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K0HLER STALLIONS FOR PUBLIC SERVICE. New York, January ft. Charles Kohle, has in ail,. public throe of th" stallions In- bas at his Ramapo Stock Iaini. near Kim-.-.v. . .1.. and the moderate f.e- that In- l- a-kme. breeders makes the announcement of Importance. New Jersey was iu former ve.ns the home nf many a notable horse, ami Mr. Kobler protmseN t.. n-vive much of the tboroaffahfeil glorj of the -late. With the Btoekdale Ialill ., Harry Payne Whitney within the borders c.f ti„. -tat.- tie Kobler farm and some other- of lesser im pmi. line, the thoroughbred will be restored In the north in a way that is likely to have beneficial icsults. The stallions that arc offered for public service an- Superman. Charles Edward, and blaster Robert. All three of them raced such a short time ago a- to need little introduction to those who have followed the sport. Supermans fee will lie 00 and the others will stand at 8.