Mineral Springs Opening October 7., Daily Racing Form, 1912-09-01


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MINERAL SPRINGS OPENING OCTOBER 7 The management of the Mineral Springs Jockey Club announces that the inaugural meeting at its new course now in process of construction near Porter Ind will positively open oiu Monday Octo ¬ ber 7 and continue for Hie fifteen days allowed for race meetings under the Seller law In order not lo conflict with the championship baseball games which probably will be goiug on in Chicago at about that time it is proposed to have no racing at the new track on the days when important games will he played Otherwise the meeting will continue with ¬ out interruption the management states statesThe The promoters of this venture are enthusiastic over the prospects for its success They declare that the purses will be sullieiently attractive to tempt the owners of good horses to ship here and that if their expectations are realized the horsemen will be treated with liberality Numerous applica ¬ tions for stabling accommodations have already been booked Tin new track it is announced will be in condition for the reception of horses the coming week The stables have practically been completed and the threequarters of a mile straightaway for training purposes will Ito ready for use in a few days One feature that horsemen will appreciate will be the quality of the water that will be avail ¬ able for man and boast boastMeanwhile Meanwhile constiuctlon work in all departments of the new plant is being rushed The management has been advertising during the past few days in the newspapers of northern Indiana for 200 carpenters and an equal number of laborers in order to prose ¬ cute the work of construction with vigor

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912090101/drf1912090101_1_6
Local Identifier: drf1912090101_1_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800