untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1912-06-05


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Milton B 690100 Won WonSleuth Sleuth 155100 won Effcndi 410100 won v kee No ions 125 won Sea Cliff 175100 won Chapultepec 115100 won Spring Board loolOO won Uneida 170100 won Free Lance 230100 won Solar Star 175100 won Hclene 305100 won Free Lance 65100 won Chapul ¬ tepec 330100 won wonAbove Above aro tin winners we ga on our Daily Two Horse selections for 19 starts to June 1 This is an average of over 60 per cent winners Sure can beat them with stuff like nliove at those prices Our manager is now on tin ground sending these in daily wires on file at otlice for your inspectioiO Better subscribe today all it costs is fur l liys Tuesdays Form Special won TwoHorse lay u loser anil a scratch Wednesdays Form Special AupustApplc121013144537 Code X Special LatoniaMaineDoyCogNetTHE LatoniaMaineDoyCogNet THE STANDARD TUKF GUIDE GUIDERoom Room 405 22 West Quincy Street Chicago Illinoi

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912060501/drf1912060501_6_7
Local Identifier: drf1912060501_6_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800