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MAJOR DAINGERFIELDS INTERMENT. Tin- body sf the late Major Poxhall A. Dalnger-li.l.l reached hi- ..Id home at Harrisonburg. Va.. Wednesday afternoon from Lexington. Ky.. and wn-«t once interred In Woodbine Cemetery. The pell-bearers were: Active— Thomas G. Herring, Charles i. Herring. George c. Grattan, Jr.. John T. Harris, Judge T. V ilia-. Dr. It. S. Switner. and Senator John Paul. Honorary Cspl John A. Herring, G. :: Eastbam. 1.. II ott. Col. l». II. I.e. Mart/ i ..i. -George Chrisman. .indue G. G. Grattan, John P. Lewis, and Gen. John B. Roller. During Major Daingerllelds residence at Han burg he was Mayor, Towr, Counennsaa and Clerk of the County Court, lie imported the timi blooded hoises ever teen Lu that rlcinity.