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s 1 1 1 - • " 1 ANSWERS TO GUERIES. toiiimunieat ions witboat names and addresaes I ! will not be noticed nor answered. No auswera vill U tent bj mail end none by win- anleaa reply pre payntenl is made al time of wiring gnecy. . ■i. Me. St. bonis. Mo. nk ta on Began in race 74-V.I lost H. B. Newport. Kv. Have no knaaniedge ot the mallei inipiircl about. Oeo. I . :.. ituiTaio. v Y Can fnrniak ron chart booka lor the moiitii- named. Hone, Toronto, nr. ;o,«i Day closed at 3" ■• to I, 1 to 3, and 1 to 3 in race 7.;" 0. s. s.. Milwaukee, Wis. Racing at Norfolk is to . begin April 1 and terminate April 17. It M. i: . Toronto. There not liein auhVicnl coming froaa tke Aanrea show u-i to make tke b-: mi Abiiui. there waa bo action a- 1.. the bitter, li would have been otherwise if instead of naming 1 1 certain sum you had bet whatever wa- coming from Azuica on Aliihu plai e and show. I. K. K.. Indianapolis Ind. Home* differ so 1 greatly in their ability to carry weight that a I v INHiuds 1 e or h— would not perceptibly affect tbe -p. oit of one bone while il uiiirhl greatly affect .1.1 other. Dlatance to be run i- inotber importint factor, weight not lolling so importantly in aprints .1- at a mile ot more.