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: ; ■ j I ■ j I DAILY RACING FORM. The only daily aewspaftet in exlateace devoted solely to the thoroimlil.r.-.i Iparac and the iaamia« imf. All American form charts by telei-raph. With indexed entries. Compact, coned, rlciiily edited and printed. Publisher of n Monthly Iorm Book of the hlghrat value to students of racing. Handicap Bgrarea an all entries. No tips: just tiie mathematical calraUttsas of experts. The ind ntimlHTs are always eerracL Daily RaciiiK Iorm is a mndrl of correct detail in Be opinions: just the news of each day ny wire. TERMS 5 Cents per Copy. : 50 Cents per Week. : : .50 per Month. 7.00 per Annum. AS PLAIN ENVELOPED LETTER; FIRST-CLASS MAIL. SINGLE COPIES BY MATE. SIX CENTS. in uiat.H in the Dratted States. Canada, Ceathaeatal Btarsaa. Great Britain. Mexico. Cuba. th° Philip-fines. On tale each day before neon la st. Lenta, Cincinnati. Detroit, Ptttabergh. LaatailBe, CMitaland. Buffalo, 1.1! p.niiis belnccu. and sleutly after noon in Kansas Ctty, Toronto, Out., and points between those cities. aAILT RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO.. : : 441 PLYMOUTH COURT. CHICAGO, ILL. | The Monthly Form Book, CONTAINING CHARTS OF ALL RACES RUN ON RECOGNIZED TRACKS IN NORTH AMERICA DURING THE MONTH OF JANUARY IS NOW ON SALE. PRICE 81.00. Bangle eaadea by mail will POSITIVELY only be wnt as recist-red mall, wllb an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for Isioks setit aa leulsr mail DAirY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., :: 441 PLYMOUTH COUHT, CHICAGO. ILL.