Expect Legislation in Colorado, Daily Racing Form, 1913-02-04


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EXPECT LEGISLATION IN COLORADO. Ueuvar, Col.. February ::. — The Legislature of Colorado will be asked to p.i-s a bill recently intto-■hired in the house providing for a pai i niiilucl iir to n in fatnre racing in the state. The bill provide- for a -omm i-sion similar to that in Kentucky anil there i- every reason to believe that ii will become ■■ law Governor Amnions, before In- w.i- eterted. declared Bhnsetf in favor of a bill o| the kind and the measure wa- submitted to him for approval before it wa- passed to the law ma U I,- body. In the event of the act becoming a law ii is expected thai there will I* a meeting at Over-laud Park in June and perhaps another in Ihe fall. The racing will I..- for not more than thirty days at a time and a- Deavet ha- always been a good racing Iowa ii should no successful. Plwiu Cay lord who i- about to retire from racing as an owner, will in all probability be identified with lie- meetings at Overland Park if th bill passes. He will I..- here shortlj from Juarez io lend hi- influence 1.. the effort for the passage of the arepoeed legislation.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913020401/drf1913020401_1_4
Local Identifier: drf1913020401_1_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800