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SIXTH RACE RACEAbout About 78 Mile 4yearolds 4 and upward SellingWINGSOFTHEMORNING Selling WINGSOFTHE1dORNING WING Coker33si S OF THE MORNING ch h 5 112 By Requital RequitalIrioress Prioress C Coker 33S5 OkCIt OkCity Ab78 Ab78129 129 fast 4710 114 5i A Morgan 6 Elfall Palma Regards 3294 lInolettQ2t OkCity Ab78 137 1373 hvy SS5 116 21 1 A Moragn G Aut Rose lte Regards artl Minnolctto lInolettQ 3232 2t OkCity Ab7S l37ji hvy 1910116 1910 116 1 In ° Pengast 5 Bof tlicBay G GShand Shand FFashion 30S7 Iural29i3 Ok OkCit OkCity City Ab781412 Ab78 1 1U12 41 hvy h Si 116 2 2J S Martin 7 Qllnnolette Ternus Mural 2973 OklaCity 34 34120 120 slow 30 110 411 4 44 Mahoney S r L LMEckert 1LL lEckert ckert Engraver Mhmonet 2SSS Ilhmonet28S8 Ok OICit OlcCity City Ab78 Abi8129l 129 fast 136 136116 116 4 44 4 + J Nicol 7 CWKennon Regards JCabinlss H Kplovln15i9 16S3 Juarez 34 l12j fast 10 114 4 7 77 7 7 614 Tnplln S Ben BenWllson Wilson Marsand KpMoving 1549 Juarez 78 1 125 l2Gg i fast 7 lOS 10S1 3 5 4 4 5J 6A71S1Taplin 7 sJTaplin S E EdKeck Keck Lt Knight Pr Pro ProWInt WInt Winter r 1520 520 Juarez 34 1 113J 3A fast 12 115 4 4 44 4 4 4s 4 44 41 Taplin G Salali Dr Smoot Narfl Narfl3J U 1461 1 Juarez 34 114 1143 im J i fast t 4 On n 115 7 4 t 43 3 36 3J 3112t1 i 2lj ii i J 1 Callahanll gn Callahan 11 D Montgomery I S iife Regards Lonia 1420 Juarez 34 1131 fast 10 O 115 4 5 55 55MINNOLETTE 5 41 11 J CallahanlO Nyanza Zahra g Helen Hawkins HawkinsDIINNOLETTE MINNOLETTE ch m 6 107 By Mindora MindoraRlIvolette Ravolette E Eo C Burttschell 3385 OkCity Ab7S 129 fast 225 113 G G1 Nicol II i I Elfall lfall Palma Regards 3315 Pretend32Dt OklaCity 1 1116 116 1 l53g 3 fast 8 8i 117 2 Nicol f 1 Shawnee Ternus Pretend 3294 Itegards326a OkCity Ab78 Ab781371 1372 hvy 7710 111 4 431 i T Smith C ARose Wof the Ming IIn Regards 3265 Wolf7OS7 Okla OklaCity City 6i 6 f 12 l32j hvy 31 116 43 43i T Smith G Ochre Court Pit apat The Wolf 30S7 OkCity Ab7S 1414 hvy 45 111 U T Smith 7 Wof the Morning Ternus Mural 29 2959 Heards2S39 OkCit OkCity 1m2 Im20y l46g fast 21 111 2J Nicol 5 Stoneman Wolferton Regards 111I 2539 Wittli48 OklaCity 3411G1 34 11CJJ fast 5 111 1 I2 RegardsI2 Nicol S Briton Shawnee Jack Witt WittC2 I 1748 Juarez 34 34115 115 115t fast 10 11 11012 13 12 8 C2 2 3 3J Groth la Traveller Tom Franks H Range Rang I 172 1727 BarberMiii Juarez 1 141 l41g fast S 103 6 3 6 5 5 55 5IS3HU1 8 Zahra Fort John Johnson on Sam Barber I 1666 Juarez 31 1144 fast 20 O 105 4 7 77 7 7 t 4 4i 11111 0 Roberta JBlackstock IP3xtonJ617 LPaxton 1617 Juarez 34 118M slow 20 O 110 12 12 11 11irS 9 S 81UGroth JGroth 12 KNorth FJohnson High Itm Range 1 irS 58 Juarez 1 1S 1551 fast S 308 08 7 9 6 G 8 88HKeolh 8 8HKeolh iKeogh 11 Mycenae The Peer Hts Relief ReliefPRETEND PRETEND Hollandn ch g 5 105 105oU3 By Golden Maxim 1raximIretenco Pretence J L Holland HollandIS gill n Olit OkCity ImiO Hn70y 15S3 hvy 51 113 1 IS Singleton 10 Lchigh RoyalNettielL Nccha 33 3345 5 OklaCity 1 1116 1161536 116 l53g fast 125 112 48 Sln Singleton leton G Shawnee jlinnolette Minnolette Ternus 3194 HegardiS12 294 Ok OkCit OkCity City Ab7S l37g hvy 1110 113 5 561 ° Sln Singleton leton C ARose Wof the Ming LIn Regards 1S12 OkCity Ab 78 130J fast 145 108 f r3 ° I b F Moore Ioore 7 LMEckert X NMist Iist CWKenou C 19 1976 6 Charles Chnrlesn n 1 1116 116 150 l50g slow 7 103 5 4 2 2 2h 33 F Moore Ioore G Otilo El EIOro Ore PUalit Pliant 1924 JWeilsISIS Charleston 5J 5 f 109J lOJ mud 710 710107 107 2 3 32 2 2 24 + 1 F Moore 10 LdesCc LdesCognets llets Ceremons erentons J JWeils Wells ISIS tJOl18t5 Charleston 7S 130 1301 slow 95 107 6 3 1 1 2b 2t 3 33 F Moore S DrBrklcy BDaiice Toison olson dOr LoathLadyH03 1845 Charleston 1 142 l42g fast 4 41 111 2 4 3 3 II 3J 3 31 F Moore t II Blackfriar PDumas Loath LoatllLady Lady 1S03 hippy177G Charleston 34 4 115 l15g mud 20 107 3 8 88 8 Tippy5l 8 712 F Moore 11 Magazine Iu azlnc Wander 1lpp hippy Elam1GC 177C Charleston 78 130 130J slow 10 102 4 4233 2 3 3 5 5l o1 553 5 F Moore 7 Jack Denman Rash Lord Elam 1CG2 662 Charleston 7S 132 1324 mud 95 108 2 1 3 2 33 3 35 35i F Moore S Jacobite Bertis Edna CollinsNIGHT Collins NIGHT MIST ch m 7 112 1123G2 By Knight of EllerslicQuagmiro Ellerslic Quagmire CJ J L L Hollandg62 Holland 3G2 6 OklaCity 6 6i f 1 123 3 fast 4i 110 13 Warren mren S Cordova Autumn utllnm Ros Rose G Shawl 3333 Okla OklaCity City 6 61 1 f 127J slow 7 111 1 I2 S Johnson 10 Mural EvaTanguay Tom 1rankg31680kCIty Franks 3168 31680kCIty OkCity Ok City Im70y 154S slow 8C 111 11 23 E Smith 7 Glucose Lchigh Zandia 3033 Ok OkClty City Im70y 1 158 1583 8 J mud 32 111 2 23 SpenserI1 Fogg 7 Pit apat Sad News G Spenser 2928 OkCity Ab7S 125 l29g fast 2 2J 111 1 I1 Parker 7 Sad News Lily Paxton Lenin 2S53 OkCity Ab78 130 fast 2110 109 51 55 i Barnham 8 Aut Rose Regards SandpiK r 2812 01 OkCity CIty Ab 78 l30 130J fast 21 243 107 22 Fogg 7 L LMEckert I1cIert CWKenon Stm1n23JJ Stnnn FlorenceBU4 2399 Lsvillo 1 1110147 fast 53 109 5 5 6 6 8 8i 9131Franl 9lFranklin 1in 12 Dalnger Dalngerflcld ehl Haniv S Florence 2304 Lsville Im70y l45i fast 15 109 4 G 7 5 54s 4s 4 4 46iJ ° J J Henry 10 WorkLad T r R Prince Spindle ¬ 2212 Lexington 34 1142 slow 17 105 3 2 22 2 23G s 3G ° 2 23 J Henry G Sleeth Zim All Red Redg tell2t88 2188 Lexington 34 16 l16g hv hvy 19 109 10910 10 I 70 6 g 62 510 T Koerner 10 Rose of Jeddah Millo Crossover 2129 Lexington 34 114 fast fid 101 9 6 E 51 4 41 i J Henry enry 12 All Red GoldenAgnes JIIIteellTERNUS JIIReed TERNUS GentryH b h 9 112 By Blazes BlazesMiss Miss Bishop L D Gentry 0315 313 H OklaCit OklaCity 1 11lG 11G l 153 1531 3 fast 6310 117 1173J 3 3J ° Warren G Shaw Shawnee Dee Miunolitle Pretend K235 23 OkCity 1m Im70y Oy 159 1593 hvy 32 111 1 1s Gentry I Lew Hill Lenin Buena Buena2i 3130 OkCity Im20y 15S hvy 2 2i 112 2 2i Gentry 5 KiddyLee Lev Hill LitholntOSi Lithogene HIT LtthogeneHIT OSi OkCIt OkCity A Ab7S iS 141 141J In hvy 36 109 IY 3J Lithogene3J Gentry 7 Minlette Wof the Mng ln MuralTJ5S Mural 11I1al 11I1al3S 293S 3S OkCity Ab7S 131 1311 fast 5G 112 2 24 Gentr Gentry S G iSpenscr Spenser L Lowlim I1il1 Tom Tooliey 2540 Toohey28tO Okla OklaCity City 6 Ci f 12 l23if fast 107 112 44 411 Gentry f I J JWaltnn J Walton LPaxtun Meadowgn 9 J2jt IlallowrnJ2jt 234 OkCity Ab5S 102 1021 J slow 20 100 1009s 00 9ls J1 Meadowgn9ls Bru Brucjc e 9 Arrowshnft Prt Preen n Pint PlellTart Hurt 9 9209S 98 Ok QICity City Ab6 Ab6i f 121 fast 30 107 914 Walker 9 Earls Court Tom Frau Franks Ringer RingerAUTUMN AUTUMN ROSE b m 5 112 By Jean Bcreaud DcreaudAut Aut Leaves Mrs C I Crippon 3286 OklaCit OklaCity 1 118 18 lG7g fast 7 109 J9 2s Warren fi Glucose Lchigh Lehi h C W KennonKICI Kcnnon S362 OklaCity 6J 6 f 123 fast 1720 110 33i ShandI1 3 Nicol S N Mist Cordova Georgia olrIu Shaml3H Shawl ShawlL L 3294 i1 OkCity Ab78 17 l37g j hvy 4 4J 111 l I1 I L Jackson G Wof tbeIn theMng Regards Miulto 1inltoO 3054 O t OklaClty 6 6i f 130 l30g mud 95 110 4 47i 47 f Ti Jackson fi Stoncmau Mmonet Lt J t Knight 29GO Knight2S53 9IjO OklaCity 34 34117 34117 117 fast 5 107 lb L Jackson Jackso1 G Marsand GreatFriar Lt Knight 2S53 853 OkCity Ab7S 130 fast 9 95 107 1 I1 I L Jackson S Ite Regards ards Sandpiper Tom Franks FraukdS14 2S14 OkCity Ok OIClt City Ab 5S S 102 fast 8 111 3 34 = I 1 L Jackson 1 12 Fore Marsand Louise IC17GG K K1i66 1766 Juarez 34 4 113 1132 fast 4 110 1 2 21 1 ink Sl S15S s Johnson 11 McAlan Sam am BtIh Barber r TomFranks 1761 Juarez 31 31115 115 fast 4 lO 100 Ij 3 2 2 2 2S 3 4 4Z = 2 S Johnson 10 Rompie Boano Pleasing lJeasllJ1its 1748 its Juarez 34 115 115J fast S 110 11 I 10 9 8s S lohnson 1S t Traveller TomFranks 1linnolette Mlnnolettn 16fl7 Juarez 34 l14J fast 15 110 5 4 9 S SI5 S15S S Johnson 11 Metropolitan FJohnson FPearl91S36 lPelrl F Pearl 99S36 9 S36 Juarez 34 115 slow 20 109 6 7 5 C 6u Gt4JC C II Miller 7 ThistleBelle Crossover OxerBELLE Oxer OxerBy BELLE OF THE BAY ch m 8 107 107SM By Ballyhoo Bey BeyLeisure Leisure L A Scregni3t Sercgni SM Okla OklaCity City 31 3111711 1178 fast 12 114 711 Nicol icol 0 Marsand Palma Oblivion Oblivion7s 3 3295 C J Okla OkluCity City 34 l 124 i24k H J hvy 12 109 7s Warren S LirhtKnl LightKnight ht I LMEckcrt IEekert Lajoio 3232 32 OkCIt OkCity Ab7S l3 l37g hvy 345 111 1112n 211 2 Nicol fi Wof the theMg l G GShaml Shand bFasltnCOST FFashn COST OS7 Si Ok OICity City Al Ab7S h78 78 1 1415 41 hvy 21 111 G101S 101S ° 1S Johnson 7 Minlette Wof theIn theMng Ternus 2972 972 OklaCity 6 f l27jj slow 51 115 ink Nlcol 7 Sad News Xandia ShawneeS35 Shawnee Shawneelh 2S35 OklaCity 34 116 l16g fast 4 111 1111GC lh Nicol 0 Freewill Judge TI1fI I Cahiniss ahIlli s LehighIGGG LchlhGG LehiKli 1GC IGGG GG Juarez 34 3llU l14i fast fastCQ 20 O 110 1 9 99 9 9 9 91J 7 Kederis 0 Roberta JBlackstock IPattuJl LPaxton l 1610 ilO Juarez 34 1 11CJ 16A fast 10 110 S 9 99 I V 9 9 92 lPeldcn ellcn 11 Deerfoot JudgeCabiniss Jim M M1420iuarez Mo k kH 1420iuarez H 1420 O Juarez 34 341131 1131 fast 8 110 7 6 67 6713S4 7 7i ib 7141R R HoffmanlO Wof th theMrnIng Irlllnlr Nyanza Zihra Z1hra13S1 13S4 Juarez 31 31115 115 fast 6 103 10 10 11 11LILY 11 113 H32JHill HIIl 11 Transparent 1r1U Pllreut I1i High h Han Range e ChessLILY Chess CbessBy LILY PAXTON b f 4 107 By Blues BlucsFalomacita Falomacita W V R Street StreetC4 Streetl USIK TnnguayU195 l OkIaCity Okla City 0 01 f 12 1274 glow Iow 165 111 111i95 61 A Morgan Ior all it 1O XI Night ht Mist I1st Mural Eva Tanguay U195 19 i95 OkCity Ab7S b78 1 131 31 slow 7J 111 111SOS5 in A A Morgan Ioran S Oblivion Shawiue He ItegardsCOSI Regards anls SOS5 1185 OklaCitv OklaCity 31 31124 124 1241 h hvy 2 lOS 1 II + Warren 11 Llb Lehigu i11 Volsel Tallow Dip Dip3CO 3CO 3C02 OklaCity 6 GJ f 123 good3710 101 l 21 E Smith S Mural Rin Ringer er Vol Volsel el el2JZ8 2928 OkCity Ab78 l29g 129i fast 2 111 1113s t 35 Warren 7 Ni Night ht Mist list Sad News Lenin 2S10 Okla OklaCIty ll 6J 6 f 1231 1 123 23i fast 5310 105 2 22 S Martin Iartln 0 J J Walton Meadowgreen MeudowgreertJernus leallo reen JVrnus rnus 1770 J Juarez ualez 1 I l41g 41i fast 3J 3 104 8 S C 4 42J 2J 2J 3 3l R HolTmanll Kiddy Let Le Keep Moving Velsuil Ves III I I17i9 Leee 1749 Juarez 1 1141 14t fast 5 10S 11 1 1 2 7 7J S1 S10 ° R Hoffmanl2 Iloffntanllubra Xilira KePI Moving Kiddy LetIGSI Let 1CS4 Juar Juarez z 1 11 1140 140 40 fast 2i 2 104 5 511 1 1 1 1 11 Ib Ji R Hoffman S S1uttle Dottle B 8u Sing Lump G fluyton1GGG CuytollIfi fJuyton 1666 Juarez 34 I 1114 IIA fast G l 107 6 3 35 5 GJ 31 Taplin 9 Roberta JBlackstock Miulettc 1G25 Juarez 1 11IO l10g good 3 104 7 5 4 3 33 3 35J Taplin aplln 8 Defy Zahra Dottie B 15o2 B13G8 BliCS 1568 Juarez 34 1 113 1IH fast 15 107 7 10 10 o2 3 353 n HoiTmanll Pr ProWinter Winter Gramircy BaliIla Hal1a15tl 354J Juarez z 31 1124 1 f fast st 10 109 9 6 7 76 76DAVE 6 G 7I31U Hoffman 0 C CTucker lIcker Metropolitan ItnherlanDAVE Roberta BourlandLt DAVE MONTGOMERY br h 5 105 105Til B By Dowlin Bowling Brook BrookGrenadine Grenadine Mrs A Bourlaud BourlandL BourlandLti Til 11 OIlaCIt OklaCity 34 311171 l17g fast 15 113 47 4 4q lllIk Phikstaft tarr G Marchmonet 1 T Wolf If Pit Pitapat PitapatKJ3 Iflat 3295 9 Okla OklaCity City 34 341411 124J hvy 27 109 10917C4 O 5 al = t Pengast S T LightKui LightKnight ihtnlht id LMEckort Lajoie Lajoie176t 17C4 Juarez 34 4 11I 111J fast S 111 S 7 79 9 Ink vi 71b s Johnson 11 Kid North Mnisnnd Ilrsanl IL HumyIHO Ranisy tntsy 1740 Juarez 5J f 107 1073 fast 10 115 25 5 3 7 G f = 41 41 S Johnson 14 It ItCampttdu Camarada Campttdu 1 EPadwick lHwlcl T 1 Visitor 161 1699 Juarez 5 5i f 10j 1072 fast fastO 50 1CS CS 7 i 77 771S5 7 7 7 il1 VS 1S S Johnson 7 E EVltite White lute J J 1 GrIl Grillin lIlI 11 GilbIb GII GilbRnsa d n U UIS IS 1S5 Juarez 1 1099 194 fast 20 106 2 224 1 4 4ir19 G 4 4C Carter G Mamiic Lit Mnrchmont 11IrlInont Ii FIgrnt FIgrntC I lnt ir19 Juarez 78 1 lSa e fast 7 Ins 4 4766 4766BOB 7 6 6 C G15JSmall S EdKeck Lt Knight Pr ProWmter Winter WinterBy BOB LYNCH br g 5 105 By Dungarven DunganenQueen Queen Lithe J J Randolph3St Ihndolphst Randolph 3St st OkCity 0 City Ab7 ib7S liS1g 5 128 fast 40 101 81gr StsI St53L Jackson S Marclnnonet ImIH Imprint It 1 Engraverit5 Engraver 1I Ian IanOiiaCity b Ianb ti5 OiiaCity OklaCity 6 61 i f 132 1321 1lln hvy 4710 1710109 109 G5 filsWarren Varren 4 G Ochre Ochmlourt Court Pit rit apat 1at The it Wolf Vsdf VsdfJ If 3 J 3233 U J OICit OkCity Ab7S Ah78137 137S hvy 17 102 102ifi9 02 4 43S S Johnson h 5 LMEckert Lt 1I1Iht Knight lInlHlIItHi Imprint 3159 Hi ifi9 Okla OklaCity City t tiA l f 1 12SJ SA slow 21 107 Pulled up Warren 7 LMEckort Mmonet 1 IOIIet En EngraverG0 Engraver rItI 29GO 9 G0 G OklaCity 34 34 117 fast 365 111 1112Sii 5s Warren G Aut Rose Marsand la stllHl Great Friiir F Itr Itnpriutp 2Sii SI OklaCity 34 11GJ 116 fast 29 113 53 552 Wjirrun Vat ren 7 Transparent lraIJ81 rtnt Engraver 1urmlrIl1Iprlllt 1urmlrIl1Iprlllt17il Imprint i71luarez Itnpriuti71luarez 1771 Juarez 1 139 fast 185 99 4 1 1 1 1 l 1 in 23 Hill 10 Ben Wilson IIiOIl Ale Abound hoIllHI nod Whidden Whidden22i hlll1111 16 176S Juarez 34 11 113 1111 3g fast fast6 6 10 102 4 1 11 1 22i 2 23 21 2t k Hill 5 J I II Ueed B Eye l White Anln Anlnr ArigihiK ArigihiKH r 1724 luarez 34 34115 115 fast 2 10 10H S G 4 H I1 Hill S B ItWilsuii 11Sln Marsand Im alltl Mi Meh JhtJp tr nlnilitau nlnilitau1675luarez i olitiii htm htmHiiS lfi7S 1675luarez Juarez 7S 125 fast fast1 4 100 2 1 1 1 1 12 1 I1 Hill U ClIntTII ClintTucker ker Niuil Nimlms lInus ns LI LayminsterIGIG Layminstt IIIIlstH r rIJ 1t 1616 IIIIlstH1t l i Juarez 31 1 117 11 slow 3 1 1CS S 4 I 3 1 II IJ 3 31 Gross 8 t An IIll1ttIP8t Interest 11 PrWiutir mhl I Yo It Solo Solo2n ollt 1 1JS3 3 Ju Juarez rez 04 3411 l13g fast 3 11 112 7 3 34 4 42nk 2n 2nk nk 2 Il Moletnvh 7 bdauu Fdamcntnl nta AIntvrcst Alllt IIst Tucker 1536 Tuarez 5 51 f lm l07fc fast 6 IJ 115 5 5 5 r 2s Keo Keogh h I i a Io Toy Bov hey Mutropolitan lltltIolltall II Street 11tlt 1319 15 9 Juarl Juarez 5 51 f IOS lOSg fast 5 115 5 4 45 45PACIFICO 5 53 4s 4 Small 7 LStalwart Roberta Hid Hand IltudPACIFICO HandBy PACIFICO b g 10 101 101JiGl By Emp o of Norfolk NorfolkAtalanta Atalanta II AKMoropoulosPidI Alt AKMoropoulos oropoulos oropoulosJjGl JiGl Juarez 34 4 115 fast 20 U6 1f10 10 10 10 10 S si J A Murray 10 Rompie Boauo Pleasing LleaslIIlIG51 1653 Juarez 34 117 fast 1 1 110 3 5 52 2 2 20k nk t 33J 3 C Grand S Pedro Roscworth S1aJ Spalding Hn 117 1472 Juarez 1 141 1411 J fast 50 0 10S 10 7 7 S 9 9 9399 93 = 3C C Grand 0 LMarchmont Lonia III ICitMoving Itvln 1162 1162 1162Juar Juar Juarez z 34 115 fast 30 110 11 11 8 12 9J 9 i Murray 14 Gllartrlll GHartridge e DocAllen Kin King m ilk 9 90091 OJI Cd CdAlne AI ne 1 116 149 14n fast 100 105 9 11 9 10 109SS4G 10 1023 J T Callahan 11 Icarian Ocean Shore hore Footloose footloose9SS46 9SS4G C d dAlene Alene 1 1144 144 slow 100 109 6 5 7 7 9 9 938 9JMulligan 1lulllgan 10 Massa Binocular Elgin