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LONGEVITY OF ENGLISH STALLIONS. Tin- aire to which i stalttoa live- N often asked, ami il i~ interesting t,, note that three sires who an- announced to cover during the coming season - S| "■ N"11 Ihieftaiu. and Carbine were each roaleil in l88o. so thai they have reached the age ol twenty-eight years. This, of course, is consider abl above the average, although the records show that horses have lived much longer The fain m- Mstch Km wa~ thirty-three years old when he died am! several other early sires reached thitt..n Mans online !.. more modern periods. Hermit ■ .1 twenty nine years, and isonomj oaly sixteen rears, which has been the average for a -ii il length of time. Galopu died when twenty-seven Mils of tee. and Ascetic at twenty-six aa did Minting, while St. Simon lived for twin t seven Mars. Amphloa. Heckler, and Lactantius died il twenty, aad Trenton at twenty four.