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NOTES OF THE TURF. Prank OKeUl. the lackey, who ha- been spend Ing several week- with relatives at si Lonls, h.i-saib-il 011 his roturn to Prance. ONeill says thai be earns twice as much aaoney iu France and England a- he ever did iu America, An Invitation meeting will be given by Joseph B. Widi "ici- at l.yniiw Msl. Elkius .Park, Pa.", next fall. Id days agone the "Lynnwond Farm" races were particularly noteworthy, both from a racing -land-poinl and ei mi rnlng Ihe wiriety lolk assembtoil. Ua.-i- daj at Ktkins Park i- trulj a holidai tbe sh"|ikei |n-r- inittiii np Ihe shutters ami studies in schools are eliminated -■ that all ami enjoy watching 1 In I In 1. iighbreds race. Thai the late Mai. r A. Dnmgerfield was one of the 1110-1 talented and acute student- of the science of breeding thoroughbred horsea, wna naowa bj the tarn that In 1898 be won first prise from all of the world iii the competitive contest offered bx the loud, -ii S|i..i-tr man for Ihe selecthsj of the most suitable male lo Itreed lo l.adas. ihe famous ra.-. 1., . -e that had tliea iu-i retired fi the tnrf - afterward won many oiler prises in similar contests. and was quoted a- aa authority both iu this COUUtr] and Europe.