Scales of Weights for February 1913, Daily Racing Form, 1913-02-03

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SCALES OF WEIGHTS FOR FEBRUARY. 1913. Age. r 1 One-Half Mile. Two v -ar obis 77 «-n so 77 ... Three vear-ohU 107 lOfi Kl7 HM. Plo KM! Four-year-olds I3*» H7 118 UK 117 1 17 Five-year-olds and up. 124 121 12.; 122 121 121 Three-Quarters Mile. Tw.. vim olds 77 78 77 77 ... Tine. - ear-old* His lo7 l«i 188 107 1o7 I veal olds 122 118 llil 1 li» 119 11! Five-year-old* and up.. IM 122 123 12.: 122 122 One Mile. Two-year-olds 77 77 ... Three-year-olds 185 104 101 102 PO 104 loin -ye .11 ..his 120 11» 111 119 119 119 Pive-year-ohto aad ap..l23 121 124 121 121 121 One and One-Half Miles. Throe voar olds ! 7 104 17 H 1 1 MM lotir- ear-olds lis 120 117 117 128 1 _" I ive vcar-olds 128 121 124 121 121 121 Six-year old* and up... 121; 12". 12". 123 12". 12-. Two Miles. Three-year-olds 88 88 ••:: 80 88 18 lour vear old- 119 110 117. 117 110 118 I live-vear olds 127. 127. 123 123 123 12.1 Si year-old- and up. 120 1238 124 120 120 120 Two and One-Half Miles. i Three-vear-old* 88 ... os os os. I vear-olds 110 ... 117 119 110 Five-year-olds 120 .... 120 128 120 Six-year-old* and up.. . 127 ... 120 127 127 Three Miles. Thiee veal old- 07 SO 07 07 07 | ar -vear-olds IP. Ho 117. 110 110 I v.- . . .11 ..ld 120 12 0 12i. 120 128 Six-yvar-olds and ui .... 12s 12". 128 12s 12s Four Miles. I nree rear-olds Mi ... 88 88 . . . F ui rear olds Il» ... H" 118 ... I i,- .ar olds 127 ... 120 127 ... Sis-year-oids and up ... 12S ... 128 12s ... THE JOCKEY CLIP. In races of intermediate leagths, the weights for the shorter dfatfaace shall be carried. In races exrlosirely for 1 Inc.-year olds, or four year olds, the weight shall be 120 pounds, and for 1 wo-year olds, 122 neaada. Except in bandieapa and in races where the conditions ezpresslj state to the eoatrary, liilies two rears oM shall be allowed three pounds and m.ues three years old and tij.watd shall be allowed live IHHimls before. Septefflber 1 and three pounds there after. Geldings Khali be allowed three pound-. Welle:- weights shall be 2S pounds added to the weight lor age. In heavy handicaps the top weight shall not be less than 140 pounds. In all handicaps when the added money exceeds 00. the top weight shall not be less than 120 pounds. STATE Pacini; commission OF KENTUCKY. In races of intermediate lengths, the weights for the shorter distance shall be canied. lii races exclnsively for two-year-olds, lis pound-shall be carried. hi races exclnsively for three-year-nlds, 122 poands shall be carried. In heat races Mure shall be an allowance of nve pounds from the scale of weights. Except in handicaps, tillies two years old and geldings of all ages shall be allowed three pound-. rilii— and niaies three rears old aaa upward -hall be allowed live pounds before Sepl.-mliei 1 and Ihn t ....uiuls thi real ter. JOCKEY CLUB 1CABE2L The Jockey Clnh Jaarea has adopted the seals of weights ot iiie Kent nek Si.iic Baelng CoaanissiOB, referred i in tiie precedias paragraph. PACIFIC JOCKLV LI I.. la races of intermediate lengths, the weights for the shorter distance -hall be carried. In a race exdnsivelj for two feai olds ihe weights shall be lis ponada. In a race exclnsively l..r three year olds the weigbta shall be 122 pounds. In h at races 1 here -hall he an allowance of live pounds from the scale of weights. Kxcepl in haiidi.aps ami hi races where the weights are Bxcd stisolutely in Ihe eonditioos, fillies two old and geldings of all ages shall be allowed three pound-, and tillies and mare- three years old and 111. ward shall 1-e allowed live pound- before September 1 and three pound- thereafter. SOI TlIEItN JOCKEY CUR. In races of inierniediale lengths. Hie weights for the shorter disjaic are to lie carried. In a race exclnsively for I wo-year-olds the weights shall be lis pounds. In a race exclusively for three-year olds the Weights shall be 122 pounds. In heat raeis there shall be an allowance of pounds from the scale of weights. Cxeept in handicaps ami in raees where ihe weights are lixed absolutely in the conditions, tillies two years oM and geldings of all ages shall be allowed three poands. and tillies and mares three years old and upward shall be allowed the tii.iiud- before September 1 and three pooads thereafter. CANADIAN RACINC ASSOC! ATIONS. In rices of intermediate lengths, the weights fot the shorter distance shall be carried. W* In ra.-es exclusively for .three ear olds or four m-.-ii old- the weights shall be 12 pounds, and for iwo yi ai -olds IIS pounds. Except in handicaps and in all races where the conditions expressly -tale 1.. the eoatrary. lillie-Iwo years oM shall he allowed three pounds, and tillies and mares three years old and upward -hall lie allowed five pounds before the lir-l ot September ami three pounds thereafter. Geldings allowed three poands. In all races except in handicaps where foreign breds are not penalised a.s sach, horses foaled in Can ada shall be allowed np to and in -lading three v.als. 7 pounds: tour years and upward. •". pounds. Welter weights shall be 2s pounds added to the neigh t for age. In heavyweight handicaps the top weight shall not lie less than 140 pounds. No two vear-olds shall compete in an all aged race prior to August 1. In all handicaps, when the added inonev exceeds 00, lop wetghl shall not be less than 120 pound-. STLEPLEl MASK WEIGHTS. Ai the eastern tracks all steepleehaae races are run under the rales of the Nalional Steeplechase and Hunt Association, which provides these weights: lor steeplechases less than three nuies From Jauuarj I to Augast 31. inclusive, thret years. ;::.". ix.uiids: four years. 14! pounds: Bve years, 1" 7 pound-: six years and over. 102 pounds, li.. 111 S.-;. temher 1 to December 31, inclusive, for three-rear*. 137 pounds: four years. 17,4 pounds: Bve years, 180 I*. itnds: six years and over. 102 pounds. Par steeplechases of three miles and over -Press January 1 to August 31, inclusive, four years. 14:: Hounds: Bve year-. 156 pounds: six years and over, loo panada. Prom September 1 to December 31. in elusive, for four year-. 140 poands; tic years, 138 pounds: -i year- and over 180 pounds. For Hurdle Races -Itoin Januarv 1 to August 31. inclusive, three years. 133 poands; four rears, 112 pound-: Ihe year-. 132 pounds; -ix rears and over. l-" I ids. iron, September I to December 31, in iln-ie. Unci year-. 112 pound-: fear year-. 133 pound-: live year- and over. 101 pound-. In races e,!ii-ieU for three-year-olds, the weigh! shall he 143 1. omuls. Except in handicaps and in races where the weights an Bxed absolutely in Hie conditions, mares shall he allowed live pounds before September 1. and three pounds afterward. CeldlagS shall he al lowed three pounds. For races na the Hat under Hunt Club auspices. Ihe stale of weights adopted by the Joekej Clah shall govern ami in respect of sach race- welter weights shall be u.s pounds above the weight for In the arret the weights specMed by the Western Club and Ihe American Turf A— o.-iatiou are blent leal and are as follows: Jan. April. Jnlv. Oct. Age. Feb. May. Aug. Nov. March. June. Sept. Dec. .2 yea 1 olds 123 129 |:!4 140 4 year old- 1 17 I t!» 17,1 134 ".yea 1 old- 17.7 180 ! ;:: lilt Oyeai old- and up. . I.s 17 1 172 |J3 The rules of the Canadian Racing As-ocialiou-eovernlng steeplechases ami hurdle race- provide thai no horse shall be permitted to start m any steeple ■■base oi hurdle race earning less than ISO pounds When 1 scale Of weight- for age Is n.-i Bsed by the regulations of any coarse or by the conditions" of n meeting or race, the following seals -hall govern: For steeplechases and hurdle race- less than three mil.-s from January 1 to July :;i. inclusive, four years. 14.". pounds; Bve years, 1.10 pounds; six rears and ...-r. 188 pound-. Prom Auuu-t 1 to December 31. Inclusive, three years. 138 pounds: four yeata, l.v. pound-: live years, 183 pounds; six rears -nd over, too ponada. For steeplechases of three mile- and over, Jaaa ii: 1 ;.. Au-ai-i 3i. Inclusive, four yean. 138 pound ; Bve rears. 157 ponada; six years and over, 100 pounds. Prom September 1 to December 31. laelu -ive. f.ur years. 140 pounds: live veals. 101 pound-: -i year- and over, loo pounds, Except 111 handicaps and in all races where the conditions expressly state to the eoatrary, mares shall be allowed live pounds before the lii-l of September, and three ponada thereafter. Geldlaga .1 lowed three pounds. *4

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