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NOTES OF THE TURF. H. 1". Coiin of Cincinnati was a recent arrival al Palmetto Park. Some thirty head of horses will he sold in tjp Juarez paddock Thursday. Charles Holders Pnggins won the Prix ne la Veiierie. an 1913.sh00 hurdle ra.e, at Auleuil. in Iraiicc last Thnrsdaj . Eugene Lata will -hip his stable ot horses, in eluding Messenger Hoy. to Norfolk for the meeting beginning April 1. The tir-l of the special trains that will transport horses to Norfolk from Palmetto Park will leave Charleston March -7. Jockey Schweidg. who has been under snnaewaioH sine. the early part of the Juarez meeting, i-i-iliii- Ins pai.-uts al Las Vegas, Nev. Wade MeLcmorcs horses are among those thai will he shipped from Juarez I.. Alan to take part in the meeting of Ihe Coeiir d Alone Fair ami Racing Association. Fred T. w.m„i will hereafter devote his attention exclusively to the breeding of thoroughbreds at his farm at Abilene, Tex. Tailing health Influences him to retire as an owner. James Mm Manns has left Juarez lo spend a month at I. us Angeles before returning east for a summer campaign in Kentucky, when- 0. A. Blanch] will tram a big string of horses for liiiu. A half sister to Htgabridge was aaaong Hie American callings that Irving II. Wheatcroft recentlT sold in Australia. She is by Knight Errant — Duress, by Dungarven, and brought uadj -S-iT.". Col. M. J. Winn will he tendered the position of manager of tin- Overland Park meetings at Denver in the event of the passage of the pari iniituel lull now before the Colorado legislature.