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RACING COMMISSION TO MEET Lexington Ky April 2 Col Milton Young chairman of the Kentucky Stall Racing Commis ¬ sion has announced that the commission will be called to meet in its ollice in this city at noon Sat ¬ urday April 20 At this meeting the comuiissiou will pass upon all applications for licenses by train ets jockeys and apprentices and Mil pelsons dosli ing any such license are requested to make applica ¬ tion for same to J P Johnston secretary of the commission at his otllce 70 Trust Company liiild ing Lexington Ky not later than Saturday April 19 so that ho may have the same ready to submit to the commission at its mooting on April 2ii Blank applications may bo procured either froin Secret n rv Johnston or from the olllcos of the secre ¬ taries of any of the race tracks located In Kentucky At its mooting to be hold April 21 the commission will take up the question of the renewal of the Kentucky Endurance Stakes for the year 19115 Tills great stake which was founded by the commission in 1911 at the suggestion of the late Mai F A Daingertield has been twice raced for and has proven a groat success There is practically no doubt therefore of the stake being renewed this year and that as usual the racing association offering the largest sum of added money will se ¬ cure it itTho Tho Now Louisville Jorkey Club has outbid aii competitors for tho big race in the past and prod iililv will again do so The slake is not continuous and therefore has to lie renewed each year in ¬ formal action of the commission which adds j 1000 cup