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LAGOON PARK FORM CHART SALT LAKE CITY Utah October 24 Sixteenth day Lagoon Fair and Racing Associations Meeting of 30 days Weather clear clearPresiding Presiding Judge E C Hopper Starter H Mor rissey Racing Secretary M Nathanson 6262 First Race 3S Mile Purse 251 3year 3yearolds olds and upward Selling Net value to wiuuer 200 second 35 third 15 15Ind Ind Horse AVtFin Jockey Op CL CL01CO 01CO Burning Bush 101 II Mulligan 10 10 10Ord Ord of Dance 100 22 Hill 5 2 20052King 0052King Earl 100 3 II Radtke 2J 3 3iltl iltl Sam Conuor 100 4J Riddle 3 3 0233 Uuruell 110 51 AV Fischer 10 10OI05Banthcl OI05Banthcl 101 Ci C Grand C 10 0045 Tanis 101 7 McDowell 10 20 205SOS 5SOS Lookout 113 S1 Corey 10 15 5015 Ed FitzUcrald 103 9t Ormes 10 15 155717Grizzly 5717Grizzly Bear 100 10JBezanson S 10 10o015 o015 A Schneider 110 11 AV Mclntyre 3 S STime Time 24 43 102 Track fast Winner 1C Connors b g S by Lord Dalmeny Minyon trained by IS AVhite AVhiteStart Start good AVon driving second and third the same sameOverweights Overweights Burncll 1 pound Tanis 1 Ed Fitz Gerald 3 Anna Schneider 1 62G3 Second Race 5S Mile Purse 250 3year 1 olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 200 secoud 33 third 15 Ind Horse HorseOlSMiKellsnicker AVrFin Jockey OlSMiKellsnicker 113 13 Mulligan MulliganKM Amando AmandoOiK KM 22 Pauley OiK = LedaIake 100 3i Hill 0057 Ray Eran 10 4 4i i C Grand 3S04Yuba 113 5 Pickens 5875 Tippy 113 G Corey 0201 Lescar 110 74 Cavanaugh OG741 Miles 10 8 J Hanover Time 23 47 101 Track fast I AVinuer O P Romighs b g by Mirthful Fright trained by O r Romigh RomighStart Start good AVon driving second aud third lh same sameOverweights Overweights Amando 2 pounds 6264 Third Race 5S Mile Purse 300 2year olds Allowances Net value to winner 225 sec ¬ ond 50 third 25 lud Horse WtFln Jockey iil Mrs Gamp 103 1 Hill 5920Gaskot 10o 2 = 1 Corey i0543Auto Run 107 3s Cavanaugh COOGBiila AVelsh 103 4J Ormes 5051s Ancestors 577S Cal Ciirn 110 fij Kelsay 10 30 305S40DrAVKruey 5S40DrAVKruey 103 7 AV Garsan 15 40 Time 40Time 23 47 100 Track fast AYiriiier Mazagau Stables b f by Mazagan Emma Traunuiiller trained by F Farrar Start good AVoa easily second and third driving Overweights Auto Run 1 pound Gasket 2 62G5 Fourth Race 1 Mile Purse 250 4yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 200 second 35 third 15 Ind Horse AVtFin Jockey Op Cl ClDOS DOS Miami 115 1 Cavanaugh 2 115 531 Rosevale 108 2 ° t McDowell S 20 200101Miss 0101Miss Korn 115 3 Hill 3 4 5747Lambertha 115 4 Riddle 10 20 2002013C 02013C 4JOlOSKiora AV Kennou 113 Ea Corey 4 4J OlOSKiora 115 C Pauley 85 S5 S5010S 010S Briton 115 7 Imes 10 20 Time 20Time 25 50 115 142 Track fast Winner H L AAilsons b g 0 by Count Schom bcrg CampStart Rochelle II trained by Q Van Camp Start good AAou driving second and third the same 62G6 Fifth Race 31 Mile Purse 300 3ycar olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 225 second 50 third 25 25Ind Ind Horse AVtFin Jockey Op Cl il95 Sepulvcda 112 IJ SielofE 8 20 2007SO 07SO Kl Hamilton 1CTJ 2 OBrien 10 15 15il5F il5F G Hogan 10 3nt Hill C5 C5 C5GU GU SAisiblo 104 43 Ormes 4 4 4MiOOJack MiOOJack Strykor 10 5 Cavanaugh 75 S5 0103 Definite 10 fi Pauley 15 9 0195 Cosgrove 107 73 Corey 15 40 40t t llS Beau Man 112 S Riddle 15 40 40Time Time 23 475 113 Track fast Winner Dickinson Bros eh h 5 by Prlnuc of Melbourne Diuawiek trained by W M Cain CainStart Start good AVon driving second and third the same G267 Sixth Race Futurity Course Purse 250 3 yearolds and upward Selling Nut value to win ¬ ner 2X second 55 third 15 Ind Horse AVtFin Jockey Op Cl ClC19S C19S La Cazadora 103 11 Mulligan 15 12 12OHIO OHIO Sidney Peters 112 2 Forsythe S5 115 115J135 J135 Sir Barry 10 j Rosen 20 30 30l0Grcat l0Grcat Friar 1O7 4 Hill fi C D3Cl0Mandadero 1055 Hugh Gray 104 5 Ormes 2 D3 Cl0Mandadero 104 fij Groth 4 13u 13u3005Yeliow 3005Yeliow Foot 10 7s OBrien 20 fO fOGO07 GO07 = Ben Stone 10 S Corey J 12 Time 12Time 23 47 110 Track fast AVinner O P Romighs ch f by Bearcatcher Model II trained by O P Romigh RomighStart Start good Won driving second and third the same sameOverweights Overweights La Cazadora 1 pound