Laurel Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, October 31., Daily Racing Form, 1912-10-31


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Lairel Entries anil Past Performances for Thursday October 31 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1911 no matter where it finished I Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 XRuus Avell in mud Superior mud runner M maiden Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Selling SellingTrack Track record 08015 107 1 115 115Ind Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHanT2 T2 Early Light 107108 109 725 74 Cordi e F 10S 1 OS 103 X 720 j208s Chuckles 110108 111x713 274 Insurance Man 103 l07f 111X715 KT74 Anrilic 107 1OB 108X713 108X713diicr diicr Big nipper 111X710 S1S4 Schallcr 110 108 111X710 0208 Latent 102108 109X710 109X710t125 t125 Koseitairc 104 109 111X705 KT74 Chilton Dance 104109 101 705 U24 Garden of Allah 106X705 106X705ilitt ilitt Fred Levy 110100 109X700 109X700mm mm Thesieres 109X700 109X700Wanda Wanda Pitzer b f by Peep oDay My Gem 103 Second Race 6 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 98015 107 1 115 115fi209 fi209 = Madman 122 100 C 109725 J07a Jack Nunnally 110 107 S 109X720 109X720S439 S439 Fond Heart 101 l07 f 7 109X715 0002 Lady Sybil 105 100 5 103 715 715HSO HSO Toniata 100 1OS 5 106X715 106X715ii24S ii24S Deduction 110 lOSi 3 108X715 130 Spellbound 6109X710 0299 Thriftv 107 106 4 104X710 1015 Fatberola 97 100 3 103X710 103X710r9r r9r 4 Mon Ami 100 107 5 103X705 103X705S954 S954 Escalibur HO 108 3 102 70 15168 Carroll 100 109 5 103X705 1273 Sidon 100 lOC i 3 102X700 102X700ClfcS ClfcS Premier 102107 4104X700 20i Argonaut 114 1OS 6 10 X700 X7003W 3W Dr K L SAvarengcrlll 109 3 102 690 Also eligible to start in order named should any of above be scratched U2S Howlet Ill 109 5 106X703 106X703OlSfi OlSfi Vilcv 99 107 3 97X715 5804 Surfeit 110 1OS 3 105X705 0209 Flail M 102 113 3 102 700 Third Race 34 Mile 3ycarolds and upward Selling Track record 99212 112 5 125 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 6126 Back Bay 108 112 4 115X723 0188 Ben Loyal 103 112 r 105720 6299 Seneca Ill 113 5 104X715 104X715r r 955 Perthshire 109113 4 113 715 715G210 G210 Rose Queen 116 113 6 97X713 5979 Kate K 98 112 3 104X710 G12G Hoffman 110 112 G 114 710 6126 Ivabel 99113 4101 410161S 61S Springmass 100 115 4 107x700 107x700Fourth Fourth Race 1 18 Miles American Grand National Handicap Value 5000 50003yearolds 3yearolds and upward Track record 6030 151 If 3 124 5652s Lahore 106 1 52 4 10S70 10S70C030 C030 The Manager 115 150 3 127 745 745OOSOt OOSOt Froglegs 110151 3 12K 6030 = Worth 115152 3 117 6277s Carlton G 114 151 r nun 61 9 Sir John Johnson 11G 155 C127 G M Miller 123 152 5 103X73T 103X73TG300t G300t John Reardon Ill 152 5 88X73 88X735867s 5867s Bounder 96 152 4 94X73T 94X73TG277 G277 Superstition 116 151 7 107 X 3T 3T5OSt 5OSt Star Charter 122 151 4 12572T 12572Tt t J W Schorr entry entryFifth Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 99201 143 1 IOC 6302 BLACKFORD 103 142 G 107X725 6212 Michael Angelo 109 144 G 117X720 6004 Suffragist 114145 5 113 715 6275 Golden Castle 110 145 6 109X715 6074 Irish Kid 100 143 4 109X715 6248 Henry Hutchison 110 144 5 1147iO 2753 Halduman 110 145 4 110y70 110y70G2783 G2783 Be 100 145 3 100X710 100X710G24S G24S Lord Elam 107145 5114X705 6279 Ben Wilson Ill 1 ACy 4 110X705 110X7056170s 6170s O Em 107 145 5 107X705 107X705G27S G27S Pedigree 107 146 7 107X70 6170 Warner Griswell 100 145 8 105X70O 6299 Anavri 5114X700 5114X700Sixth Sixth Race 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record 5865 144 3 99 99G2773 10SX723G0a3 G2773 Cliff Edge 104143 B 10SX723 G0a3 Colonel Ashmeadel03 144 5 103X720 6127 103X715C075 Jacqnelina 114 1V r 103X715 C075 Oakhurst 10 144 6 103 715 6248 Bxmald Macdonaid 119 146 6 108710 6187 War Horn 104 14S 3 109705 5927 El On 108 146 G 108X703

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Local Identifier: drf1912103101_3_1
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