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INTERFERENCE IS LACKING PALMETTO PARK MEETING BEGINS UNDER HIGHLY AUSPICIOUS CONDITIONS. Opening Day Crowd Made Up Largely of Prominent Charlestonians and Everything Goes Along Serenely — Caugh Hill Wins Stake. Charleston. S. C. January 2."i. — The Charleston Fair and facing Associations meeting, schedtib-.l to run for fifty-five days, was launched at Palmrtlil Park this afternoon under favorable auspices. The sp.n-l was witnessed by a fairly huge alti-ndaii. -. consisting roost lj of local enthusiasts, included among whom were many of the citys most representative citizens mid members •.! their families. The mil of town aggregation was also fairly strong. but not as numerous as would lave been the case had not the fear of Interference prevailed iu varioaa pails of the country. Ii is expected that the satis factory results that marked the initial days racing will bring a big untax of turf followers lure and that there will Ik- a constant increase in patronage from now on. Not a ripple marred the serenity of the racing horizon during the entire afteraoon ami every thing went off like clockwork. The sport WM immensely enjoyed, tin contests beiag in some instances sensational. The weather was June like, and in striking contrast to the brand that prevail- I here when Palmetto Park was opened last season. Ill.. so specula lively Inclined found plenty of opportunity f.r action, though the old fashioned liouk-innker wiih his big stand was conspicuously absent. The eastern sys;.-in worked fairly well, considci h ; thai ii was an innovation locally. Speculation wis at first light, but picked up steadily during the afternoon and the eleven layers wlni accepted wagers declared themselves satisfied with results. Gcacral Managei Poos, in discussing Hie aaeaiag, said: "The managi nienl is well satisfied with re-salts and our opeaiag was satisfactory in i-vi-i-j p.n ticular. The local patrons of tin- sport turned out iu liatid-iome numbers ana I am gratified that so manj «i the citys leadlag citizens wen- in attendance. The followers i lacing from all parts of the country, now that it is proven that we can have B high-class meeting, will come to Charleston in great numbers und I look for a moat slccessful meeting " The Inaugural card was a -, od mie and included among its features the ,200 Argyle Hotel Handicap, three-quarters of a mile, n was won by Caugh Hill, the top weight, with II. G. Bislwells. Lochh-1 following him closely. A rattling finish came in the closing dasfi when Lucky George, Booted at SO to 1. got up in the last stride to overtake Miss Jonah in a gruelling drive. The first two-year old race ..I the meeting is carded to be run on Monday. There are many youngster- of fair quality here. Taken collectively, they are better than those Shown here hist season. Several horsemen an- here to look them over with a vi.-w io pnrchneang some of the best. b rge w. Lnngdon has already priced several. He will ship what he sacceeda in nurcbasing back to New York. Several of II. H. Bedwells horses are on the jil-ing list, among them the sprinter Ben Loyal. Algernon Dalngerfiehl, assist an I secretary of the Jockey lub. returned to New Vork tonight to lie on hand for a meeting of the Jockey Club stewards which i-- scheduled for Monday. Colonel Stanley of the United States Army added the stallion Single File to tin- lisi of horses he pur chased here for the government. In the absence ,,, -. v. I.vb-s. who is confined in a local hospital sufferiag from kidney trouble. Richard c. Westmoreland acted as paddock judge. Jockey Butwell arrived from Jacksonville this morning and will be seen in the saddle on Monday. Iu order tn overcome the unsatisfactory condition of the inner part of the Palmetto f ark track that followed an attempt to give the course a wh.-ilcback shape, by scraping the top dressing from the rail to the center. Manager Pons has finished the task of applying a new top dressing to the depth of aboat four inches for a distance of about twelve feet from the inner rail. This has been sprinkled and rolled, and when ii is thoroughly packed down ii is probable that the track will be raster than ever. The following work-outs took place tins morning with the -iIiks" up. Araaor Seven-eighths in 1:37, breezing. Bad News II. — Thr quarters iu 1:22. breezing. Belfast —Five -eighths in 1 :o:;, driving. Kxtra good work. Bodkin Five in — -eighths 1:06, breezing. Cherryola Mile In l:Hfi. breezing. Claque -Half mile iu •■.. breezing. Continental Three-qnnrters iu 1 :-JJ. breezing. Cynosure Half mile in 52, breezing. BJma Three-quarters In 1:22, breesiag. Font SoM-n eighths iu 1 ::4. handily. Incision Three quarters In 1 :--. linn-zing. Jossiip Bara— Three-quarters in lis. Kxtra good work. Kormak -Five-eighths in 1 AM,, breezing. Lord Flam Tin ei quarters iii 1:18, driving. Madman Five-eighths in 1 : «;. breezing. Malitlne -Five-eighths iu 1:05, breexing. Mud Sill -Mile in 1 :4s. handily. Oiillan Five-eighths in 1:90, breezing. f. miner Mile iu 1:1s. handily. Peadaal -Three-qaartera in 1 :i2. breezing ftii.c- Fonso Three eighths in :;:i. luc-zing Bock Bar I ho eighths i,, 1:05, hreealng. Sam Barber Three-quarters in 1:21, handily. Sir Blaise Tine, eighths in :;s. breezing. Spellbound Five eighihs in 1 Id. breezing Woodcraft -Thiee-qaarters iu l:Ll. handily.