untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1912-06-05


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Utah Montana Racing Circuit LAGOON PAIR AND RACING ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATIONSALT SALT LAKE CITY UTAH UTAHBUTTC BUTTC JOCKEY CLUB AND FAIR ASSOCIATION and ANACONDA JOCKEY CLUB CLUBMONTANA MONTANA MONTANAELEVEN ELEVEN STAKES TO BE RUN DURING THE SUMMER MEETINGS AT LAGOON AND BUTTE 1912 1912ENTRIES ENTRIES CLOSE SATURDAY JUNE 15 Lagoon Fair and Racing Association AssociationTHE THE LAGOON INAUGURAL Selling 1000 For threeyearolds and upward Entrance 10 nnfl 40 additional to start Guaranteed cash value 1000 of which 175 to second and 75 to third Tlie win ¬ ner to bo sold at auction 2r 00 weight for age 1 Ib allowed for each 200 to 1300 then 1 Ib for eacli 00 to 500 Winners of two stakes in 1912 to be entered for not less than 1200 Starters with spllins prices must be named through entry bos lit the usual hour of closing the day preceding the nice and tliosu so named will be liable for starting fee To be run Wednesday July 3 Six Furlongs FurlongsTHE THE HOTEL UTAH Handicap 1200 For threeyearolds and upward Entrance 51O and 11 additional to start Guaranteed cash value JliOO of which 225 to second and 125 to third Weichts announced Monday July 1 To be run Thursday July 4 One Mile and a Sixteenth SixteenthTHE THE JUNIOR 1000 For twoyearolds foals of 1910 Entrance 10 and 40 additional to start Gunranteed cash value 1000 of which 175 to second and 75 to third Winners of two stakes In 1012 or ouo since June 1 4 Ibs of two stakes since June 1 7 Ibs extra Nonwinners of a stakes or of four races allowed 3 Ibs three races 5 Ibs two races S Ibs maidens 12 Ibs To be run Saturday July 13 13Five Five Furlongs FurlongsTHE THE OGDEN Handicap 1000 For threeyearolds and upward Entrance 10 and 10 addition to start Guaranteed cash value 1000 of which 175 to second and 75 to third Weights jinnouiv Wednesday July 17 Winners after publication of weights 5 Ibs extra To be run Saturday July 20 v vSeven Seven FurlonB7 FurlonB7THE THE SALT LAKE DERBY 2000 For threeyearolds foals of 1909 Entrance 15 and 00 addi ¬ tional to start Guaranteed cash value B000 of which 350 to second and 150 to third Wolshts us Ibs Winners of a threeyearold race of 1500 value 4 Ibs of two of 1500 or one of 3 H 0 7 Ibs extra Nunwinners in 1012 of two races of 600 each allowed 2 Ibs of two of 500 5 Ibs one of 500 S ll s ona of 350 11 Ibs maidens 15 Ibs To be run Saturday July 27 One Mile and an Eighth EighthButte Butte Jockey Club and Fair Association AssociationTHE THE SILVER BOW Selling 1000 For threeyearolds and upward Entrance H and 40 addi ¬ tional to start Guaranteed cash value 1000 of which 175 to second and 75 to third The winner tn bo wld at auction 2500 weight for age 1 Ib allowed for each 200 to 100 then 1 Ib for each 101 tt SfiVO Nonwinners of any stakes or a purse other than stlllnp In 1012 allowed J Ibs Starters with selling prices must be named through cutry box at the usual hour of closing the day preceding th nice ifnd thost so named will IKS liable for starting feu To be run Saturday August 3 Futurity Course CourseTHE THE TREASURE STATE 1000 For twoyearolds foals of 1910 Entrance 10 and 10 nldi liornl to start Guaranteed cash value 1000 of which 175 to second and 75 to third Winners of stakes other than selling il Ibs of two stakes of any kind 5 Ibs of three such 0 Ibs extra Nonwinners of a stakes or three races other than selling allowed 2 Ibs two such races 5 Ibs two raws S Ibs maidens 12 Ibs To be run Saturday August 10 Five Furlongs FurlongsTHE THE BUTTE Handicap 1000 For threeyearolds and upward Entrance 10 and 10 additional to start Guaranteed cash value 1000 of which 175 to second and 75 to third Weights aiinoimceil Wednesday August 14 Winucrs after publication of weights 5 lb extra To be run Saturday August 17 One Mile MileTHE THE MONTANA DERBY 2000 For threeyeaJTolds foals of 1909 Entrance 15 and K addi ¬ tional to start Guaranteed cash value 2000 of which 50 to second and 150 to third Weights 12 t Ibs Winners of a threeyearold race of 1200 value in 1012 a Ibs of two such in 1012 C Ibs of tvi such nince May 1 0 Ibs extra Nonwinners in 1912 of two races of 500 each allowed Ibs of two of K 0 5 Ibs of one of 400 8 Ibs one of 300 11 Ibs maidens 14 Ibs To be run Saturday August 24 24One One Mile and Threesixteenths ThreesixteenthsTHE THE COPPER HILL Handicap 1000 For all ages Entrance 10 and 40 additional to start Guaranteed cash value 1000 of which 175 to second and 75 to third Weights announced Wedncsdar August 28 Winners after publication of weights 5 Ibs extra To be run Saturday August 31 Six Furlongs FurlongsTHE THE LABOR DAY Handicap 1200 For threeyearolds and upward Entrance 10 anil 40 addi ¬ tional to start Guaranteed cash value 1200 of yhlch 225 to second and 125 to third Weights an ¬ nounced Friday August 30 Winners after publication of weights 5 Ibs extra To be run Monday Sep ¬ tember 2 One Mile and a Sixteenth SixteenthAbout About onehundred days of racing over modern mile tracks in a fascinating climate among mountains famous for promoting health and a territory offering the allurement of the Great West WestAt At Least 175000 Distributed in Purses and Stakes StakesSUMMER SUMMER AND FALL CIRCUIT CIRCUITAT AT LAGOON JULY 3 TO JULY 27 27AT AT BUTTE AUGUST 1 TO SEPTEMBER 4 4AT AT ANACONDA SEPTEMBER 6 TO SEPTEMBER 21 21AT AT HELENA State Fair SEPTEMBER 23 TO SEPTEMBER 28 28AT AT SALT LAKE CITY State Fair SEPTEMBER 30 TO OCTOBER 5 5AT AT LAGOON OCTOBER 7 to run indefinitely indefinitelyTHE THE UTAHMONTANA RACING CIRCUIT OPENS AT THE LAGOON COURSE ON JULY 3 HORSES SHOULD BE BILLED TO FARMINGTON UTAH UTAHH H I WILSON Genera Manager M NATHANSON Racing Secretary SecretaryADDRESS ADDRESS NOMINATIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS TO TOLagoon Lagoon Fair and Racing Association Hotel Utah Salt Lake City Utah

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912060501/drf1912060501_6_5
Local Identifier: drf1912060501_6_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800