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ENGLISH BETTING RULES. The Jockey i lull o! Lnulaud. like lb.- Jockey Club ■! New Yoii;. tahes no cognisance of betting, but In England there are rules which govern the betting. The b.-iiiii;; rules now in rogue were re-arranged hj ihe Coinuiitt* I i lit Subscript ion Rooms at Tat- lemalla, January 2. Bill, and are as follows: 1. Tattersalls CoaiaUttee b«Te aathority to settle ill qoestlona relating to bets, to adjudicate, on all casea of default and at tluii dhtcretloa to report defaulter* and person-. ;;iiill of BHJ nialpiactit f to ih. Jockey Club. L. Iii all bets there must he a possibility p win « ben i be bel is maile. ::. .. betting iral past the post will be recog-i.ized hs the Committee. 8. All lx»ts are P. P. nta] or pay— with the following exceptions: 111 Wbei in nominator ales before the decision Of tie ran- l2l When the rac-is postponed t a future week. ■■ ib conditions aw altered after the bets an nade, |3| Rets on matches. 4i Rets math after I he runners number* are oaVlallj placed in the aunihei board anoul .i bnrse thai hi not subsequent I ; itndei the Starters oilier-. j. it no objection i- lodged alible - wn days of Ihe race, exclusive of the daj «mi arblcb Ihe race was inn. bets •_•• to the horse place. I in i bj the .Imiu- ami the settling, except in i iw "i frniKl «hall not be -1 i — t nrbeil. It an objection l» made arllhia the said tiaae. beta go wiih atahea, I m Ihe purpose c.l lids rale Sniiilay is a tlies ii.,n. 8. Bets made oa one horse agatnsl anotbei or that t.iie borne beats another, are determined if either o| them i win. Beta made between bones I. _. ". are determined by the pla. .- aaidgned by ihe .Indue. 1 nlcss aiTIld by the parties it i- not in iii-peiisaMc thai both boraea should atari. 7. In the event of a ilea. I heal and in "doobh i vein-" if eith.r i- derided In the backers favor and the Other results in a dead heal, the BMMCJ bel ie.1 lnu-i Im- pm together and equally divided. • te pi in ih. i vent ..I a dead heat ill a match, ill which ast bei- aie rotd. In "double erents" if t « » 1 1 -. horses linked run dead beats the money betted inu-i b» pin together and divided |n the proportion "f ine -fourth to ihe backet and three-fourths la the lav. r s If a bet is made on ,,l ihe bOfBta inn ■ .had against a beaten bnrae, and the owner? agrei to divide, the backer ..f the«» thai ran the dead win- hall Ins bet. If adds laid on on.- horse agatasl anothei I, j. .; ami tb«r run a gead heal for an of such place- the money lull.. I m us [ be pm together and eqjuall divided. 9. If f.tltls are laid without nieiitioning the horse. the bet must be determined by the, state of the o.ltl-»l tin tiaae ir was mule. Be1- made after a race thai a horse will be dtsquntifed, stand, even if in objection be made. 10. Any bel made from signal or Indication when the race has been determined shall lie considered fraudulent and void. 11. All bets on matches ami private sweepstakes depending between any two horses shall be void if those hones subsequently became the property of the same person: or of. his avowed confederate. 12. Double and treble evenls litis are not do frrmined until the second ar the last event has been run. as the case may be. 13. Rets made on horse- winning any ananhM of race- within the year shall be underst.Nxl to mean be tween the 1-t ,.f January and the :.lst of December. 14. Money given to have a bet laid shall not be returned, though the race be not run. l." . In the event of a race being ordered to run over again, starting price lie-ts shall be regulated by the price current at the time the race was first run. Rets in favor of any horse which started aa the fir-t bin ditl Bat go to the post on th • second occasion are lost. Id, No l et can be declared oft except by mutual consent, bin on any allegation of fraud or corrupt practice, the Committee may investigate the east and may declare the bet void. Either of the bettor* may demand stakes to be made on proving to the satisfaction of the Committee, or any two of i hem, that he has just ,aus,. for doing so. and. if ordered the bets must he covered or sufficient security given within the lime specified in such order. In default whereof the bets will be off. 17. The Committee will not necessarily enforce the settlement of a compromised account. Before giving a decision they may require the books of the debtor and a statement of his accounts to be sub ■rifted to them, and they may order the account to be settled if they think a reasonable offer is made, and na -u. li terms a- they may decide. is. If a debtor does not satisfy the claims of his creditors within twelve calendar months he shall not be entitled to receive any debts which may be duo him: but if he does so within such time Inch] mv of the .lav when the money was won. the Coin mittee will support his just claims to receive payment from his debtors. P.*. If any extraordinary occasion should arise, or in cases of notorious or palpable fraud, any of the before-mentioned rules may be suspended by the Committee. i "Ullllil i.r.