Second Race [2nd Juarez, Daily Racing Form, 1913-01-06

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SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds. Selling. 9C978— 1:05% 4 MB. 1 SHARPER KNIGHT, h. ?. 3 107 By The Sharper— Zella Knight B. A. Jones. H7X4 luarez 3-4 1:1«| good 1 103 1 22: 3s Teahan 8 Balls, boring Mose, Jolly lar 6753 Juarez 3-4 1:U| faat 4 102 G 5 4 4 2 Halsey 10 G.of Allah, L-VanZandt, Ardelup in,/ 3-4 1:16 fast :;i 10s « 4 4 4 i* Moleawh 9 I. una. King Stalwart, Reus 6717 Juarez 51 f 1:071 fast 4 ] 5 7 6 .". 1- 3*1 Moleawh 10 Connaught Luria, M. Katcham i.e.. Juarez ."•. f 1 :o» sood 6-5 Ml 3 : 3 2»| 11 Moleawh 8 Mazurka. UVanZandt, ErnestH. 6669 Juarez I 1:M good 6 107 8 s 5 4J 2*1 Halsey 8 I.uria. K.Stalwart, L. Van Zandt .;.;:::: Juarez S I 1 :03g slow 10 109 4 6 4 5- 2" Rosen 7 KITS, Pretty Dale. 1 See It 1NQUIETA b. f, 3 100 By Fatherless — Ellerslie G. M. Odom. 6702 Juarez 5 f 1:08 good 5 88 3 4 5 ."■ 6 INathan 8 S.Alvescot, L.Youag, Parlot Boy wis- Juarez 5. f Losjf slow 2 M S 3 4 4- 3*1 Nathan ■ Swifts ire. Klva, Sprightly Miss 6663 Juarez 51 f 1:081 slow 13-6 MO 2 2 2 6 4 ] Nathan 6 Klva, Gar. of Allah, Sptly Miss 8651 Juarez 61 f l:M| slow 2 104 3 3 4 4; 3*1 Nathan 7 P.. Welsh. G.ofAllah, T. Chapman 6467 La ton la f-i f 1:11! hvy 27-10 100 1 2 1 li lh Nathan 12 Kiinnundy. Rooster, King 15ox 617:; Latonia H f l:lli hvy 15 PU 2 3 2 :: 3Ji Nathan !i A. Patricia, Silk Day. Swiftxure 6MS Latonia M t 1 :08 «o6dfl-10 107 1 11 1" 2i J Callahan 7 Guide Post, Kalinka, Neville MS Latonia .", f 14H hvy 27-5 109 4 2 2 6- 6" J Callahanll Fellowiuau, Rooster, Ancoa 6865 Churchill 54 f 1:085 slow 14 96 7 4 7 9 S" Nathan 10 A.Patricia. Ter.Bill. Jacob Bonn 6641 DouglaaPk 5?" f 1:078 fast 25 100 5 7 7 8 8«J Nathan 11 La Mode. Lodona, Roseasarj j 546 1 I iusrlasPk 5 . f 1 :07jj fast 13-5 108 2 2 2 2i 2»t Iftus 10 Rosemary . Old Woman. Cutie B. 5400 DouKlasPk 6| f l:o3g slowSl-10 187 9 8 5 6l" 641 J Callahan 0 Silk Day. La Mode. Polly Worth 5380 DouglaaPk 5Jf l:06gfast 18 100 2 5 10 11 ll11 J Callahanll Gowell. Benam-t. Smoke House 5201 DouglaaPk 5| f 1:101 hvy 4 100 1 111" 2a J Callahan 7 Ter Bill Ballyshe, Traasaort 327.5 Latonia 5* f 1:06| fast 32-6 110 3 5 6 7h 810 .1 Callahanl2 I.odona, Jimmie GUI. Toy 3146 Latonia 5i f 1:10 hvy 7 110 3 2 2 U 21 Estep 10 Madelle. Marabou, SprighthrMlsa 3043 Latonia 5-8 1:01 sood 2j 108 6 3 4 6* SJJ CallahanlO Du. Daffy. Miss Edith. Red Rose 2749 latonia 5-8 1:001 fast 7-5 108 3 2 2 21 34 C H ShUg 6 Gowell. Cordie F.. SpriubtlyMiss 2680 Latonia 6-8 1:011 good 8 100 1 4 2 2s 21 J Callahan 7 Yorkville. Gowell. Hal. Richards TRETTY DALE, b. f. 3 100 By Hinsdale— Like Me W. H. Snearley. ...:;j i 3 i irifij fast IS Ml I -1 3 3! V Nathan 12 Masorka, Loan Shark, Tom G. 6729 Juan/. I 1 1:15 fast 40 M I 7 7 8 5:03Nathan ■ I.iuia. King Stalwart, Bella .711 Juarez 51 1:081 good 26 MS 3 6 6 7 4J Forsythe S G. of Allah. Loan Shark. A/.u i 8682 Juarez 5] f 1 : S. slow 30 101 3 6 7 7 7" Q W Car*U 7 Swiftsure, Klva, laqnieta 6633 Juarez »-8 l:03|slow8 112 2 2 2 2- 2 "JForsythe 7 Klva, Jjharper Knight, I See It 6504 Lagoon 5-8 1:078 hvy 12 97 5 5 4 61 412 Forsythe 8 Sierra, Auto Run. forge 6428 Lagoon 4 f 59g hvy 6-5 10." 4 I 1 lb 1j Forsythe a Forge. Reteiite. Senor Llorente 6401 Iagoon 5-S l:e6i mud 8 97 2 2 2 3- 4*1 Forsythe 4 Auto Run. MoUer. Safranor 6334 Lagoon 4. f hit, mud 20 107 8 7 5 31! 33i J Hanover » Ton G., Bight Little Retente MM Salt Luke 4J f 54 fast 7 HO 4 2 2 31 2 S Johnson 7 Connaught, Kamchatka, Sierra 3860 Salt Lake 4£ t hht slow 20 104 2 1 2 7 711 S Johnson S Auto Run. Bells. John Hurie 3716 Salt Lake 1-2 471 fast 30 105 4 5 5« 414 S Johnson 8 Envy, Kid Nelson, Mrs. Gamp ikla City 4* f 68 fast 37 105 5* S Johnson S TigbtBoy. Insnr.Maii. GreenCloth 2968 Okla.City 4 f 1:00? slow 18-5 107 411 S Johnson 6 GreenCloth. Farraud. Josie Lee LOAN SHARK, b. c, 3 105 By Lissak— Wings W. Elliott. i 6832 Juarez 3-4 1:15J fast 3i MS 5 2 2 2:i 3- Bobbins 12 Mazurka. Pretty Dale. Tom G. luarez 5 I 1:081 last 8 lo l r, :, 3»* 8*J Dreyer 11 I".. I Gray. T.McGee, L.HarsonU 6771 Juarez 5. f 1 :0Sk slow 20 ]0l 9 5 2 2*J 2* Bobbins 12 Casket. Rooster. Mazurka 67 :i Juarez 1 11:15 fast 30 Ml 7 E I ° , 71* Robbins ti I.uria. King Stalwart, Bells 6711 Juarez 5. f 1 :0SJ good 4 102 2 2 2 8* 23 Robbins 8 G. of Allah. Asurea. Pretty Dale " Juarez 5 8 1 "IS good 50 112 4 5 5 4l 5H Rohbiiis ij P. Zareta, RealStar. Bula WeNh I I Min.Spg8 6-8 1:04? mud 2 110 2* Delahy 3 Lady Bobbins. Protagoras 6022 Min Sip rs 6-8 1 :01jj faat 6 111 5 7 I B* 4» Wargton 11 Ella Crane. Spirella. Duch.Dafty 6986 Mln.Spgs 5-S 1:018 fast 5 108 5 7 7 7 7 Cook 7 Yorkville. Bthelbg II., S. James 6691 Hlllcrest Ab6-8 1M§ fast I 112 3*1 MeArdle 7 Janus. Protagoras. LadyRohbins 6565 llillcrpst Ab.-S 1 :01 fast 7 10S 1* MeArdle 9 Stanley H., Pass On. F. Flower .".111 Toronto 5-8 1:031 hvy 18 115 6 7 5 S Sln Van P/otcnlO Mattie I... Old Coin. Rehearsal 5217 Dufferin Ab5-S 1:01| fast 7 118 8 8 8* 8 » Shannon :t Protagoras. F.Flower. Iff CandU 4716 Windsor 51 f 1:072 fast 10 Ml 2 2 2 3* 4° Van IVoten 6 Miss Edith, Old Coin, Ballyshe VELIE FORTY, b. f. 3 100 By Cesarion — Pleasant Gill Mrs. H. Armstrong. 677:: J H / :, f 1:082 slow :;» :i" ] 8 8 8 :•■, W N" T" tor » Garland. Anne McGea. Venetian 650» lagoon 4 f 1:00* hvy 6 107 6 6 I 6* 6*1 Bezanaon 7 J.Newman. FarCatkay, Retente 6472 Lagoon 4-3 f 591 mud 3 lf 4 7 7 7 7* 721 Forsythe 8 Nifty, Rolls. Far Cathay 61«fi lagoon 4 f 68| hvy 7 IK 4 3 2 2* V Hill " Sierra, Senor Llorente, Bells 6273 Lagoon 5-8 1:001 faat 8 94 9 9 9 Pull.up.llill 9 Abibu. J.Blackstock. OrisaarLad 6199 lagoon .". s i :00s fast 60 97 7 7 7 7 lr- Bezauson 7 Mona Canomann. Truly. Baiwa 6301 Vancouver 5-8 1:03| mud — 109 5 5 4 6 6T1 ll Hoffman « Bnlly. Jessie Porter, Bula Welsh 1997 Vancouver 5-8 1:041 hvy — 307 5 4 2 23 11 R Hoffman 7 Province, Safranor. Gar.of Allah 1865 Vancouver 5-8 1:931 mud — Ml 5 I I -■ 2- Beaansoa 7 Province. J. Crawford. Mercurm 4941 Vancouver E 8 1:02? mud — los a 4 2 l:l 2" Keogh 7 B. Welsh, Tellurium. G. of Allaii 1798 an-oviver 4. f 55J fast — Ml 2 11 Ill* Keogh 8 Rnssella. Satchclctte. Faustina K83 Vancouver 5-8 1*2 good— ia9 Refused. Hill 8 B. Welsh, Jes. Porter. MIssHebert 1618 Vancouver 5-8 1:051 mud— 11". 6 6 1 ".. I71, .T Hanover 7 LI Palomar, Ruby Son, Camla 4136 Van »uver 5. f 1:07* fast — HH 7 7 7 6= 8*1 Hill 7 Oldsmobile, Phosphorm, J.Port r ■it; Vancouver 41 f 561 mud — 111 •"• 2 1 1* 1*1 Hill I Buhl Welsh. Tellurium, Faustina ii- i a ni uver I "- 60 slow — i"v 3 I -- 3| B Hoffman 7 Mercurm, Phosphorm, Satchtte 4"l". Vancouver i 2 49;. fast — 106 4 4 "11" R Hoffman i; R.Bonheur, 4?hoapboratum, P*tina • !• Vancouver 1 - 181 fast — 109 - - 21 !• R Hoffman * Bostris, Ihosiilioratuni. J. Porter 3612 Vancouver 1-2 49g slow — Ml 4 I fj :- It Hoffman 6 G.of Allah. Satclielette. F. Hudson KING STALWART, ch. g. 3 107 By Stalwart — Veracious F. D. Weir. 6773 Juarea 1 1:434 slow 41 K 1111 8 1*1 "W" W Tlor 7 Orpertb. Leblgb. Don Enrique 874 Juare; I I "-i fast 6 95 6 14 ! 6*1 I J McCabe 7 Suffragist. L.Creed, I.Mi hnint • luarez 1 I 1:15 fast M Ml l 2 2 2*1 -! J McCabe :• Luna. Bells, Sharper Knight 6706 Juarez : ■ 1 1 :09 good 3 112 4 5 6 6 l*« J McCabe 8 Sh. Knight. Mazurka, L.VanZaudt 6693 Juarez 51 f 1:101 low 2 M - I ■ ■■ l* -I McCabe 6 l -m G., Janus. Holler 6687 Juarez I if I ;l! mud 8 86 3 11 1» f J McCabe 0 Oruerth. Maud McKee. Lehigh 8888 Juarez M rood 12 1vi E 4 4 6 8* .1 McCabe s i.uria. SharperKnight, L.V.Zaudt 6437 Latonia 61 f 1:111 hvy 24 100 7 8 11 10 104 J McCabe 12 loquieta Kinumndv. Booster 6 so latonia sT f 1 OS? fast 13 107 2 5 5 7** l*| J McCabe 12 Bateuch, Kelly. Barnard 617 Iatonia 3-4 1:181 hvy 47 97 4 4 5 41 6*5 J McCabe 10 Blue Jay, Anion. Fi-1 6064 Latonia 51 i 1 :071 good 56 107 3 6 7 71 S10LI McCabe 12 D. Steppa. Luther. Tecuniseh 6035 Latonia 5?. f 1 -08J hvv 14 104 5 6 9 10 108 J McCabe 11 F-l!owmtn. Booster. Aiu-i.n 6816 Churchill 5-8 1:01 fast 75 MO 3 6 4 2" 2s J Daniels 10 Sptly Miss. Cecil. Dr. Jackson 60c 1 exington 51 f 1:078 fast 63 102 5 4 4 8 8 »»Estep 8 Sil. Moon. Counterpart. D. Piatt 48",; lxingtoa 51 f 1 :D8| good 32 10214 4 9 10 10" Estep 10 SilverMoon. Sptly Miss. F.Grane 3146 I atonia 61 f 1:10 hvy 21 103 7 6 10 10 10t9j.l Daniels Hi Madelle. Inquieta, Maraboa 2974 latonia 5-8 1:01 fast 8 112 2 5 6 9 911 Ganz 12 Dorlon. Transport. Merlin 2727 Latonia 5-8 l:01i! fast 12 99 1 2 2 31 3i J Daniels 5 Toy. Armor, Monitor PAMPINEA, ch. f, 3 100 By Marta Santa — Aida Dunn J. 0. and G. H. Keene , .;i-, Juarez I ■■ faat I 108 •" S 8 1*1 B Steele 11 G.BusseU, Weyanoke, TbeCinder B |, i i 7,t fast 11-5 lor, ;: 11 i"i- 22. Rooney ; Dynamo, Betente. Bash. Bettie 2 i Latonia 5 S 1:014 fast 69 118 8 8 6 51! 4* Estep 11 Semprite. Du. Daffy. Daisy Piatt ERNEST H., br. g. 3 108 By Otis— Ursula II. J. C. Cahn. juare j ;, . | ; : k fast 1«X 10] 5 I 1 !** 6*1 Dreyer 1 » Ins. Man, Sprigh.Miss, Kamchatka luarez ■ t l ."x; fast Hi 103 2 2 2 -:! 7 , I -i • :• 11 I J.Gray, r.McGee. L.HarsonU. . . luarez 01 fast 12 108 12 I 4 4* S-.I Callahan 14 G.Russell. Weyanoke, TbeCinder • ■ Juarez 51 I I ■• ■• good 15 Ml - - 2 •. 4,:Jliil: 5 Sb. Knight, Mazurka, L.Vai./ ,,.,,•, Juarez 6 ;- 1:03 good 12 Hfl I l ! 2*1 S4 J Callahan 8 Lnria. Bharp.Knlgbt, K.Stalwart ,,r . i.n.eii.i 5j f 191 mud 64 182 1 1 1 li ~ " J McCaba 11 Aaeon, Senator James, Plel • ■ i , ma 51 f 1:081 fast 27 107 E 7 6 11 li~ V Turner 12 Batoucb, Kelly. Barnard • Min Spgs 6-8 1.-03 fast 10 115 6 6 7 7s 8*| Obert 8 Willis, Kelly, 11. H. Gray Douglaa Pk E § l:4Je| good M Ml 1 l 3 8 8" T Koerner .* Blue Jay. Rooster, Klagllag 4971 Iexlngton 5-8 1:021 fast 11 109 2 2 5 61 95i Moleswh 11 Counterpart. Baldoyle. Rosemary ■xincton 51 f l:10j good 49 M3 4 1 1 61 MlGrosa 10 Sptly Miss. Ardelon. Old Woman i 48 1 rexington 5-41 1M mud57-10 109 3 1 1 2" 45i J Callahan 0 Transport. The Grad-r. Mazurka LUKE VAN ZANDT. b. g. 3 102 By Luke Ward— Lula Perkins I. E. Claik . i n i 3-4 1:154 fast 31 103 12 11 9 • 7, 12 Mazurka. PrettyDale. LoanShark ai • .: 1 l:13f fast : • 10 1" 9 8 a* 3*| Gi 10 G. of Allah, Sh. Knight. Ardel i 1 6729 Jqarez I 11:15 fast lj Ml 4 9 9 9 9"lHill • Lnria. King Stalwart, Bells 6706 Juarez 51 f 1:09 good 10 1M 7 7 7:: S*| Buxton 8 sh. Kuiht. Mazurka, Bruest II. 8894 Juarez 54 f 1:101 slow 6 97 8 6 6 6 6" Hill 8 Bella Ah Moon. Dorothy Ledgett 8089 Juarez 5-8 1:03 good M Ml 7 I 7 5 4*| Gross 8 Lnria. Sharp.Knigbt, K.Stalwart 6631 I :. I 1:01 slow 25 K I 5 4 I* " L Hill 7 Comptoo, Janus, Kitty W. Mf2 Okla ity 2 tl:17gfa?t 19 104 611 S Johnson !t Oldsmobile, Ins. Man. Tight Boy 8426 Ok.City Abi 8i;i 9 slow 23 103 ■-■ 8 Jottason 8 Green Cloth, Porge. Van Deren . Okla City ii f 5S8 fast 37 102 1*1 S Johnson 12 M. Hubert. D.Stearnes, Piekpket KID NELSON, ch. c, 3 105 By Solitaire II.— Bohemian Lass CH. W. Hoagi. i larez ■■; faat ■" H« Cavangh •"• Stoul n Gar. of Allah i Juarez 5-8 1:032 slow 2 106 t 5 I* 6,TlCavangh 7 Klva. Shar. Knight, Preii; Dale , . latonia 5] tl:lljhvy fid 168 5 ii 5 .",: l1 J Henry 1 I-el. Hasson. Dr. Jackson 6280 lAtonia » t 1:081 fast 41 1 1« i "■ i 1"" 3 Henry 12 Ba touch. Kelly, Barnard 1359 Butte .". -, l .01* slow 3 i06 I I 4 E 6:-; Carraagfa f Envy. OrlinKripp. Moth. Katcham i - ill Lake 1 f si/ cood 8 107 6 4 2 2:V 4*1 Klrsebm S OrlinKripp. Truly. Mo. Kaicham alt l„ike 1-2 471 fast 1-3 112 2 I J;i2- Rirschm 8 Envy. Mrs. Gamp. Pretty DaB- .-.■it r.ake 1-2 47k fas*. 13-10 Ml S 3 2- 2*1 Kin ■hui 7 M. Katcham. C.dAlenc. Gasl 3609 Salt ltke 1-2 4Sg fast 4 112 I 4 4s 31! Klrscb m 6 O.Kripp. Molile Richards. 7arter • dAIene • 8 IKHJ fast 30 108 6 III 6*1 Klrschm 7 IanZareta. Camla, Vd Rights 949 C dAlena 41 f 66J mud 4 118 10 9 I 67 Klrseifm p Eeuotek. Barfom. The Clnd»r 2785 C. dAteaa 1-1 481 fart 40 109 6 3 41 4"! W Fis.-her 8 Vested Rights. Truly. Barium MOTHER KAICHAM. b. f. 3 100 By Abe Frank— Panauit* J. F. Newman. ■e -7 Juarez 61 f 1:01 fast 5 MS 7 6 9 7 7**lGroea 10 Ins. Man. Sprigh.Miiss, Kara 6717 Juarez 5 i 1:071 fast 6 108 si 7 6 5 4" Gr JO Connaught. Lurla Shar. Knlgnt 668 Juarel 5] I IKMxsIowS MS 2 7 6 r.1 6;m leswh . Sv i- re, K i. Imp ta . • luarez E I I 1*1 slow 6 in E S I I*! Gro s ii Klva, Gar. of Allah, Sptly Mi Anaconda v I "7 hwl3l0 112 4 4 2 :: 4" Rooney ■"■ P.Gi n. M Kicbanls. OKonlta 44,17 Butte 5 s I ■•! s|o, ||2 4 1 I 3] ■ . Cartel tl OrlinKripp. Pan Zareta, Imv 4268 Butte • v I 8U slow 23 5 IU 1 I 2 P* 29 Buxton 6 lnvv. ttrliu Kripp. Irnly 8801 Butte 1-2 471 fast 3-4 107 3 3 31 4-1 Kirschm r Pas Zareta, Kiny. AI Bloch 8888 Suit I-ake 41 f 541 good 4-5 108 5 E fi SJ 8 Anderson S OHIn Kripp. Truly. Kid Nelson 3708 Sail Lake 5-1 1 -00 fast 4 112 1 4 2 21 21 And. -is, ■ 5 Floral Park. Al BWwh. P. Gannon i •.67.7 ait Ukp 1 471 fast 7 109 1 1 I1 Is* Anderson 7 K Nelson. Coeur dAIene, Gasket 8614, Salt lake U t EZ| fast 9-6 99 2 3 1 41 510iCartcr 7 FloralPark, PauXtre!:!, Qr.Krlpp 1 D : Q : DON RAMON, b. c, 3 102 By Lackford— Prima II. R. Macias. 6771 Juarez 51 I l:08J -1 w ¥i 105 II 9 8 11 11"JB Steele VI Gasket, 1. -an Shark. Booster larez I 1:131 faat M Ml 3" E 7 ; W Gargan 10 G.ofAllah s. Knight. 1..V. /.audi Ok.City AI,. s l.i slow 41-5 112 7" Mini 8 CreenClotii. Forge, L. Van Zand t 3260 Okla. City 41 f 1:04 hvy 21-10 113 1* N lieol 7 Moisie. PickjMCket, Peter Honce I- Ok.City AbS B 1 :o?jS BMW 3». 112 7 ;.iei.| 7 Forge. Dad Slearncs, Josie Up 3082 Ok.City Aba-S 1:10 hvy 66 I06 : S JohnaOfl 0 Ins. Man. Fitzgerald. Josie Lee 936 Okla. City 4| f 581 fast IS 111 I Nicol 8 Oldsmobile, D.Stearnes. D. Drop MM Okla .City 4 f 57 fast 20 110 I*1 Nicol P2 Follane. Tight l.oy. Oldsmobile QUICK, b. c, 3 102 By Conjuror— Fanny Wilson L. D. Gentry. 6835 Juarez t 1:07 tasl MO Ml 3 2 S 1- 1 - 0 U Truly, Got. Russell, Stout Heart 8855 Tulsa l-2m60y 571 fast 15 M7 Oenlrj B Early Joe, I,. I.. West. OrricU 3789 Tulsa AM I 1 Mi last M M UcGraw i; B. Possum. Walk.Joliu. Early Joe MM Tulsa 41 f E7| faat 20 llu Pulled up. Qeatry • PeUaaC Farraud. Our Iist

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