSCURO 21 121 Gross 7 Greenbdge DottieB VLIndsey VLIndseyBy OSCURO hr e 4 105 By Rey el Sant Anita La Toluca E F Wright 2229 C dAlene 1 1411 fast 8 104 236 41 55J Carter 8 ETFryer Layminster BUncas 2127 C dAlene 34 1154 fast 31 106 4 6 620C4 42 3 i Carter G TMcGee ASlnpskey Kid Nortu 20C4 C dAlene 51 f 110 slop 12 103 6 6 2 21 Carter S GilbertRose BillyJIyer ReeneW ReeneW6l 1770 Juarez 1 1413 fast 15 101 5 7 7 6l 751 Grolh 11 KlddyLee KMoving LilyPaxton LilyPaxtonGU 1714 Juarez 7S 1261 fast 15 101 3 8 8 816S5 GU 10 Groth 10 Gns Hartridge Heretic Zulu 16S5 Juarez 1 1404 fast 15 104 7 5 5 8 80 R Hoffman 8 Abound Bob Farley Layminster 1151 Juarez 1 1411 fast 6 105 4 8 9 9TAHOE 7nk 9 3Carter 10 Onatassa Wicket Hannis HannisBy TAHOE h g 4 HO By Mazagan Bahy Lamh J 0 G H Keene 2248 c7 dAlene 1 1414 fast 30 102 5 C C G 652 H Radtke G DWarfleld LCrecd Portarlton 2187 C dAlene 1 l41g fast 25 115 7 8 8 81CS7 7 7221H Radtke S Hm Maid SBarber Old Mexico 1CS7 Juarez 1 14 2OS 2084 fast 10 98 444 4441M1 4 411 H Radtke 4 Whiddon Juan Wolferton 1561 Juarez 1 18 1532 fast 41 106 0 6 5 5If 45 4 i Selden 6 JCafata TBDaugbr Gbridge Gbridge3S If 1525 Juarez 1 1S 154 fast 4 98 8 8 6 3S li Selden 8 Vclsini JCafferata VirgLIndsey 1448 Juarez 1 18 1561 fast 45 10G 7 6 4 21 Taplln 7 Marigot Pedro Strite 1372 Juarez 1 18 1542 fast 75 105 9 9 7 7WICKET 31 33 Moleswh 10 Rake Dottle B Rubinon WICKET t r 11 ° By Hamilton H Cricket Cotton Thompson 2229 C dAlene 1 1413 M4 fast 15 113 4 t f G r 5 Scl E Cotton S ETFryer Layminster BUncas 2124 C dAlene 5S 101 fast 15 US 77 6 513E Cotton 8 BenGreeuleaf Ilex Sliort Cut CutS 1771 Juarez 1 139 fast 20 104 7 S 9 917V S 8IZ E Cotton 10 Ben Wilson BobLynch Abound 17V Juarez 1 1391 fast 20 108101010 9 S E Cotton 11 Laymlnster Pitapat L Creed 1701 Juarez 1141 fast 15 104 5 2 6 6JSSiSSS 7 78J Kederis 7 Mamac FMholnd LMchmont G 65 Kederis G OceanQuecn MalzioGirl Mamac JSSiSSS iiiSiSfS Si i I G 45 B Cotton 7 OcQueen L M Eckert BMate BMateBy By Filigiane Miss McMeekin E J Ramsey SBB Vl41ifast 100 3 7 7 7 7 7 = Cavangh 8 Sigurd Figent Chilla 2246 C dAlene 24 114 fast 150 105 S S S6SS74 7 715 Cavangh S Ravaria Star Blue Ada Meade 6SS74 C dAlene 1 1411 good 60 107 577 5779S910 G G JRosen 7 Pawhnska R Coat Dntch Rock 9S910 C dAlene 7S 1271 good 20 110 4 7 7 79SS49 7 7Jo Rosen 8 Venetian Salali Heretic 9SS49 C dAlene 7S 1288 slow C 103 6 7 7 79S320 7 714ilmes 8 Twickenham Venetian Salali 9S320 Helena 38 1141 fast 112 1 Rosen 4 Milt Jones Kinfolks Wabanan Wabananjzo 98097 Anaconda 1 1491 slow C5 104 3 1 1 1CUVINA jzo JIB imes 5 JOLantcrn LMcNallyLCatcs LMcNallyLCatcsBy CUVINA ch m 5 By Cunard Divina California Stahle 2 T C dAlene 34 116 fast 15 112 1 5 r 4S 3J Kirschm 11 Dromi Montauk Don Odelia 2163 C dAlene 34 1151 fast 31 lOo 2 2 11 I1 Gross 7 Originator Dene Galenu Gale GaleG 101 C dAlene 5S l01g eood GO 102 G Gfci G 5JFord 8 Americns By Myer Bellsnicker BellsnickerBy By St Avonicus Wheel of Fortune II E J Salt fci u 11 S W Taylor 12 ASHipskoj G Gale Bollsnicker 3 Gilbert 7 Royal River Denu Netting Nettingf1 f1 Riddle 7 Chanticlor Hooray Dene it7roii Vancouver 1 l41g fast 119 2 1 Riddle 8 Matador IrisbMail BarOldfleld 973X5 Vancouver 1 141 fast 112 21 Leeds S Hooray Matador Dene