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A VETERAN OF THE TURF. It was 1 1 ■ i 1 1 two cai- ago that Mr. I .••! itLo .1 aroa the Bpaoai Derby witb Irouuoix. and Ja *oh Iiitc ii-. who had much to do with fitting the horse t. i iin race, araa a fairly old man then. No wondei , that he i- now considered truly. a reteraa of fbs turf, but lie is a kid alongside John Davis, who at present i- night iratrhman at the Brighton Theatre. l ai- gave 1in.ii- a start racing. it Was in !* "• that .lake had hi- first awiim and Dao- was the man t.. put iiitu ap. The horse araa Prank Allen. La:, i voung IMneii- again rode for l :ni . that time on MoMore, a borse lij Yorkshire, oat • •! the famou-i mare Picaj aae. Davis lovea to talk of those oM days of the to: I" and wii. a asked yesterday pinion as to the lies horse lie had ever trained he thought for a momeul and Hen said that ii was a colt named C.mIw... I that wa- owned by Junius It. Ward and Joha K. i l. of Kentucky. This colt began hi- racing r-a a the care of Ben Pryor, who at I be time was considered the best handler ,, thoroughbredx in he country. At the time Pryor was training for Rich aid Tea Br k at Natchea, Mi-s. When the Ten Broeck boraea were all seat t«. England G Iwood Was taken along, but for two years he failed to win a race. Later Davla met Mr. Ward at Lexington and was asked If he Would train GoodW I. He COB sented. and beginning in 1853, be swept the country with him. winning all kind- ..f races. John l ai- was bora in 1826, and practically wi-brought up In ■ stable, baring been aaaaciated wi ii horses from the time be was eight years old. He :--till a -iitrdy old man. and he looks far froui being the eighty-seven years that will come in June. He wrote a ! k on the American turf some yean ago, but in late year-, with the stamping out of ra about New York, be baa not enjoyed much of the fruits of hi- labors.- New Y..rk Telegraph.