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LATONIA TRACK TO 1A HAVE VE A CHUTE CHUTECincinnati Cincinnati 0 July 1 ITllCre There will be no extensive extensive exten ¬ sive changes at Latonla during the summer monthsSome monthsome months Some ome of the horsemen complained that th the soil soilof soilof of the track had been washed off in several evera Illacesand places placesmmud and General Manager fal1a er Haclimeister will give it an anenUm anentire entire new Ilressln dressing He has some rich soil near nearthe neartime the track and with this he will mix some river riversail riversantI sand and cover the entire course with it This Thiswill Thiswill will bo carefuU carefully worked b by track superintendent superintendentKecgm superintendentKeegm Kecgan during the summer and by fall the cour8eshoul courseshould course shoul should be in the best possible condition The judges judgesstumd judgsstanll stand will be rebuilt to provide lrovIl1t an extra story storymil storynod mil and it is iKKsiblc that the timers stand may litmovld be beproved moved near the judges stand and thus give an anunobstrncfed anUllnlffl uiiobstrncted Ullnlffl tc view Iew of the entire track during the therunniu timerunning runniu running of a raceNext race raceNext Next winter a sixfurlong chute will be put Inand in n nmind and this should greatly Improve mlroYe the sprinting race racesAt races At present horses in a threequarter mile race arcstarted are arestarted started on a turn This will reouire much flllln fllllnmill filling tillinggand and but for the proximity of a ravine raf ne the chut chute clnmtCwould would be extended to include sevenfurI6ugs sevenfurlbn s racesas racesas races as well No sevenfurlongs races are given at Latonic La Lac Lactonia tonia now as the seveneighths post is IUrectl directly directlyat at the bead of the turn and there would bo a mad mailscramble mallscramble scramble to get to the rail when the barrier Issllrllng is issprig sprung Not 01 wish wishing In to have IYO an any fatalities at the thetrack thltllck track the management lon long no ago ilbandoned abandoned these theseraces thesoraces races