Racing Dates for 1913, Daily Racing Form, 1913-03-15

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I I j RACING DATES FOR 1913. Jockey i Tnii Joares. Jaaree, Hex.: November Ls. 1912, to March 23. 1913 199 day-. Charleston fair and Racing Association, Charleston. S. C: .1. aiv 2.7 to March 29 f53 day I .1 inn -town Jorkey Club. Norfolk. Va.: April 1 to April 1? 13 days. Southern Merylaud Racing Associat M.nli.n. Md.: April J to April VJ. 10 da. Harford Agriculture and Breeders Asaoclatio*. Havre de Grace, Md.: April IS to May 1 12 days. -■■iii dAI-iie Fair and Racing Association Alan Ida.: April III to Jnue 28 101 daj s Ko kaway Hunting Club. Ceilarbarst, U I.: April 26 i I day. Kentucky Association Lexington, Ivy. : April 2fl to May s i 1 1 day si. Meadow Brook Steeplechase Association, Belmont Park Terminal. L. I.: April :;o and Maj .; [~ days . Mai v land Jockey ciuh. Pimlico. Md.: May J to May 29 I Ki In l I nited Hunts Racing Association, Belmont Piifc T. i-minal. 1.. I.- Mn 7 and Mac 10 12 days. New Louisville .lo.kiv ciuh. Louisville, Kr.: May in to May 2t 13 days. l.iiric park Racing Asaociation, Baliiiu ro. Md May Ll to May Zl id daysi Washington Riding and Hunt Ciuh Beenlag, !• C. . Mac 22. May 24. and Mav 2C 3 days. Ontario lockey ciuh. Toronto, out.: Mae -*4 to May :;i 7 days M nt real 11 iving lull. Mont real n- Maj 2 1 to Mav .1 -7 daysi. i" .-la- Park Jocke; ih:h. I «vllle. Ky : Mav Id to lime 7 i 12 ibi -1 Mar.v larnl United [hulls. Pimlico, Md I M iv 28 to May ::l i I days.. Rock Racing Association, Locust Valley, L. 1 x June ." lo .Inn, , i :: ,|av - i . W Montreal Jockey CInb. Montreal. gm . June t i" Jane 1 1 1 7 da ysi, I.atonia .1 .el,ev Ciuh l.aroina. kv. . .lime l to .iniv :. ijt daysi King Knvvaid Jockev Club. Montreal tjne. Jnne 1 1 to June 1s i7 day- Coimaiight Park Jocke. ciuh. Ottawa, out. Jnne it to Jane 21 7 day si. Country Club, Brookllne. Mass.: Jane il. Jane 17. Jam 19, and June it tl Nasal. Hnniiton Jockey ciuh. Hamilton, Ont.: .lime lo to July 1 7 da.vs. Montreal lb li mu ciuh Mootn si. yiu, .1 lllle _S lo .llll.v .". I . its V - ■ Niagara Racing A**nc!ath n, iort Erie, nut.: llll.v I Ilv II l7 da,- . w laisor Ian irutinds and Driving Park Associat! n Windsor, int.: Juiv 11 to July 2J i" daj -.,

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Local Identifier: drf1913031501_2_9
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