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Toronto Entries and Past Performances for Saturday September 21 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago time 100 X Iluns well in mud Superior mud runner M niuldiiii Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 34 Mile All Ages Handicap Track record 02541 111 4 114 I nd Horse Horse044s Wt Rec AWtHan 044s Knights Differ 104 112 3 109X725 4921 Winning Widow 104 111 4 107X720 4747 Simcoe 10 113 G 102 715 i044t Bwana Tumbo 118 114 3 119 715 4232t Acton 110 112 3 05 73 5 50GG Hamilton 98 113 3 102X710 51313 Tankard 102 110 2 90X705 4118 Cowl 101 113 4 100 703 134 Stentor 105 l13ys 3 92X700 r 14r Porcupine M 103 118 3 90X700 W F Presgravc and C S Campbell entry entrySecond Second Race 34 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record 02540 1111 1 114 131 = Calgary 121114 115 7 7i11Ut i11Ut Leuchares 114 114 115X7 115X7Ct Ct 4t Oliver Lodge 107 7 75131t 5131t Afterglow M 97117 100X7 100X7r0472 r0472 Talicarrier M 103X7 147 Itrynliinah M 103 7 4S99 Cogs M 103 7 T Clyde and C S Campbell entry J 1 V Schorr ntry ntryThird Third Race 1 14 Miles Toronto Autumn Cup Handicap 2500 Added Added3yearolds 3yearolds sind upward Track ricord 9578 2 04 M 3 113 1744 t STAR CHARTER 119 203 4 Il7ffi750 ri133t FrogUgs 110204 3 122715 122715iTi4itKdda iTi4itKdda 11 2U8 4 U4X74K 51332 Inspector lvstradf 3 87730 877304S 4S 73 Sotfinia 98 205 5 100X725 5003 Cliff Stream 113213 3 93 725 725f f J W Schorr entry entryFourth Fourth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds SellingTrack 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record 02540 111 4 114 4983 Sal Volatile 100 113 S 100X725 50973 Detroit 107 1 13 5 1017i 1017ir04 r04 Malitiiie 101 113 5 101 715 5112 Chemulpo 102 114 4 109 715 5102 Lady Sybil J 102 112 5 10G710 3830 Pons Asiiiorum M 102 110 3 103 710 7104S9i 4S9i Flower Girl 100 114 3 100X705 514Se Monkey 3 103 705 52151 Koronl 105 121 4 10GX705 10GX705lolHM lolHM McAndrews 100 114 G 109X700 Evelyn Doris 108 117 4 109 700 110 115 4 101X700 Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched Ind ud Horse Wt Rec AWrIIan 5130 Viley 101 112 3 05X725 5043 Dantield 104113 5109X715 5220 Venetian 93 1 13 4 100x710 52142 Isabel Oasse 107 114 4 100X710 4920 George S Davis 1101114 8 109X710 5220 Scarlet Pimpernel 91 114 4 109X705 5215 Minnie Bright 112 113 5 100x700 5219 Song of Rocks 97 115 4 100 700 700Fifth Fifth Race 2 Miles Woodbine Autumn Steeplechase 1500 Added Added4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Track record 75209 355 8 1571 157150452t 50452t Ringmaster 4157X700 5135 Hlghbridge 107X005 4 973i The Welkin 7 107 X 090 5135 Gun Cotton 7 1G2XG90 5045 Wickson i 102 ODO 5135 The Prophet 5 105 085 0854S9S 4S9S Sight 0 157fflGS5 5132 Young Morpheus 5 150 085 0855100t 5100t Bill Andrews M 4 142 080 5100 = Si Cherish M5 4 142XOSO 5l35t Rice Grain 5 150 OSO OSOt t Miss Chamblet entry J entryJ R Parr and William Garth entry Si entrySi I McLennan entry entrySixth Sixth Race 1 Mile Dominion Handicap 1510 Added 3yearolds and upward Canadian Foaled Track record 02084 139 4 104 50985 Amberite 105 1 42 117 X725 5198 Havrock 114 141 4 120x72d 5198 Ondramon 112142 120x715 4711f 120x7154711f 122x715films Heresy v 114142 122x715 films Caper Sauce 104 14010 118X710 5098 = Rustling 98112 112x710 104x705509S oOl8 Coinmnla 104 l4l 104x705 509S Calumny 98142 112 705 433t 705433t Tropaioluiii 94 152 115 700 1001 = Magpie M 111 700 t 700t Brookdale Stable entry entrySeventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds SellingTrack 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record 02000 140 t 9 5130 = Lesh 104 147 4 1QOX725 5102 = Colston 110 140 4 100x720 r130 My Gal 105 147 5 100X715 5097 Tom Siiyer 114 148 5 IOC 715 50972 Apiaster 90 149 3 105X710 5003 = At Once 105 148 4 10G710 5002s Von Laer 112 149 0 109X710 5097 Ilaldeman 110 148 4 114X705 5130 Dr Hnlzbei 110 14S G 100 700 5008 Foxcraft 3 95 700 5213 Goldlush 5 100 700 5213 Rinda 95 151 4 100X095