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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. Csatnuaieatioas wlthmri names and addreaaea will not be noticed nor answered. No answers will I I be sent by nail and now by wire unless reply pro-pay nent is made :n Una of wiring query. .1. B. P.. Chicago, a .mil l: each having had a winner were i ipisl in results and the bel was ■ .haw. ; V. 11.. independence. Mo. The disqualification of Mams Johna li.l not affecl the betting, which stood ss tin- burses laished. W. I. K., Chicago. Since yon do not state wbal the tine limit was, can onlj saj that if the bei was nsdr at 4:30 p. m. it was made nearly tweatj ininnies after the race hail been run. A. J. T.. Detroit. Mich. Being sired by tin- sane home 1. hares ami Tarts an- necessarily near relatives in blood, but being from different mares are. through a breeding technicality, not considered half brother and -i-ioi . No replies by mail. E. .1. I. and .1. K.. Chicago. Winn the.v we: • two-rear-olds Silverdale defeated Garry Herrmann in a parse race at Hawthorne, Ma 30. P«hi. Us rj Herrmann was beaten In seven races that year and 1 besides Silverdale such other two-year-olds a- h* Ire. Alard Scfaeck, Mis- Bennett. Bonnlbert. Bel arto. Water Color, Bean Gallanl and Coaroy finished iu fmnt of him in M t another of the seven.