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GOVERNOR SULZER HAS OPEN MIND. Albai.y. N. V.. February :;. --Reports that Gov crnor Sulzcr was and was not in favor of legislation wiping out the personal liability of directors of race track* were brought to his attention a day or two ago. "I have not taken any position." he replied. "I am reeding tie report of the racing commissioners Later I will issue I statement containing my views." In their report the commissioners recommended I repeal of the Director-- Liability law, which had the effect of dosing the race courses in this state. Another aewstiaper man asked Governor Bulaer if there was any truth in the report that a bill was lc-ina prepared to be Introduced in the Legislature for lite purpose of placing horse racing in New Tuck Blale on the -.nne basis as boxing and sparring e«.:i tests, now conducted under the. supervision of the Staio Athletic Commission. The Coventor in reply asserted that he would make no stateateal upon the raciag proposition until alter he had devoted his attention to other miters Which he considered of more importance at presoni. However, the Uoveraor added, he s.Min would re-id Ihe si. lie Racing Commission report and give the ■tuestioa due consideration, after which he would make 1 statement u the subject which be hoped would be satisfactory, Intil then the Coventor declared that he had nothing further to say on the ■ uhjet t of horse raciag.