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R. W. DAVIES LEASES DETECTIVE. Toronto. Out.. January 31. -One of I he most important recent transactions in connect ion with thoroughbred breeding in Canada was completed yesterday when B. W. Havies dosed with Charles Boyle of Woodstock, for a lease of the Meddler stallion. Detect ire, and this grand young horse will be at on., transferred from The Firs to Thorncilffe Farm. Mr. Davies was anxious to buy. and it was not a question of price that prevented the transaction tikiiiu the firm of absolute change nf ownership Mr. Boyle did n..l waul to pari with his champion, ib. .ugh as lie Intends i c. Milium- breeding. Seven of hi- male- «iii tie seal i» Thurnciihv i,, i„. niat.-.i wiih Detective, in addition Io Mr. Davies own. l my horse* ••! the highest da-- have passed through the hands oi the veteran Woodstock own. i but it is doubtful if he ever regarded any of them so highly as Detective, not even Springfield or Havoc. The son of Meddler is a horse nf com mending aunearanre and, when la training, .lis pl.i veil possession of extreme speed, which he could entry in snj distune* when in , dltloa. His trial r«T I be Beali/ali.ii Slakes ;it Ihl rpwhl Stl P.av was die iii. .-i amaxlng thing trainers there bad .-v.-r -.s-n. Detective is « yoaag barae. He won the Hamilton Derby of IlioO. | ml so is now just entering his aeeenth year. His breeding is the choicest, and he |,sses every |ualitieation to biH-ome a great success as ■ sire. It would have Im-cii a pity if his opportunities arcre to be confined Io the limited sin. I .. ids owner, I the .b-sir.- to extend his chance* and prove lib merit an dnabl had cn-id. rai.b webxhl in rndnelng Mi Royle Io ennsitler the pronmdtbm thai he idtoald begin his ttad career at Thoracihte.