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W. K. VANDERBILTS HORSES IN FRANCE. Although W. K. Vanderbilt was not able during the last season to maintain his position at the head of the winning owners in France, he has such a Mi.. n- hand to play from next year that there is every prospect of the. Franco-American sportsman re-covering hi- supremacy. Mr. FanderbUt breeds nearly all the horses that carry his colors, and at hi- stud farm, the Haras du Queue ty, in Normandy, he has BO fewer than iifty-six broodmares, all ot high origin, and live stallions. With such resources. be would. Indeed, have to be unlucky nm t. hie -1 winner-. His stallions are Maintenon 1983, by Le Sagittalre — Mareia. by Harden; Prestige 1003. l.v I.e Pompon — Orguelllouse, b/ Reverend: Northeast 1905. by Perth — Nordenneid, by 1/e Hardy; Sea sick 1903, l.v Elf— Saf. Saf. by Le Bancy; and Oversight 1908, hy Halna— First Sight, by Isinglass. At th» present moment Northeast i- away at the Haras de Saint l.ucien. having been leased to Madame l.oinaire do Yillers. and Sea Sick is at the Hal. is de Marlv-le-Yille. His new mare- Include Sightly, Sandfly. Petulance, Gloria H. ihv Adam.. Doralice. Aqua Viva. Pres-lide by Prestige, Necklace hy Melton— Diamond Crescent, by Diamond Jubilee, and Brume. I. a Moii-sc a Ladas mare bought in England last ye when in foal to blartagon, unfortunately lost a colt soon after birth: she is now in foal to Main-i, n.ui loyo another mare brought from England i.i-i rear has a colt foal hy St. Serf and she Vial-, been Berred by Maintenon. MarcoUna, a Marco mare bought mst year, supposed t.. he In foal to V.ileus. turned out barren, and this season the went to Oversight. Queen of Fortune, a mare by Por- tunlo has a gOOd-lOOking grey colt hy Jackson that iia- received the name of Port Jackson, ami she is in lea! now to Maintenoii. Meggs Hill, an American mare by Ben Brush Runaway Girl, by Domino, Imported this rear, i- in foal to Peter Fan. Maskettc, another American mare, by Disguise, i- in loal to Sweep and Early and Often, by Voter is in foal to Delhi Dark Veil, by Veles -Dark Duchess, by St. Simon has a colt t"al by Martagon. and has been s.iied ibis rear by llaintenon. St. pp"= stone, by Ben Brush— Running. Stream, by Domino, was brought from the 1 nited s,aies this year, and is believed to be in foal to the American Btalliou ritimux. Nearly all Hie mares are in loal. The - irlinss are a rery nice lot. and thirty of them have beea new" to William Duke. Mi. Vanderbilt-private trainer at Baint-Loulse-de-Polssy. The following i- a li-l of the horses that Duke will have under bio care next season* Iheir ages being calculated from January 1. 1013: l.aiiire ,h h. 5. by Ilniii Oentre— Breda. Montrose II., ch. e, 1. hy Mainlenon— Mario. Salami eh. c, 4. by Maintenon- Shlambo. Adair eh. e. 3. by Prestige— Ada Nay. Candour, eh t. :;. by Maintenon Candle. , Cmrlere, b. f. 3, by Turenne or Maintenon Qar-bnette. . . Freeman, b c. ". bv Maintenon — Frederic*. Gloeter, b. c. 3 bv Prestige — Glorioea. Hallerle. b. f. 3. by Pietou— Hallowei n. l.ili:..-. b. f. ::. by Prestige Hks Lily. Louisa, .ii. f. ;; i,v Maintenon— Louise N. Madwig. b. c, ::. by Prestige— Madge. Oculi, b. e. ::. by Maximum — Balle Perdue. Oreste. eh c, :.. by Tnrportey— Belle HHene. Pirpiriol, ch. c :;. by Iluni Oentre -Totolicbe. Ponciana, eh. f. ::. l.v Prestige -Punta Gorda. Keindoer. l . e ;;. by Prestige— Relnette. Sandle. b. f, ::. bv Prestige— Sandflake. SatiHa. b. f. ::. by Masque — 8b tbrfy. Sweetness, gr. f. :;. by Maintenon -Sweet Hilda. Sip Walter, ch. c. „. by Maintenon— South Edinburgh. T. -in. ch. c, 3. by Alpha— To-sie. Two-year-olds. CunJdiue, cb ■. h] Prestige Oaadne. • n-sceni. b. l. by Prestige— Diamond Crescent, Dehro. b. e, by Prestige— Delighted Diderot, eh. C. by Maintenon -Dido. Doiet. ill. c by Turenne — DoUnkie. Donil. b. c. by Maiuioi.on -Dorothy Suhr. ivei-ie.v. eh i. by Tuienne Evelyn. Exalade, ch. f. by Maintenon -Evil. ma. Ielieiia-. h. f. by Northeast Perpetun. Plneahrht, b. f. by Northeast— First Sight, loitinbras. o. c. by Prestige- Foresight. Francises, b. f. by Prestige— Prandse. Frederuno. h. f. by Maintenon PrederfCU. Gardeuae, ch. t, by Turenne Care du Nord. Ohiheru. b. or blk. t, by Northeast — Gibeline. Glaanap, b. f. by Prestige— Cloriesa. Celding. ch. c, by Maintenon — Golden Diana. Khania. eh. f. by Maintenon — Kbadidjab. I. a Hoche Posay. h. f. by Le Sagittain — La Koclie. Loureur, eh, e. by Maintenon- Louise N. Mariseo. h. f, l. Maintenon — Mariska. Northrlctt. Ch. c. by Maintenon — Nordenlield. Omaha, b. c, by Prestige — Omega. Osteau, b. e. by Maintenon — Ostende. Punnah. b. f. by Maintenon— Punta Gorda. Bayou dor iv.", cb, e, by Octagon — Seville. Boseteaf, blk. or br. f. by Maintenon-Rose Window. Sal.mio. b. c. by Prestige — SalainlK. Bandby. eh. c. by Prestige —Sandflake. SecundttS, b. C, by Maintenon — Second Sight. Silver Stream, ch. f. by Turenne Silver streak. SuBBsaate, b. f. by Maintenon -Satisfy, l.-ia, eh. e. by Prestige — Vensjn,