Kentuckians Have Inning At Lagoon.: Absurd, Auto Run, Joe Knight and Colonel Cock Among Days Winners in West., Daily Racing Form, 1912-07-20


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KENTUCKIANS HAVE INNING AT LAGOON Absurd Auto Run Joe Knight and Colonel Cook Among Days Winners in West Salt Lake City Utah July 19 Heavy rain which fell this morning held the crowd back and the attendance was light Tlie track was slow when the racing began but dried out rapidly and was good bv the time the card bad lieeii half run runThe The Kentuckians at last had an inning They scored in four of the races and another easterner Green 15 Morris won the handicap with Jenny Geddes Catesby AVoodfords colors were seen in front for the lirst time when Joe Knight and Col Cook won The latter was bid up from 3CO to 500 by W C Scott and was bought in for his owner ownerWhen When Arbutus won the closing race in T I Sullivans colors it was a clean sweep for the visi tors from the East EastAuto Auto Itun winner of the second race was bid up by K Dealy Sr from 300 to 000 but was pro ¬ tected by his owner ownerT T Siinimerfield a local resident and a brother to the wellknown bookmaker Sam Summerlield took a stand in the ring at todays cutin cutinJack Jack Welsh of San Francisco the famous pugi ¬ listic referee who is interested in a stable of horses here was a visitor today todayGeorge George Knight disposed of Horus at private sale to Shook Phillips this morning The horse will be trained in future by H W Iloag IloagJockey Jockey Eddie Taplin was Indisposed today and his engagements wore canceled canceledTwo Two claims were made for Knight Deck in the last race of yesterday won by Little Jane J J Quintan and W C Clancy being the claimants Mr Clancy won in the draw and got him for 025 025Jockey Jockey O Fain Is supposed to have departed for Kentucky this morning

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Local Identifier: drf1912072001_1_6
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