Vancouver Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1912-09-14


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VANCOUVER FORM CHART VANCOUVER B C September 4 Fiftysev ¬ enth day British Columbia Thoroughbred Associa ¬ tions Meeting of 50 days Weather clear clearPresiding Presiding Judge Thomas J Wellman Starter Edward Tribe Racing Secretary Robert F Leigh ton 4996 First Race 5S Mile Purse 250 3year olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 175 second 50 third 25 Jockey4910Sallie Ind Horse AYr Fin Jockey 4910Sallie ODay 112 I1 Riddle Riddle4C013 4C013 Phil Connor lleJ 2J Hill 4950 Dargin 112 3 Burlingame 49 43Jugo Henderson 115 4 C Grand McEwen4JK54 440sAnuIe Wells 112 5 E McEwen 4JK54 Taylor49G2lo Too Dancer 112 G AV Taylor 49G2lo Mio 106 7 Pickens PickensTime Time 25J3 51 106 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Sallie ODay 750 straight 50 place 320 show Phil Connor 1040 place 420 show Dargin 420 420AVinner AVinner E Lewis b f 4 by Peep oDay Sallie Appleton trained by AAr Scuitto Start good AVon easily second and third driving 4997 Second Race 5S Mile Purse 300 2year olds Handicap Net value to winner 210 sec ¬ ond GO third 30 30Ind Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey 4955 = Vclie Forty 107 11 R Hoffman 4955 Province 107 Hill 4783 tSafranor 11G 32 E McEwen McEwen49V 49V Schwebig49tCamia Garden of Allah 105 1J Schwebig 49tCamia 110 ol Burlingame Burlingame4li1Rosoitairc 4li1Rosoitairc IOC C = Battistc t9S2Tonnio Crawford 107 7 C Grand Grandf f Coupled in betting as G A Fraser entry Time entryTime 24 50 101 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Velio Fortv 2880 straight 10 JO place 320 show Province 340 place 240 show Safranor 240 show showWinner Winner lieloIL Stables b f by Cesarion Plcas jint Girl trained by F Kessinger Start good Won driving second and third tho same sameOverweights Overweights Garden of Allah 1 ixmnd Velio Forty 1 Jennie Crawford 4 4998 Third Race 5 12 Furlongs Purse 250 3 yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 175 second 50 third 25 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey 4790 Ed G Ill 1 C Grand Grand49GS 49GS Gala 104 2ZJ W Taylor 4992 = DubIin Minstrel 111 3h Hill 4990 Tony Faust 114 41 E McEwen 4435 Ocean Shore 103 5J Pickens Pickens4G93 4G93 Heknows 111 C J J Hanover Hanover4S01 4S01 Semproelle 107 7 = Battiste Battiste494S 494S Kitimat lot S Burlingame Time BurlingameTime 25 51 113 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Ed G OGO straight 420 place 340 show Gala 1260 place 720 show Dublin Minstrel 340 show showWinner Winner Belolt Stables b g 5 by Sain Estelle trained KessingerStart by F Kessinger Start good Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing 4999 Fourth Race 34 Mile Purse 300 3year olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 210 second CO third 30 30Wt Ind Horse Wt Fin 49 35Frce I1 Hill 4S3Fort Johnson 2i R Hoffman 4957sLotta Creed 3 C Grand 4994 Dahlgren 4s Kederis 4953 Reene W 52 Broadfoot 4905 Roberta 6 Schwebig Time 21 50 118 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Free 4CO straight 52150 place 220 show Fort Johnson 2CO place 220 show Lotta Creed 220 show showWinners Winners G Palmers b f 3 by Withers Pmc trained by J Durkin DurkinStart Start good Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing 5000 Fifth Race 1 Mile Purse 300 3year olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 210 second GO third 30 Ind Horse TVt Fin Jockey 49C93Sinn Feinu 112 I1 Pickens 4958Footloose 109 22 C Ross 4950 Southern Gold 109 3 Burlingame 49iSCrex 105 4n Hill 4993sBucoHc 109 5 = Keogh Keogh49G93Wild 49G93Wild Fern 105 6 = J Hanover Hanover4995Dr 4995Dr White 111 7 Leeds 4950 Johnstown 112 S E McEwen McEwenTime Time 25 51 118 147 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Sinn Fcinn G20 straight 3ro place 280 show Footloose 400 place 300 show Southern Gold 440 show showWinner Winner E J Ramseys b c 4 by Filigrane Miss RamseyStart McMeekin trained by E J Ramsey Start good Won easily second and third driv Ing IngOverweights Overweights Dr White 2 pounds 5001 Sixth Race 1 Mile Purso 30O 3ycar olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 210 second 60 third 30 Jockey4GiOld Ind Horse Vt Fin Jockey 4GiOld Mexico 115 lh Burlingaino Burlingaino495isEdiui 495isEdiui Stewart 107 2J J Hanover 4895 Taylor4787AVhiddcn Matador 104 3 W Taylor 4787AVhiddcn 107 4s Hill 48152 Brack Bouta 101 a13 Kederis 4855 Two Oaks 104 G C Ross RossTime Time 25V3 50 117 147 Track heavy 2 mutiiels paid Old Mexico 840 straight place 260 show Edna Stewart 400 place 2M show Matador 2180 show showAVinner AVinner G A Erasers b h 5 by Eddie Jones Princess Xeika trained by C Martin MartinStart Start good AVon driving second and third the same sameOverweights Overweights Brack Bonta 5 pounds 5002 Seventh Race 1 11G Miles Purse 000 5 yearolds and upward Handicap Net value to winner 420 second 120 third GO Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey 4959 Scrimmage 103 I1 J Hanover 4957 Don Enrique 107 22 Burlingame Burlingame49i7 49i7 Jack Paine 10U 3 C Ross Ross4li7sCirltou 4li7sCirltou G 11G 4k R Hoffman Hoffman45X8 45X8 Hattcras 10S 53 Schwebig Schwebig4S02Kegina 4S02Kegina Arvi 103 5 Hill HillTime Time 25 50 l175 145 152 Track Iicavy 2 mutuels paid Scrimmage 840 straight iii place 320 show Don Enrique 720 place 14o show Jack Paine 5 O show showWinner Winner W L McCrackens b g I by Wild Mint Ballyhoo Belle trained by A J Robinson Start good Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing

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Local Identifier: drf1912091401_2_7
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