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NOTES OF THE TURF. II. Cari-.. II Blown has resigned as a m.-mb.-i- of th ■ Jockey Club. Andrew Miller has leased the racing qualities of Sackcloth from F. C. Cowdia for the coming year. Joha ». Talihiti left Ibt Soiin-s Friday far Charleston, where his lenses are to be raced throagh-oiit the winter. He plans t lav odds al Palmetto Park. II II. Aiken has asked f,„- a new tlial of the ease in which he was the defendant and Samuel Hirsch the plaintiff, .-it Covington. Ky., over the possession of two racers, Vereaa and Samuel Hirsch. The jury foaad for Mr. Hirsch. A receiver for the properly of Newton Beaaiagtoa, forin.-rly a prominent racing man. and who was id .indeed incompetent in 1907 and recently declared to l.e fully competent t anage his affairs, was appointed by Justice Greenbaom in Hie Supreme Court at New Vork IU. lay Harry N Wessel is made receiver to ib-ieriniiie whether Beanlngtona property is siittieb-ni io satisfy a Judgment of ,000 otitaiued bj Mis. Anne Culleii Craig! ol Ml. Vernon.