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DOUBLE DEAD HEATS IN ENGLAND. A correspondent of the London Express furnished some Information of extraordinary dead heating in Fn-Jish racing, as follows: "Sir: Your interesting references lo double dead heats in horse racing may be supplemented by still more r.-iiiarkable instances: ••At Newcastle Staffordshire, on August lo. 1820, four horses ran for an all aged handicap. Mr. Mytlons Handel ami Sir W. Wynus Tarragon ran three dead heals in succession, with Sir J , Bget tons As t bury third each time. In the fourth and tilth heals Astbury won! out ami was awarded the race. In a race at Carlisle on May 13, 1761, over a distance of two miles, in- Dunns Cadabora ran two dead heals. Brsl with Mr. Pearsons Heart of Oak and second with Mr. Da I tons Bold Briton. The colt won the two other heats ami after the sixth heat having run twelve tniicsi became Hie winner. ••tin September lis. 1797, at Doncnster, Mr Cranio tons Warier also ran twelve miles to secure a .s.."iixi plate. In two nl tin- s]N heats he dead heated with Sir C. Turners Popper Box. "Numerous instances of double dead beats will i»« found in olden times. At Cardiff, in 1803, Mr. Jennet and Cokmel Kingscole ran two dead heats with Highlander and Tango and alter Hie fourth heal. Ihe poof beasis having run sixteen miles agree,! to divide the slakes, which gave lie in 1913.sh0 apiece. At Bibiuv. in ls n;. the Prince of Wales- Pedestrian ran two dead heals with Ml Hellish* Minimi, and. after that, the prize went to another animal. i Leicester, in 1888, Lord Lowtbers Hylaa after running live heals of four miles each won the Burgess, s- ria I 00. He ran two dead beats with different horses. In the inn-dans Slakes. ,i Epsom, in ls7:;. Mr Parrys Arcesilana ami Mr. T. Stevens Cranbonrno ran twn dead beats before the flrst named won !► V two lengths. "There are several mv-s nf three horses running :i .had heat, but oulj one ai Newmarket ■ ! four dead heataBg."