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BARNEY SCHREIBER ENDORSES MIJTi/t.LS. Barney Schreiber "as in Cincinnati la I week and tin- big genial German bad a b-t to --i.v on the tarf -iiuaiion. 1 ki"v the snort a/as conning back, and now ivervbo.iv ha- gone horse crazy Wbj you cant buj a bonse now which look- hk- ■ pros pet for an. reasonable cum Ail the breeder are asking 1 time- what their horses are worth, f always claimed that racing would conic back ami was Inugbed al bj such men a- John Madden. In fact, I didnt want to sell in inir.-. but linallx fell for I bell laik ami now I wish I hadnt There is a graud outlook for nning iu Kentucky this year. there 1 something the track managers in Kentuekj si,,,iii i i«- commended for thej are not always trying to win a bet I know both Matt Winn and John Hachmelster and it makes no differ cnec in them who In the rw ea. "All thej want i- good, dean racing and to let the best horse win. Thai instills eonttdence iu the -port, and the people are not long i" recognize thai r cing at Ibelr tracks is on the square ai far aa the track management i- concerned. I tried to get Tom William- to compromise with tbe reformers la California when the antl racing legislation was up ami substitute the par itnels, but be was advised ■i-ain-i it ami a- a result the reformers had then say. Ilie. were perfect I j willing to compromise and accept the noil ml-. No" you see the result 1 :iin oi eld I kiuaker, but I am la favor ol He inutuels. lb.- 1 kaiakei na hi da] and all -I Id _ni/o 11 at oil.. The one big point, in .i. 01 of the mutncla 1- that it overeats « am 1 from .mi in 11 m- himself. And over bet ting bun ell caused many ■ man lo neglect his business and ■ •it times go short. With a bookmaker be could bit marker- and many time- he overreached in limit. H - 11-uail.v dug up the money to pay the bookmaker in some way, for he knew it meant expulsion from Hie race track if he didnt, mid hat im. -Hit hi- o|i rat ions would In lie public II. in I In I markers in tin inutuels and then 1 1,. .- 1- n un ini ie p. 11,-1 beai il. ." 1 hi- 1- .1 pretty good Indor emenl fat the ma chine- coming from a former bookmaker — Cincinnati Enquirer.