High Water Mark in England: Distribution in Stakes and Purses during 1912 Sets Figure for Racing in That Country, Daily Racing Form, 1913-03-14


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■ i 1 1 J 1 ■ 1 1 , | HIGH WATER MARK IN ENGLAND. Distiibution in Stakes and Purses During 1912 Sets j Figure for Rating in That Country. The recently issued Racing Calendar, giriag sta tistics ot tint racing in lailand for the feat I.ml. i shows ibal 1.740 race* were run in England and i s otian I. which were conteated bj 1.001 boraea. I In Ireland "" ; races were run of Ike value in tirsi i in id a fraction ovei 04,170, Iml the gumbet • of hois,- starting la uoi stated, For the Oral time 1 in the history m English racing the total of lir-t I uiouey won iu England was more than two and a hall millions of .lollai-. being the -um of .328. .i.;r..-_."i. Scotlands moilesl total was Siis.iM... The • races In England and Scotland were run at the 1 following distance* : i One hall Mile and under Bye-eightka 38 Pive-eighths mile and ander luree-quartere. .. . •"••ii Three-quarters of ■ mile am! under one mile.. ::l One mil.- •-"• »i I Over one mile and under two mile- I3J 1 Two mil.- and ander three miles 12 The number ot races for two-yenr-tdda exclusively wa- ityj. I Wbicfa .X weie at a hall mile and under live i-hl lis. :I73 ai live eighths and under three ipiai lei- ol a icile. 71 al ! hree ipiartci s or over and under a mile and 13 al a mile. The money won by al! ages waa apportioned a- follows: Handicaps for tkree-year-olda and over. or tkree-year-olda only 62,230.00 Selling baiuli.aps im tkree-year-olda and nver I24..".::u nil Selling races, rscepl for tnru-year-olda. . H0.780.0tJ Weight toi .-co races, three rear-olda and tkree-year-olda and over 809.370.23 Weight for-age race-, all agea, ot two ami three yeat olds •J0.7-. "i.tto Handiiaps for I wo v.ai ol.ls ln-;.:».".l .Mi Selling handicap- for two-year-olds.... 22. otai.no Selling race* for two e.n oi.is S3.205.oo Weigkt -forage race- ior I wo ear old-. 3t7.OSO.OII Beaidea the money regalarij apptopriated by the racing orgaatzatious. matcbea and private sweep stnk" for aa aggregate ol ,300 were run. The following table shows the iiumlei of borseti of different .i-: thai have run in each yeat siine LS73: 2 . im i :; | ear I ear- ." l-ii!. old-. nl.ls. nhls. and up. Tot ii Ik. 1872 7M 330 334 3M 2.0HI lsiii Tiii 3p2 auu awi 2.034 1st; so.". tail 318 330 2.03T 187S S7:i «.12 » . .TJI 1311 2.UP1 1S7P ..844 »;:;.; 314 MB - !!•• issn S2«i B10 :;lt; 2So 2.U20 isst sun ,,s7 ::m 071, 1 .,711 1882 sto 553 232 271 I.HM 1883 830 007 202 :!12 Jdo 1884 SIO 572 204 270 I v.J Ins., ss;; ;.7s 270 203 2. ic!3 ISM. K80 503 293 3H1 2."7ii ISS7 !MS 923 2!Mi 20 2mi7 188S Pl!i BOO 2S7 321 2.12:. 18811 MM 333 27ti "Hi 2,131 1800 933 807 27:: 200 2.103 1091 l. 02 843 2M ::i I 2.:;i" ls:i2 1.iioi 772 338 363 2 "ail 1893 1.108 727 Saw .;ki 2. tits 1S04 1 .2413 770 117 l.V 2,008 1893 1.207 900 117 47o 3.089 ISWi 1,278 BOB 159 all :•.! 1 1 1SP7 1,389 80S 1110 80S .".n.V, 1898 1,304 I.039 .".17 831 :: .57 1 1899 1.438 I.0B9 338 898 3.7k3 lisio 1.328 1.110 380 oss 3..I21 1!«M 1,443 1.179 oil 710 :;.io7 I0O2.. 1.331 1.070 017 702 3.830 iimi:: 1 jii 887 47!i r.2:: ::.o:i7 1004 1.134 sst 458 SSS 3.019 1903 1.297 1.001 .".70 077 3.531 lorn; 1.348 S| 323 mm :;.... .1 ]! 07 1.389 1.007 831 7" 4 ::.7si ]mih 1.294 ]. hii om 77:» ."• 7:-". 1009 1.420 1.0H2 :::! 7:»7 3.S50 1010 1.43H l.ott: 017 7st ::.s,7 1011 1.171 1.092 010 771 o.Soii 1012 1.523 1,089 823 701 1.081 The amounts distributed annually in England. Ireland and Scotland since 1900 am shown herewith: Year. England. Ireland. Scotland. limn ,429,540 38,103 4,125 I0O1 2.393.304 132.135 7:;.!Mi ! I002 2.435.510 llsS.KMl 7 is : 1 1 10O3 2. Li:. Ho 184.811 76.015 10O4 2.377.017 100.021 78,510 ; 1005 2.401.235 102.710 74.175 1!imi 2.20O.0O2 170.438 73,703 ! 1!ni7 2,439.540 173.980 73.580 1008 2.458.020 190.705 .V.. or. I IftOJt 2. ISO. IMC. ISO, 70:, 82.410 IOIO 2.352.960 174.965 04.365 1 1011 2.478.400 179.035 72.2".. 1912 2,529.930 194.170 87,215

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913031401/drf1913031401_1_5
Local Identifier: drf1913031401_1_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800