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TRAINER AND JOCKEY RULED OFF. Lasl Monday the stewards of the National Hun Committee convulsed Bnglish turf circles with aatou ishmenl by tbe announcement thai trainer T. Coultb waite and Joekej B Chadwick had beea found guilt.i of shady practices in eonnecttoa with the racing of c. H.iw.i l-mi - two jumpers Bloodstone ami la ."bus and were ruled off the turf. C. Bower [aasaj who owas the Derby favorite Cragaasur. sfsa al vis.-d to l"..k nine closely into the runaiag of ids borses personally. Mr. Isasaya manager Ferguson was severely censored for lack of anpervTsion. Altogether it was a sensational Judgment, aot re cently paralleled In England. As a trainer of steepieehasen Coulthwaite stood at tin head of his profession in England and had 11 ■ i — than sj Grand National candidates in his charge when overtaken by Ibis crushing ruling, they 1 « ■ i ? 1 -_- c. b. Ismays Jacobus and Bloodstone. ». H. .1 s- Batbnally. Crd Cbolmondelya Still Spin a lug, Captain Grlssells Sir Halbeii and A. H St rakers Wavelet. Last rear Bloodstone was set t" Jerrt M. i» the Grand Kational and Bath oally was third "his year Bloodstom is the lop weight at 175 pounds and BathnaBy is s sd witi 17:;. Chadwick baa been riding with extreme skd! and vigor. Ibis season N ha«l the unusually high winning percentage of nearly .o7. getting home fift -en tunes first and fii times second iu forty on mounts The sentence of the Hunt stewards spells absolute ruin for both these men. They can no longer own. train, ride beraea or work in a training stable, and cannot go Bpoa a race course or even upon ■ canning ground, as such sentences are immediately extended to the jurisdiction of the Jockey Club, the Irish Turf Club ami the National Ooarahag Association, the last named body goerning sport with the greyhounds