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NOTES OF THE TURF. Frank W. Doss and W. R. Norvell are reported sick at El Paso. 1 rank M. Taylor lias the II. C. Hallenbeck horses at the farm at Eiiontown. N. J. for the winter. The annual meeting of the Jockey Club has been caiied for Thursday, January !, at four oclock. Harry White, who serves as a minor oflicial at various" tracks each season, is spending the holidays in New York. Johu llachmeister. general manager of the Lai ; I I and Douglas Park tracks, who has been visiting bis sister at Baldwin, 111., during the holidays, has returned to Cincinnati and is shaping his affairs at i.atoaii so thai in- cs« enjoy Iwo months ashing and hunting at Naples. Pis. !!•■ will teste tot hero in a few days. II. D. Brown, general manager of the Laurel track, lias arrived at New York i" ssead the rest of the winter. James R Keens uderwent a serious surgical O ration In a .New York hospital yesterday. Bla condition to critical. Joekej Joe Byrne, who is under roatracl to rise ror Joseph B. WMener in France, will leave shortly to report I" Thomas Welsh, who is handling thf Wideuer horses abroad. The Jockey Clnb stewards have voted t" donate the New York Breeding Bureau stallion, Fori Hunter, lo Gen. Leonard Wood or some other oflseer of the United States Arm] . W. II. Kanick Is wintering the II. K. Knapp horses at Aiken, s. c. Aiken has always been a popular place for the wintering of thoroughbreds. It wss there that the late John Rogers always quartered the Whitney siring. Honesty is the best policy, In snort as in bssinos:. ii, fact II I* ahonl ni iy policy possible now la many nelds of human activity. The cheater cant gel a gM.d -tart even, because it is dimcnll to pn vent the public from knowing thai be is trying lo chest, and forewarned is forearmed. — Toronto Globe. The report cone- from La Porte, Ind.. that an organised effort will be made dining the forthcoming session of the Indiana Legislature to secure the passage of Important amendments to the Seller law. governing racing In thai stale. The movement is in the interest of a liberalization of the law-It is o.pec ted that the bill will be introduced H Boon as tie- Legislature convenes. D. Raymond, of Montreal, made an entry for the 1915 Futurity of the Coney Island Jockey club that is interesting on blood lines. The mare is Coldeii Shore, a daughter of Bend or and Sea Shore, a daughter of Hermit. The sire is Oiseau, a sou of i Mnu-. also a Bend Or horse. Golden Shore had ■ foal by St. Serf In 1998 and has none since that time. She is now safety in foal to Oisesn, and it i- natural that Mr. Raymond expects a foal of qsalitj . Jockey James ButweU has decided that ho will not ride this winter. He has a DBhing camp at Mayport, near Jacksonville. 1 In., and he proposes to paSS the cold weather Cere. Bat well is under contract to Ral Parr for 1M3, and had it not been that Parr secured his services early, it is probable that Butwell would iiave gone back to Russia, where be rode with signal success. Within the last few da- he received an offer from hi- old Russian employer offering him a contract of 9,060 Or tin-season.