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RACING G0SSIF FROM THE EAST. cv. York Janusrj 2. Ui rgi Chlpchsse has ■ juniper at Shecpshead Bay thai be expects to win with next season. She is Spring Maid, a mare that has Ih-oh hunted in Virginia for the past two sea sons, and sue has developed Into • high Jumper of quality. The mare came from Loudoun County Sunday and she bac air- idy been pot through some her paces in the big paddock that has been con st rue ted to try onl the Jumpers. This paddock is :i Ih.ui an acre in size and has two Jumps -an easy one and a hard one. The hard •■u - was not bard enough to bother Spring Maid, and it will bare to be built up considerably it Mr. Chipcbase wants to tiud onl what she really amounts to at ■ high J Banner. The 1 1 j ~. ; j Jumper. Arran, Is down there, and be wan schooled recently otct ■ 5 foot 8 Inch jump. and cleared ir handily repeating several times. This Jumper took second pri* In the high jumping ia -al Madison Square Garden. Charlie Hargravi is anotlfr that has been put t" Jumping and ne Is being litted to carry the Chip chase -ilk- at the Piping Rock Spring meeting. He bandies himself like a natural jumper and. though be was only tried at I feel •• inches, ir was .... easj for him that long before he 1- called upon 1 ii . be will undoubtedly be n ady foi all thai i- found in a steeplechase in Id. loan llcCauley, who rooV sdly Bly In all of her -.h..i races, has Chilton Uu en it GraTeseml. Hi had Intended wintering th aare il Jamestown, bul chanced Ins mind, and he .- now 1 member of the rapidly growing Long Island colony sf hor statu. He is quartered In the old yearling barn that was formerly occupied by the Thomas Welsh string. The marc i-- being kept in. and it is possible that she will be shipped to Charleston. In the same stable i- the im.mI sprint in° Ally. Ivabel campaigned 1 . . . — 1 1 1 1 1 by John Power* la-t season. J.*- Mai 1 sin is nit onl "i racing. Old St. Jot ph, the boras be was accused of doping at Bennlng, nml on a. --omit of which he wai barred bj the Washington Jockey Grub, Is it Gravesend. Willie BslseTJ baa the old fellow In his can-, and he also bsf Prank Pureell and a bay rail St. Joseph i- a-frisky as a resrRng despite bit long and varied |*gj