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WINNING AMERICAN HORSES IN FRANCE. The American horse abroad did quite well lasi year. It made a distinct impression in England and achieved important successes in Germany and France. in flat racing in France American bred horses won in first Money la 1!»12 the quite imposing total of 30,100. Ol this II. 15. Duryea won the most and his principal winner was his good Irish Lad coll Shannon, which is « younger brother of Irish Kid. now racing at Charleston. Our horses which won in France and their breeding aud amounts won. are as follows: Races Horse. Age and Pedigree. Won. Value. Shannon, b. c, •!. by Irish Lad — Ien-us.. :; 0,583 Alnoureiix III., b. e. 3, by Oetairon Avnicitia •" 27.::.".u Qn Elle est Belle, b. f. $, by Rock Sand— Queens Rower :! 24.280 Bugler, ch. c ::. by Adasa— Musette I 12,5*0 Novelty, ch. c, 4. by Kingston — Carl- o-ily 2 8,78$ Blarney, ch. o. 2. b Irish Lad— Armenia 2 7,030 Orage II.. ch. •. :;. by Octagon— Oriaa. . •". 1,600 Fiametta. b. I. :;. by Bock Sand— Fldena 3 :;.0O0 Luuevillc. ch. f. 2. by Henry of Navarre -La Bleu Venue 3 $,808 The Irishman, b. r. ■•. by Irish Lad — MintlHiia 2 2.800 Cagire, eh. f. :;. by salvaior — Strathleal i 2,700 Oaviota. b. f. 2. by Irish Lad — Saint Inez :: 2.000 Polo Alto, eh. c, .!. by Ormomlah — Clipper » 14108 Banshee, b. r, 2. by Irish Lad- -Frisette l Hexagon, eh. e. 3, by Octagon — -Donna Henrietta 2 1,438 Nighl Rider, b. c. 4. bv Meddler Bal- lantrae 1 12283 Los Olives, eh. c, ::. bv Irish Lad— Saint lues :: 117.1 Pirog. ch. -. ••. by Dieudonne -Patagonia :. 1.022 Ere II.. b. t 3. by Adam -Content 1 loon Xilokerka. b. I. 2. bv Octagon— St. Theodora i s:o Vie de Luxe, b. I. 2. by Bock Sand-Lady Viola 2 800 Sioux, b. !. :;. by Adam -/.una 1 800 lle-ilieie. 1 . f. .".. by Octagon — Lady Ro-eiiiarv 1 808 Avooa II., b. I. 2. bv Irish— Mint beria 1 780 Brindille II., b. f. .:. by Hastings— Bi idlepath 1 0 0 loui. b. f. 2. by Plaudit — lona 1 0 Satvrane. eh c. • ;. by Ogden— Satisfy. . 1 out Lady Villers, b. f. :;. by Hastings Lady of t lie Valley 1 410 Aseelvline. b. f. 2. by Iri.-h Lad — Gas .let 1 100 Septimus, b. c. ■•■ UP Rock Sand— Six oclock "• 240