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FIRST RACE 34 Mile 3ycarolds and upxvard Allowances 9C12 112 llr Index Course DislTirneTcUOdds Wt St Vi StrFin Jockeys Started Order of Finish GROVER HUGHES ch c 4 111 By Handsel Stamen J M Barker 3316 Lutonia 34 1121 fast 6710 113 1 1 21 2U Cansc 7 Meridian Presumption Scmc 3257 Latonia 34 111 fast 265 112 1 3 4J 4 ° 3 Byrne 7 Sebago Meridian Impression 3149 Latonia 34 115 hvy 2310 114 1 2 22S7S 21 32UGooso n HPrivate Donau White Wool 2S7S Latonia 34 112 fast 1110 112 2 1 1i Wool1i I3 Goose 8 Isidora T M Green Impression 2775 Latonia 34 112 fast 275 111 3 2 3 3s Goose 4 TheManagcr Helmet TMGrocu 2729 Latonia 34 112 fast 101 109 1 1 lh TMGroculh 22 Goose 5 TManager AKxprs Buckhorn 2567 Louisville 34 l12i fast 186 108 3 3 3 331 Goose 4 HigliPrivate Worth Bonn Hnrd 2493 Louisville 51 f 1058 fast 7710 115 2 2 6 6 Goose G LFather Buckhorn Rt World 2339 Lsvilie Im70y 1 44g slow 7 110 2 1 1 11 11 Goose 5 Brig The Manager PCallaway 2310 Louisville 51 f 106 good 345 118 4 6 31 2s Goose S R the World Isidora Azyiade 2264 Louisville 51 t 1OG1 mud 5 112 2 2 3 3 Goose 7 Meridian Granite T M Green 2089 Lexington 34 113 fast 3 110 1 1 I1 GreenI1 I2 Goose 8 Worth Coppertown 2030 Lexington 51 f 1092 hvy 12 113 6 4 4DONAU 31 lnk Goose 8 Conpertown Donau Casey Jones JonesBy DONAU b g f 111 111S219 By Woolithorpe Al Lone W Gent S219 Lalonia 1 139 fast 9 109 5 7 C 5 5 58 4 ° J Gla Glass lt Hedge Chcrryola White Wool 3149 Latonia 34 115 hvy 3S5 112 3 3 32 lh 2U J He Henry 5 IlPrivate G Hughes Wii Wool 3013 Latonia 31 1161 hvy 2110 115 1 3 35 4h 46 Fain G E Bryson Coppertown C Jones 2692 Latonia 34 1122 fast 125 114 10 7 6 2 2h Jones2h 21 Fain 12 Chapulpoc Coppertn VStrome VStrome3h 2494 Louisville 1 1333 fast 11 116 5 7 6 5 3h 31 J He Henry 7 Brig Ozana Vreeland 2429 Louisville 34 lllg fast 30 108 7 7 74 41 45i Fain 0 Granite Lit Father TMGrcen 2322 Louisville 34 1121 fast 27 111 6 8 86 72 42 4J Fain g WinWldow PrinceGal Campcon 2150 Lexington 34 112 1124 fast 11 108 Left at the post Fain G CIIill Milton B Rd the World 2052 Lexington 1 144 hvy 710 110 2 1 1 1 lh Worldlh 21 Fain 3 Manager Mack Ilelene 2030 Lexington 51 f 109 hvy 225 113 2 55 5l Ilelene5l 32i Fain 8 GrHughes Coppertown CasJones 1948 Charleston 34 l13g fast 7 108 1 1 1 1 I2 Fain Fain1SS2 5 CarltonG JDockery TMGrcen 1SS2 Charleston 34 115 mud 3 117 1 4 3 2 2 25 Fain FainCASEY C Granite RIghtcasy Suffragist SuffragistBy CASEY JONES ch e 3 95 By Royal Flush HI Crimea A P Humphrey Jr 3315 Latonia 34 1131 fast 135 104 3 1 1 1 I1 1 1s J Ca Callahan 9 Surcget K Olympian Theo Cook 3013 Latonia 34 1161 hvy 2110 102 3 11 2 2l 31 McCi McCahey G Ella Bryson Coppertown Donau Byrn259S 2820 Latonia 31 1133 fast 31 1021 2 2 1 H 1 Byrne 10 W Witlow FStory MissTliorpe 259S Louisville 34 1131 fast 9 103 7 4 3 3 3h MissTliorpe3h 4 41 1 J He Henry 9 KOlympn EBryson SAIvopcot 2368 Louisville 51 f 1061 fast 165 102 5 32 21 22 J Ca Callahan 9 Moncreif Rof Jeddah Coptown 2300 Louisville 51 f 106 fast 12 103 4 21 I1 Il 2 2f J H Henrj 10 Coppertn Chappec KOlympn 2266 Louisville 34115 mud 1 103 2 11 1 1 I8 J lit Henry 4 MThorpe JBRohinson Pulka 2110 Lexington 34 112 fast 5 104 5 11 I1 11 l lk = k J H Henry 7 Sea Cliff Sureget Rocky OBrien 2030 Lexington 51 t 109 hvy 88 98 4 1 2 2 2h 42J J A AETHEL Allen S Gr Hughos Connertown Dnnnn DnnnnBy ETHEL D ch m 5 100 By Box I Domino Noire P H Donnelly 2340 Louisville 51 f 106 good 91 116 Left at the 3 post Fain S R the World G Hughes Isidora Isidorai 1815 Charleston 51 f l07g fast 115 106 Loft at the i post Fain 10 MWLittleton BSue Rightcasy I 99421 Latonia 34 113 slow 41 116 8 8 8 87i Kennedy S Meridian G Hughes Follio Levy I 99206 Latonia 34 1141 hvy 2710 119 5 E B 6 JGanz B TMGrn RalelghPD G Hughes 96790 Latonia 34 112 fast 3 120 1 1 I1 HughesI1 1s Kcnneoy 5 Fol Levy G Hughes J Monck S6709 Latonia 34 111 fast fid 111 6 1 1s I1 J Howard 12 AExpress RtheWorldSORynn 96048 Louisville 34 113 fast 21 10S 5 1 lh 2 1 Ganz 8 G Hughes KDghter Mellsande S2706 Latonia 34 1121 fast 216 106 6 8 6 6SGoose fl Helmet Magazine Green Seal 2671 Latonia 1 140 fast 4 105 3 1 1 13t 1 I1 Ganz 4 MarkleM CarltonG HtlzareUn 92634 Latonia 3t 1133 fast 103 111 5 6 5 2 Ganz S JAtkln Mellsande RdtheWorlrt 91965 Lexington 34 115 hvy 24 96 5 4 491S29 4 4 Moore B TPipptn JGrlfnILRtbeWorld 91S29 Lexston Im70y 1448 fast 6J 1061 4 1 1 1 21 Mountain 4 Intrinsic Claudia Handzaretta HandzarettaBy PRINCESS CAILAWAY b f 4 103 By Broomstick Flooarline R Colston 3316 Latonia 34 112J fast 43 105 2 6 5 5 Estep 7 Meridian G Hughes Presumptn 3201 Latonia Im70y 145 good2710 113 2 1 1 I PresumptnI m C II Shilg 7 Caliph Mary Davis Rudolfo 3015 Latonia 1 1S 1568 hvy 13 98 1 2 2 22S5S 31 315 J Allen 4 H Private Any Port Cherryola 2S5S Latonia 1 18 l51g fast 42 103 4 5 5 7 712lEstep 7 ToeMorrls Buckhorn Bell Ilonw 2776 Latonia 1 1392 fast 18 108 5 6 5 45 4 Byrne G B Horse Sandhill Presumption 2397 Lsvilie 1 116 145 fast 22 105 6 7 6 5 1 5 J Henry 7 JFurlonff TManager Milton B 2359 Lsville Im70y 144 slow 236 109 4 4 4 45 4 j Byrne 5 G Hughes Brig The Manager 2233 Lexington 1 1391 fast 115 109 3 3 4 21 3 1 Fain 5 Bell Horse Milton B Wh Wool 2131 Lexgton Im70y 143J fast SC 110 3 3 2 I1 Ii Byrne 4 Manager Mack Jabot Crossover