Leading Jockeys of 1912: Hill Who Heads the List, Was Unknown at Beginning of Year., Daily Racing Form, 1913-01-08


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LEADING JOCKEYS OF 1912 HILL. WHO HEADS THE LIST. WAS UNKNOWN AT BEGINNING OF YEAR, Little Oklahoma Lad Displays Natural Aptitude for Riding and Makes Wonderful Progress in Single Year. P arrou Mill, :i lad who rode his first winner at Oklahoma City. -I u j n - IT. Htll, :iim! h.. was prac m-ilU ;iu unknown at the lieginning ol lnu. beat t ilir Ann -i-ii-iii jockey list for tin- year |usl ended. li was not until tin closing dayi "I the rear that 11 liecame ■ settled thing to whom the no *s of 1912 slnjuld go. Variou* Jockey* held the lead a! different li ..t the year, Including Molesworth. Cruse Taplin. . Turner and the eventual winner • •I the Brm place. The latter had the lead in the - 1 1-1 — i ■: i 1 1 r the fall, bin kwl ii in Turner daring the interim between the dosing of racing on ih-inii i Mountain circuit and the opening ol the .ln.i: ■■/. seawm, when in was Mle. About the uiiddli of Idi -.■Hilii- he regained the lead. Tarnei having i--a-c i riding with tin cloae of the Jamestown tueet-lug Sovuiber 30. It was in the latter pad of the Juares meeting In -; winter thai Mill began to come to the front. The do** of racing at the Mexican track for the season found bin with the reputation ii being ■ skilful anurent ce and latei in the year be continued i" ride with ancceas orer the tracks ■ • the Intel Mountain circuit and in British Colum- idi. Hill i- ■ ol tin roungesl riders thai have taken in miii honors in America, being only six teen years ot age. li i- leas than iui years since be bad bla Brsl mount in a race. Be was born at Elk City. Ukla.. and has been in the emplov of I.. V. Hick-, liis contract bolder, since he Irat became imbued with the desire to become a Jockey, which was When be was r«sarteen years old. He is reputed lo be a lad of nuiel and unassuming de aieanor. gaud habits and manly qualities. He i- said t bare k I seat, ;i ine pair of bands ;« mi i!n ability in ii -nil mi a horse that is so often lacking in .v. mm and comparative! v iacx|M?rieuced riders. Vs be Is still able to ride :ti about 95 pounds, ii i- reasonable in suppose that several -,-.i ■ - of awefuln as are ahead of him in tbe saddle It uaaj i« that he may again gain the distinction ol beudlng the American Jockej ifant la aoaae subsc rear The foliowing tabulation covers iln record of the leading American i"ik.s m each rear from 1893 to dale: Year, h" k | , Mi-. 1st. 3d. 3d. Kap. I.r. IHJCi ivrkiu- Hvj. ltrj 177 CJ.i •-•il .J.~i 1999 C. K. ill S22 292 102 Wi Mt .33 IHU7 II. Martin . . N93 17:: 152 11« 392 ,21 ivis l Bnrns ! 7:i •J77 213 1 19 331 .28 Ivor. Burns l.iiol J7:: 173 296 ::.YJ .29 I9UI Mitchell «".l 195 14" Ill 399 .23 IU01 V. OConnor ..1,047 233 221 192 381 .Jl I1HC K.im-ii I.IMCI 278 203 IM 4117 .J, V.tlt:: Puller 918 J2t 152 1.- lid .25 • I Hildebrand . ...l.lOfl .17 2.: » 171 471 .23 Im: Nicol 861 221 143 i:;ti 301 .-* i 1900 V. Miller 1.384 :is 300 198 !H7 ..s it! i7 v Miller .....lttt :;::4 li; 170 n;4 .28 t.m. V. Powers ....1,200 .".24 204 185 r 47 .28 UNO Iowers .... 7"! 17:: 12i 114 298 .23 mi" ;. earner :»47 •_•"" iss 1:,:; 41s; .20 r.MI P. K rnet . ... M3 102 133 112 4"«t .-•" 1912 I". Hill 997 H.s 141 129 329 .17 ;ii - Turueys Jockey, r. Tnrner, who stands sec "inl in the sunimarj for i : I "2 . exceeds tbe leader in tbe matter of percentage by a cousblerable margin ■ il 1- evident I j a rider "t .i" h.i-mii skitfjn.l ulilitv. Aside Irmn [.otitis, lie liii» a lietter pPWelilaue tll.MI . , ..: ile jockeys aim rode to any e«aaslderahle ex-lent. 1. H. Shilling, who baa led in tbe Item r winning iiercentage f« sereral year*, again lias that dlstiuctloi If the Jockeys who rode in leas Hi, 1, 1 in. huudri 1 aces be excluded from cousidera linn. Shillings riding during the ..-." was limited : 21s races and in has been under suspension since Scptenibel 23 for rougb riding at Haere de tirace. It la nossible that the turf has seen tbe .1-1 ... him as .1 rider. Shilling did in t fall far -iiuri .ii Iteing :i great Jockej and is certalnl the ! AmerTcau Jockeys In recent years. An Im Ildsivi 1 I heads tn ig disposition was In- chiel failing truss and Bntwell. wlw Bgnred ii ti px "eediugly ;. m- iMHitesl i r llfird plao with the result tha I tli" former get» the honor bj the small margin of .. inning n ant. art tx ; b ridei - ol e|ii : i m ■ .hi I sbility. Both hare been riding for man:, years ii - Is ■ free lance and Bntwell will ride during 1913 1 r 1 ol. Ral Parr, aa eastern owner win b». i-iine iii the front In the Ihsi year • r tw«». Loftus. Burliiigame and Taplia bad a nip -11111 tuck 1 test for Mih place. Loftns Is untler contract to I. B KcMp 1 ugton. Ky.. ami Is one of the heal 1 nliT- developed in Kentucky of late. Burlingames riding has been ruuflned to the courses ot the rar west and in- eTbleutly is .1 corner. Taplin has Sgured 1 •!-« n 11 1 1 i*-i 1 1 1 as ■ rider for several seasons T. Iv i-iiii r. McCabe.v. lln|ikiii-. Byrne and Moles worth who occupied the irst live places in ih" lockej livi fur 1911. all figure lew.- pr luently in the 1 -..ii for 1912 KnriM1- and McGabey were iiamii .i]i|n-il during the year by extended periods "l il: fort ler a aa laal - en In t U. Raddle :i I the IWsiglas iark meeting and reports bare laeen in circulation to tbe - -1 1 - « that he may not again in! In America, bill may .- ek an cngagemeul abroa I In respcel !•• hii it of monej won foi the owners a, mm 1 1 j t- 1 .de. Bntwell «a~ miisi successful. will, Iui-nef : i-lns seemid and U ftus third. Following isjptahulatloi 1 1 tbe reex»rds ol 1 1. — ritlers who -u.-i-.-ydi-ii in piloting ten or more winner* during 1911: Amount loeki y, Mt- 1st. 2d. Sd.lnp. P.C. Wen Hill. P . ..1117 108 II! i2.i 329 17 131 I.* Turner I ... i;s.i i:.s 113 IM •!! .23 rw.stai llr iss, 1 s:w 143 l:W 131 121 .11 34.S27 Butwell -,st 141 122 110 308 .21 79.N43 I -■ l 1 1 1- 516 122 HU M 221 .21 71.323 Btiiiingante r.::i; ilm ii:. i«i7 ::i". .19 :K!.7«0 I : ilin .ii.". 120 mi 07 29« .21 40.190 Buxton 7"-; ms i-_i 11:, mi .it I4.94U Martin. B. f. ::7 102 H7 sj ; 2". « ; 10 ill I"i7 I...ISI- 531 :si m 7271 .IS ."i2.7s-j l.i--l II" Ml K3 liO 190 .22 .".I ! 77 1 ■ . I,, n **7 si; ;,!i ; |un ,«2 IK.!*5!I Koerner. T. .. 171 s:, 71 09 248 .18 I."..li2 ivauaugfa 301 S3 50 7.; 290 .17 2: :-1 MctMiej ISO vj qk K2 200 17 10.000 1 --.ii • ■"• HI 71 52 17s .21 22.457 Kt-faiittinger 552 7:i in; K2 295 .11 11.3X0 1 .worth . ... 303 ..", 7.i !Ki 318 .13 11.27S li-.kiii- 17". 72 ns 53 282 .13 38.278 Steele-, B 400 7" 53 72 205 .1". :58.f*E! Peak, c 122 in 71 47 233 .18 34.119 KorsTth *T»4 Is- HI 05 290 .15 19.477 Sklrvin «19 98 7". 92 114 11 24.372 Kbilllng, V. II. 218 in 17 31 71 ::n 15.022 : . . 1 192 m 58 1.7 :•" ; .in 171 is IiiIm-h- 371 ;:; .".1 M jim 17 17 IrMI s -ii« .i_ .i 02 5s . j _■ 1 _• 11; 24.tau; Callahan 1 S9B "12 si tj ;.,i ,,] si.Strj Continued uu second ; LEADING JOCKEYS OF 1912. Hon tinned from iisl Base. Hoffman, It 47s 81 cs 50 2B8 ,13 22.5HS Small 451 50 ,".2 lis 272 .13 31,!Ki Grand, C 4«7 50 60 72 270 .1:: 18.555 Fain. 0 454 fit; .-.n 50 200 .12 31.116 Ambrose 44»; :,:, .v.i .v.t 27:: .12 2:..2L, Kcderhi 421 .".4 M SO 242 .1". I0.40CI Byrne ::7! 53 T,r. 5022:: .14 :;7 ::72 Mondon ::ot; 52 4r. is Itil .17 14.:m."i lleni.i . .1 .".27 51 01 82 :ts .10 20.781 Knight, c 207 4:1 4:; ::i 144 .IS l2.Kfi.~i Fairbioiher .T24 40 ::7 ::4 2Hi7 .14 13.310 BorH 2-".4 44 ::.: 25 152 .17 I7.2W.I McEwen. E 2K 4:: :a H 157 .15 I.-..425 taller 44s 4J q~" 0:1 272 .00 I0.S2-J Smith. E 144 41 20 2 t S3 .20 7.:;.n 1 Sel.len ::.-.k 41 ::7 4.: 2.:7 .11 12.155 Hanover. .1 40!l 41 54 85 309 .08 13.080 i INtc|i :•,•,.-, :at 41; 44 o;,; n iT.mrj - fFarrUurton 222 30 ::7 22 127 .10 11,540 i Robbins. .1 210 33 2s 30 12". .10 0 20O . Cla-s. .1 174 ."4 32 20 s2 .20 10.708 Riddle U17 :;4 26 ..,, ,,s ]7 b.525 i Rosen 2:::: ;:4 2:: ::i 14.". .15 8.9S5 . R /.in-. n •_■* :;4 04 ;; | s: .12 .S«m5 i Russell US :::: 2 » 14 4.s .20 8,100 , Grotb 21MI 33 40 41 17n .11 10.425 , Niooi. o 152 ::2 24 22 74 .21 8.480 I fleaa 108 ::2 Si 24 115 .10 22.528 « I: icy 200 32 32 20 lit: .13 tl.86.~i • Corey 237 .".2 30 ::u 130 .14 St.520 1 Roland. D lss ::i ::o 35 80 .10 !i 77." I laulc.v 12:: 20 17 25 ."i2 24 7 7.V. , Taylor. W ISO 29 23 22 11.1 .1". 7 :0ti , Musgrave, P l-to 2s 10 28 71 .I.i 1.1,020 i Ferguson I!i7 2s 24 .0 ill .H n.j;.-, ; Singleton Oil L7 |3 ;i ]s ::;i .",.••. so • Warren 1.14 27 20 27 74 .is 7.335 , Anderson. F 2.1s 27 28 :;:; 17s .10 7,760 I Bergen, J 20.1 26 to 2.1 135 .13 8.678 s Jensen 234 20 22 28 Lis .11 :i .",7:; ! Carroll, G. W 200 -jr, 23 32 17s .10 7.777 : Cardan. W 200 21 27 29 214 .90 7.44K , Lounabcrry ls.1 24 23 2.i Hill .13 IS. 728 . Mm -ray. A 2S.1 24 28 32 201 ,ns 7.7s; Oiiuos 2 MI 23 2.1 20 120 .11 .1.7711 1 Jackson, F 113 22 10 i 72 .20 .1. .1.111 , Andres*. W 127 22 12 17 70 .17 9.303 WJiatley 20 » 22 18 31129 .11 5.972 I KfrschlMiim 231 22 30 ::i 102 Oil 8.925 ; Leeds 103 21 11 20 106 .1:: R.370 Cotton, i: 247 21 23 19 1S4 .im .-,.71x1 , Melntyre, J 17s 20 SO 12 120 .11 8.020 McCalie. .1 202 2 l .;:: .:.". 174 .is ll.lli Johnson. S : s 20 ivi 30 232 .o»i 5.555 , Barnaul 101 lit 21 12 4!i .19 3.295 Fracli l:;.1 10 2T 21 74 .14 s.i,;,| Wilson. .1 130 111 ::i 20 " !» .14 N .in . : Obert 24S is 38 33 100 I7 0 7S7 Mania, s mi 17 is in .10 17 3 015 Morgan. A 11:: 10 10 10 71 .14 2.825 livin 123 10 17 20 7o .13 3.005 While. C 1.1.". 10 20 lit iis .in :;.sti Connor. K nat 10 27 10 11 » .90 5.880 [ Minder :»l 1.1 7 7 82 .16 4. nun Cullen dead .... 88 15 1". 14 57 .15 :: :::::■ Karriek 121 1.1 12 16 7s .12 s 8«5 M ly KJ8 IS 13 22 11s .09 :: S40 1 Ford 172 1.1 20 10 121 « i 7 0 ir, McDowell 2iti 15 24 ::i 130 07 4 935 Eos-, c 211 1.1 38 20 132 117 .1 20..I 1 Sinilh. T 70 14 15 111 ;;i .l •■ nv, Ferguson. A. 141 14 1.1 10 If.l .10 9.330 levies. T 221 14 is 22 107 .08 il ::4.1 PendergaHl h i:: 17 is aj .14 3 i -, Mulligan 140 13 2»» 24 ssi .itii 1 1 4. t Moore, F 102 13 12 Hills .00 4 :;24 Wolf it;:; 13 is 17 111 08 7 i»7o | Forehand iso 1:5 2 21 121 07 7 l t.l Grifllu. K S4 12 15 l » 47 .14 3 950 1 . I.iims, t: 11i» 12 1.1 111 82 .In s 7i; Rniee 153 -2 10 14 113 .ns 4 27, Hanover. A 135 12 10 is 100 .08 :: 77i ; Sliriner 58 11 0 1; ::.-, 19 2 825 I Jackson, 1 81 11 s t; r,i; .14 1.940 Sielatl 133 II il 1 1 102 "s 3 133 - Cbapoell 168 11 14 1.1112 .07 2.911 Dearenoort. 1 2is 11 211 Is 10:; .05 3 682 • , Picket! 83 10 18 12 40 12 2 515 i Williams. T s:; In 1] s :.4 i»» •_■;•-, Miller. C. II 107 10 13 11 7:i .09 risn ; ] Connolly. D 110 in 12 10 S4 •« 58751 • i

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913010801/drf1913010801_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1913010801_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800