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SUING FOR POOLROOM LICENSE FEE. sait l.ak. city, Utah, March 18.— A claim far sl.o..n. i . pi. ■ . iii niir i he license money be paid to i he county for the privilege of oni rating ■ poolroom during 1012, wax filed with the county rommts aiuaers y«— p r.iay lu "Walty" Brinkworth and was promptly refused. He may bring suit sgalnst the county to recover. Several days ago In- applied for I i.liini ol the lie. use money paid for the Brsl quarter of I ". • I " : . on the groaad that tie- new law I , -..I bj the Legislature had driven him out of business Thli was refused because the commix aioaers could not see their waj clear to extract the in. .in j from the fund into which it had been placed. I In larger claim presented yesterday i- baaed on the assumption that, if operation of a poolroom i- na lawful, the .01 ii I had ao right to impose the li cense at all.