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DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHED DAILY. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. A Dally Reflection of tbe American Turf by Telegraph. Editor and Proprietor. V. H. Bruuell. Associate Editor, Clinton c. Riley. Secretary, Mrs. i. H. liruueil. Entered as second-class matter, April 2. 1806, at the post office at Chicago, llliuuis, under tbe Act of March ::. 1S7.». To be considered and answered, all queries to Daily Racing Form most be sent over the full name end Willi the address of writer. I lie names and ad-dreaaea are nbjeel to ■ local and foreign directory teat BACK NUMBERS ", CENTS BACH. If sem by mail drtt clas only six oeuts. TERMS: Per Week $ .50 Per Moniij l.r.o Mult Veac tt.oo Oam Year 17. K Mil Oi ILLINOIS FKBRI UM 27. IBIS.