untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1912-10-03


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f RACING EXPERT PUBLISHKI IN XEV YORK The Leading Racing Magazine ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY 100 IKIi for tin BKST BETTING SYSTEM has been offered by llio KaeinK KxMrt Kaeh week for tli past foir mouths Benin Systems have Insu put lished This weeks issue lout today gives a wonderful wonderfulHANDBOOK HANDBOOK PROGRESSIVE SYSTEM SYSTEMwhich which is adapted for handl playirs It is something you waul and is one of the bfist svstems submitted so far ew issiii out today Kaciug Expert is for sale eaeii week at atCHICAGO CHICAGO ILL Bruno Tassone 356 South State St StDETROIT DETROIT MICH L Grosscim 85 Conaress St West WestST ST LOUIS MO + World News Co CINCINNATI O Wm S Manns News Co 720 Main St LOUISVILLE KY KYJ J Chas T Ocarina 232 4th Ave It MEMPHIS TENN The World News Co PRICE 25 CENTS t

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912100301/drf1912100301_6_6
Local Identifier: drf1912100301_6_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800