Fourth Race [4th Juarez, Daily Racing Form, 1913-01-06

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FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. MOt— 1:11;,-1 KM. GILPY. br. g, 6 113 By Woolsthorpe— Gillian W. E. Anplegate. 6803 Juarez 5-8 1:001 fast 8 5 Ml 3 11 1*| ]| B Steele 8 .Meridian. i.u.Aflen. Terns Trick 798 Jtterea 2-4 1:19 teat 5i los 2 111" lJ Borel G Kootouay. L. Panchita. J. Basey 6725 Juarea I 4 1:12] fast C3 IM 4 1 1 l1i44ii Borel t; Klla Bryson. Furlong. Console 6709 Juarez 5j f l:07jS goodll-20 110 1 1113 1-1 Borel 7 Dominica. Napa Nick. Sepulveda 93x17 Juarez 2-4 1:1a teat 1 104 3 11 Br.dn. Keogh k Bob Lynch, Enfield. Napa Nick 83799 Juarez 3-4 1:121 teat 3 107 S 1111 l5 Keugh y Bxecate, Beau Man. Iua Lech 93047 Jua-ez 51 f 1 :07i fast 6-5 106 1 11 I1 1- T Rice 5 R.Pei os, M.Kennedv. Jean. d Arc 92026 Juj.ez 5-8 l:00e fast 8-5 105 1 1 1 1* l4 T Rice 6 Creston, Lady Elizabeth. Cotvtto 91160 Saratoga 3-4 1:15 hvy 15 107 8 6 6 6i 6-"JA Walsh 10 Dantield, lutrinsic. Woolca6ta EL P ALOMAR, br. c. 3 102 By Ostler Joe— Mary Aiieen C. W. Clark. em Juarez 2-4 1:12| teat 3 98 4 4 4 Ill" Kederia d T.Tbaaaaa, Terns Prick. J.DoiboUl •.797 .luan-z 5. 1 :06g. fast 9-5 lln 1 2 2 l1"- 1- Buxton -I Conuaiight. Kenneth. Kamchatka 8719 Juarea 61 f 1:071 alow 6 108 2 3 1 l»t 1= Buxton 4 o.nnaught. Vent. Rights, Rosins 6765 Juarez 6-8 l:f3f. slow 4-6 112 2 2 2 1 V Bill 3 Boalrla, Kenneth C29I 61fl:05Jfast 18 1061 9 9 8 ! • !•• W aadreaa » Ooarell. Kleburne. S. of Danube 6124 Latonia :: 1 1:171 hvv 22-6 1 08 1 3 3 4 41" Coose 4 FlvinK Tom. Horron. Pericles :s84 Churchill 6ifl:06 fast 34 10S 4 7 6 6 6"J.T Henry 7 J. Britain. S. Star. The W. Moon : .V7 Churchill 3-4 1:14 slow 14-6 M3 2 1 2 3« 3° Moleswh 4 Solar Star. Gowell. La Mode ETtt Churchill 3-4 1:121 fast 39-5 1"8 1 1 1 2* 2« Goose ft Floral Park. Flying Tom. Cream ADELAIDE T., b. f, 4 105 By Sileo — Tamiga R. J. Mackenzie. 4767 Butte 5 8 1:001 fast 2i ME 2 1 1 1-1= Taplin : ! Kiota. Bauonica, Gerds KOOTENAY, ch. g. 5 95 By Ben Strome — My Beauty J. L. Brown. 6816 Juarez i 8 1:24 teal t 991 12 2 I 4 4V Burgaaae 4 J.Baaey, Lady Paaebita. Upright 6798 Juarez 3-4 1:121 teat 41 ••! : " :; i:| 2 R Hoffman 5 Gllpy, LadyPaachita, Jinj Basey •,.ii Juarez 3-4 1:12| good 12 kk; 2 3 3 4-i 53i r Hoffman ; Uprlgtat, Pawhuaka, Furioug 672U Juarez 51 f 1:07 fast 6 100 S 4 4 44 4T J McCabe J I.Zareta. LPaackita, Pawhaska L671 Juarez 2-4 1:131 good • 116 1 12 2i 5141R Hoffman 5 Chapultepec. F.Feet. F.Harwoxl 6698 Juarez 61 f 1 :07t good If ioj 3 1 3 2* i: Hill S Helen Barbee, Cloaer. Uarhrht 6£26 Juarez 51 f l:08ii good 16-6 10.*. 1 2 2 3:1 3" Gross o H. Barbee. Beda. 8. M.Miller 6427 Laumia S-4 1:171 Ery 17-6 103 6 3 2 22 2= C Turner 7 Merrick, Jim Basey. Caogh Hill 6312 latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 6 10". 5 G 6 51 541 Cross g Gr. Hitches. Royal Tea Catapeaa 686S l.atonia 3-4 1:161 mud47-10 InS 4 4 4 4 3-i Kstep 4 .1. Basey. Reciprocity Countless 6038 Latonia 3-4 1:14 hvy 63-10 108 4 3 3 2» 3| "oose ft G. Hughes. Th. Liuks. Jim Basev SSt2 Churchill 6-8 59g fast 26 112 3 3 3 3 4-J Buxton 8 Gr.Hughea. Hawthorn. Th. Links £,647 Douglas Pk 3-4 l:11j" fast 17 111 3 3 6 6 5:J J Henry 6 J. Basey. J. Hughes. Th. Links ».£07 Dougfaaa Pk 1-4 1:124 fast 33-10 114 3 3 3 31 4"! Loftus ft G. Hughes. Jim liasev. Th. Links T.44-. Douglas Pk 3-4 l:llj fast 23-6 114 5 3 3 51 69 Buxton 8 G. Hughes. CghHill. l.Gentlema 1 142 Dougbia Pk 3-4 1:124 fast 16-6 111 4 11 1 l"" Loftus 9 G. Hughes. M. Davis, "align Hill 0U.3 Uouglas Pk 3-4 1:12J good 124 1Q4 3 3 3 2"J 2 Kstep 6 H. Barbee. CaughHill. T.M.Creeu 4* 49 Butte 3-4 1:12 fast 1-2 1- 4 3 4 4 4° D Boland 4 Closer, Flying Footsteps. Knfleld 4764 Butte FC1:09 fast 24 112 2 3 3 2l l°k Cavaagh 6 T.Links. L. Panchita. CaughHill DONCASTER. br. h. 5 95 By Yorkshire Lad — Minnie Alphonse J. Schreiber. 0»i Vancouver 3-4 1:131 teat — m7 2 I :: l 2»k Hill ti Bey Biadoo. Beda. DotcbCoarage 1142 Juarez 1 1:291 fast 6-6 110 3 5 5 5 4- *• i Moleswh ft Crossover. DotcbBock, Fly. Feet. 1099 luarez 1 1:391 teat 6-i 10S 1 3 3 2 ink 21 Borel .". II. Walbank, Craaaittr. D. Back. 1977 Juarea 11:39 fast 2 107 2 5 5 2 l"k 1-1 Borel ft Yinir. LightKaight, H. Walbank. 14166 Juarea 1 1-16 1:46 fast 8-5 102 5 4 4 I 2it ]| Gross ft Crossover. Dutch Kock. Juan. 1001 Juarez 1 1 :29* good 1-2 100 l I 2 2 2- 2i Moleswh 3 Startler. Crossover. 9966 Juarea 1 1:39k fast 6-5 103 3 4 3 3 36 1 Moleswh ft Fly. Feet. LadyMacy. SugarLump 99986 Juarea 1-4 1:131 teat - 104 2 4 4 4" 2- Groaa t Sebago. Jim Basey. Vauir. YM1R. b. c. 4 90 Bv Puryear D.— Aya J. Hochrein. 6830 Juarez 1 1:40 fast 13 10". 5 4 3 | 3 f 4, ii..~- ft Lackraae, Dutch Kock. F.ngraver t.bU Juarez L:4W last J 104 :; 2 - i 7 7 i Buxton 12 L. Day. i.. Marchaauat, Sleeplaa 1 8758 Juarez 1 1 16 l:46| fast 50 ins ..4 6 7 7 U Deavpt !♦ Bald iff, Ceaaptoa, Sis. Florence 746 Juarez 1 1:394 teat 50 IM 6 4 4 f. 4 " 6 - .1 Deavpt , KagraTCr, Sepulveda. Duucigan 6716 Juarez L l:4l|.good MM 4 3 2 3 4 41" J Deavpt 4 Fly. Feet. Mycenae. Sis. Flor-iue tt.if Juarez 7 S 1 :.S last 6 111 5 5 4 4 4s 4 ■ J Deavpt ft Lackrose. Crossover, F. Duster t992 latonia 11 16 1:46 fast 14 10:! 7 5 6 5 5 3i Boston !i Merrv Lad. Wander. C.Marchmt «|2i latonia 1 1 16 1:50? hvy 20 InS 8 5 3 I 3f 4» Goose 11 F. Duster. Dut.-h Rock. Tay Pay 12! I.uu.nia 3-4 l:17g hvy IOJ 105 7. 4 4 4- 68 Kstep 1; Coploera, Moili.wii. C.onDellvy RBI Churchill lmTvy 1:44| fast 19-5 112 6 4 3 3 4« 431 Buxton 7 Gay Bird, Rose of Jeddah. Puck b449 Duug.Pk ImTcv 1 :4ftg fast 6 5 112 5 3 3 2 li 1" Buxton 7 Working Lad. Cbartier Patruch* 6287 Doug. Pk 1 1-16 1:481 slow 12-5 102 6 3 2 2 2- 21 Buxton 8 Labold. Pliant. Crossover tl.s Douglas Pk I 1:401 fast 4 108 4 3 2 1 2* 2» J Henry 7 Sleeth. Beautiful. Coiurs Touch 4 Aft sait lake 1 1-8 1:33 fast 14-6 113 2 4 3 5 6 6"iBoxton 7 Manasseh. Vauir. Lady Rankin iku2 Kalt Lake 1 1:411 good and 109 6 2 2 2 21 31 Shriner S .1. Geddea. Manasseh. L. Rankin 9719 Salt Lake 2-4 1:121 fast 60 1"9 6 4 4 6 5"i Buxton f, L. Panchita, Righteasy, EnBeld MC dAlene 1 1:42| mud 2 115 6 6 3 2 2s 21 Buxlon 7 LadyRankin. Horus. Mycenae i788 C. uAlene 1 1:40 fast 4 106 13 3 1 11 1J Buxton 8 Horus. Maizie Girl, Republican 1708 «. dAlene 7-8 1:26 fast 9 102 6 5 4 4 S 3» Buxton 8 Knfleld. Carlton G.. D.Dougherty 2364 C. dAlene 1 1:391 fast 12 101 3 4 4 i 84 4C! Buxton 6 G. M.Miller. Meadow. Carlton G. DADDY GIP, ch. g, 6 92 By Prince Esher — Mamie Lou R. A. Leigh. T.t! Juarez 3-4 1:119 teat 30 K* 5 3 4 7, »H Hill ft Meridian. i.Maichuiotit. Meadow 6319 -Anaconda 11:431 slow 5 111 2 2 1 1 5 5»* B Cotton ft Cncle Ben. Jack Laxson. Startler 7 -,h Anaconda F " 1:144 slow 12 149 2 1 :: 32 U K otton 7 Pay Streak. NapaMck, Fiunigin 5.24 Anaconda 1 1:504 btrjr 6 110 2 1 2 2 7 7" K Cotton 7 I. Dougherty. In.Ben. J. Lasaaa 5l€5 Anaconda 11:41 fast 41 M4 3 11 1 S* 1" K Cotton g J. oL.-mterii. J. Laxson, B.Getty 614 » Anaconda 3-4 1:14 fast 40 Mf 1 1 1 1"k 2" K Cotton 8.1. P. Crowley, Finuigin. Closer 7.0-1 Anaconda 61 t 1:09 good 8 98 1 2 2 23 2=1 K Cotton 4 T. Trick. F. Footsteps. Dr.Dh.-tty «939 Butte 7-8 1:30 slop 6 992 12 2 2 4i 6T1 McDowell g J.F.Cwlcv. L.Pehlta, D.Dghty •"87s Bmte 5-8 5S1 fast 25 ln4 7. 6 6 5 ."A; Seidell ft L. Pan.hita. T. Trick. Th. Links 4776 Butte 3 4 1:121 fast 18-5 109 2 2 2 2" 3T1 Taplin 6 J.F.Crov. lev. Finuigin. Sir Cleges «M1 Piitte 1 1:40 fast 13 104 4 11 1 2- 3*1 Taplin 6 Fntield. Lncle Ben. Meadow 445b Butta 5». f 1 :071 slow 9 lnl 4 7. 4 4 4cj Selden ft Th. Links. Kootenav, L. Panchita 4322 Butte 61 t 1:054 teat 20 107 I 2 2 3s 391 Anderson 8 Th. Links. CghHill, J.F.Crowley 4239 Bull e 6* f 1 :06J fast 20 b7i 4 4 5 4 6*1 Anderson .".CaughHill. Knfleld. L. Panchita 4145 Bilttc FC 1:11J mud 4 113 1 5 6 5 4" C.roth ft Kootenav. Three Links, Anioret

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