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i MISSOURI BILL IS PASSED. Senate Takes Favorable Action on Measure for a ! State Racing Commission. Jeff.-ison City. Mo. March 14. -A bill for Iln government of racing in Missouri was passed lasl night hy the senate. The title of the bill declares it to be for the pur none of proaaotlng and fostering i.iit associations, and the measure crea«es a state racing commi — Ion. from which i ; -, u~. — mosl h-* secured hy lairs that have horse racing. The act Bays thai nothing in it shall he construed 1 as ni in - the commission nower to license hookmak ing or :,- prohibited by law. Then follows ins clause: ■Ii mav. however, grant such privileges bo| ineon si stent with othej statutes as may be necessarj i-.i the anccesafnl Bulntenaaee of fairs."