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Oklahoma State Fair and Exposition ExpositionOKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA CITY OKLA SEPTEMBER 24 TO OCTOBER 5 1912 1912FOUR I FOUR OR MORE RACES EACH DAY PURSES 200 AND UPWARD UPWARDENTRIES ENTRIES TO STAKES CLOSE SEPTEMBER 10 500 eJUlSriOR HANDICAP 500 500JUNIOR JUNIOR HANDICAP For twoyearolds foals of 1910 5 to accompany the nomination 15 additional to start The value of the stake to bo 500 of which 100 to the second and 50 to tlu third AVeigbts to be announced three days prior to the day of the race AVinners of a purse other than selling after the weights are posted to carry 5 Ib About Five Furlongs 500 OKLAHOMA DERBY 500 OKLAHOMA DERBY For threeyearolds and upward 5 to accompany the nomination 15 additional to start The value of the stake to bo 500 of which 100 to the second and 50 to the third AViuners of a purse this year of the value of 500 to carry 5 Ibs extra if such race was at I a distance of one mile or over S Ibs extra Nonwinners this year of a purse other than Felling at a distance greater than one mile the value of 100 allowed 4 Ibs such purse value of jOO S Ibs such purse any value 12 Ibs Ono and OneSixteenth Miles 500 FLIGHT STAKES SELLING 500 FLIGHT STAKES Selling For threeyearolds and upward 5 to accompany the iiomina tlon 15 additional to start The value of the purse to bo 500 of which 100 to tho second and 50 to the third Horses entered for 1500 to carry weight 1 Ib allowed for each 100 to 00 then Ibs allowed for each 100 to 300 Six Furlongs FurlongsOWNERS OWNERS MAKING STAKE ENGAGEMENTS WILL BE GIVEN THE PREF ¬ ERENCE OF STALLS FIRST BOOK READY ABOUT SEPTEMBER 14 14For For Stalls and Information Write I S MAIIAN Secretary Oklahoma City Oklahoma