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TORONTO ENTRIES The figures tinder the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1911 no matter where it finished Probabilities Weather cloudv track slow Racing starts at 200 p in Chicago time 100 X Runs well iu mud Superior mud runner M maiden Apprentice allowance First Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Selling Track record 02702 100 2 99 Ind Horse Wt Rec AW AW509G1 AWtHan 509G1 OLD COIN 107101 II 1IOX72J 5095 Alattie L 112 1 03 10 5095 Gerrard 109 1 101 01 10 102X715 5095 Church Bell 10G 100102 102 10 107X711 5217 Loan Shark 108 102 11 115 710 5294 Rehearsal AI 105 101 10 104 710 5855 Sandman 1 108 OS 103 103T = 3 11 115X705 115X705109X705 5842 Bavel Lilt 10 109X705 53515 Protagoras 1 110 10 1 107 Q 10 107 70o 1851 Fred AIcElroy AI 1J 104 700 5057 La Saiurella AI 109 105 11 11Second 1047i Second Race About 2 Miles MilesSteeplechase Steeplechase Steeplechase4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling Track record 98425 4007 152 5344 Idle Michael 4 14 147X709 5298 Irvin P Diggs 5 51 150X095 5298 = Dr Heard 9 1 ll 9XC90 5359 = Cherish AI 4 411 411Third 185X090 Third Race 34 Mile Mile8ycarolds 8ycarolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 52545 111 4 114 5357 Pluvious 110 111 4 115X72 58Si Bay of Ploasur 95 113 3 105X720 521SI Fundamental 112 118 C 108X715 99 118 105x715 TM Master JinY 107 115 5 114X715 537O Chemulpo 102 114 4 1080710 52141 Chilton Squaw 115 115 1 108X710 5307 3 Silas Grump 94 114 5 105X705 5295 Carrillon 101 118 r 108X705 5295 Cardiff 100 114 4 111X70 5220 Venetian 93 118 4 108X700 5840 Lilbiirne AI 107 115 3 105 700 Also eligible to start iu r named should any of the above be scratched 53 5807 7 AI Cambou 101 117 5 10SX7IO 97808 7808 Elodia B 109 115 5 108X700 5357 Minnie Bright 112 118 5 10SX705 10SX705Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile Mile2ycarolds 2ycarolds Alaidens Special Weights WeightsTrack Track record 52545 111 1 114 5294 Sweet Story 102115 109X725 109X725585T 585T i Prviidown 8811107 1 09 X 72 534L Aloving Picture 109X715 554 Afterglow S 110 109X71O 585 Windbnrn 105 10511 11 109 705 4J5 Peter Doody 105 705 5297 Martin Amorous 10 109 I 115 109X7IHI 5297 Johniiv Harris 110118 112X701 112X7015s 5s Voivode 102 700 700t t Alxlon br g by Brvn Alawr Aliss AlissDoone Doone 109 tf Clyde and W F Presgravo entry entryFifth Fifth Race About 2 Miles MilesSteeplechase Steeplechase yearolds and Alaiden 4 and 5yoarolds Allowances Track record 9S420 400 7 152 5341 Julia Armour 5 137 700 70053G9 53G9 = J Cherish AD 4 147X095 147X0954Ctlt 4Ctlt Biosscau AI 5 185X 5O 5341 Clan Alpine AI 5132 1590 15905841J 5841J Nottingham AD 132 RIO RIO509t 509t Simon Dale AI I147 o 5541 Tom Kirby AD i20S5 i20S5JB JB McLennan and W Hogan entry tAIiss Chamblet entry entrySixth Sixth Race 1 Mile MileRothschild Rothschild Cup yearolds and upward Canadianowned Ilaudicau 1000 Added and Cup Track record 02084 189 1 104 5558 Amberito 1 05 1 42 98 X725 52991 Live Wire 10i 139 7 111X720 r29i Inspector Lestrade 107 142 8 10771r 5200 t Chepontnc Ill 142 5 114715 53SXS Lesh 111 142 4 110X710 5299 Cast Steel AI AI5t7 97 144 5 95X700 5t7 Scarlet Pimpernel 97 14 4 108x7io Il AIcBIrney and T Morgan entry entrySeventli Seventli Race 1 18 Miles Miles3yearolds SellingTrack 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record 02544 152 8 107 107HiSS HiSS Dr Holzberg 105 155 r 1000725 370 Flower Girl 3 102X720 102X720r0 104X720rrrO r0 Irish Kid 108150 4 104X720 rrrO 100X710r3003 = Aplastor 112 158 8 100X710 r3003 Naughty Lad 105 158 4 112X705 112X705r2G9s r2G9s At Once 104155 4109700