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I ■ . , i , ; HORSES E0R MARLBORO MEETING. Washington, l . C. March is. -Several prominent owners and trainers qaarteree at Beuniag have an nounced their Intention of patronising the Marlboro nicctim.". Dr. .1. S. Tvrco ha- decided to send a formidable string to the Maryland course iu charge of he veteran trainer. Billy Oliver. Mr. Oliver will lake along with him the promising apprentice rider. Douglas Hoffman, upon whom he has a contract. other owners at Beaming who will take in the Marlboro meeting are N. K. Heal, with eight Including HI oro: R. i Carman, who will -end six or eight; M. Kelly, with Dedacttoa and others: John Milhiirn. Waller Congdon. John farrell, John Bnrtl -lull. "Doc" Strectl. with Anarvi: P. C. Evans, John Slack. T. Kodrock. with ledge Walser and three otlers: M. .1. Daly, with his stable of jump era; Harrj Rites, with the horses of Dr. M. -I. Cromwell; .1. CottreR. Lewis Garth, with a division of the big Garth -table, and N. B. Plunkett. from Charleston will come N. P. Davis, C I.. Mack, M. Burns, W. ». Westmoreland. II. Me Cnrthy, W. V. Casey, .1. Davis, T. Ilaifield. J. L. Bryan and the Raymond, Cheek. Day, Ridge, for-rearer. Kellv. McCarren, Minder. Carter. Gatewood, Cabltl. Bryson, Deems. Mcpherson. M. C. Wise. Haymaker and Goodhatte stable-, ii. lit Pcriiham. who will be raetag secretary, has the Marlboro book in course of preparation, .lames Milton, who will do the starting, will reach here from Charleston us soon as the meeting there ends. and the other officials will he on band early. It is planned to make many linprovenienls at the course before the meettag begins, and special transportation lacilitles are lwuii"; arranged for. The Pennsylvania Railroad will run a six-cial train braving Washington at i oclock ami reaching here on the return at not later than 6 oclock. Electric nils coaaectiag with Chesapeake Peach trains will cany race-goers to the loaiae in fifty live minutes.